
Does Anyone Know When Eden is Leaving BKLYN?

Does Anyone Know When Eden is Leaving BKLYN?

Wicked .. For Good
#0Does Anyone Know When Eden is Leaving BKLYN?
Posted: 2/13/05 at 1:45pm

does any1 know when Eden is planning to leave? So I can get tickets before she goes?

"sing til you're breaking glass, or you're breaking down.."

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
Wicked .. For Good
#2re: Does Anyone Know When Eden is Leaving BKLYN?
Posted: 2/13/05 at 1:49pm

do you think she will still be there in October?

"sing til you're breaking glass, or you're breaking down.."

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
Wicked .. For Good
#4re: Does Anyone Know When Eden is Leaving BKLYN?
Posted: 2/13/05 at 1:50pm

thank you

"sing til you're breaking glass, or you're breaking down.."

Tiny-Toon Profile Photo
whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#6re: Does Anyone Know When Eden is Leaving BKLYN?
Posted: 2/13/05 at 2:00pm

Do you honestly think it'll still be open in October?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#7re: Does Anyone Know When Eden is Leaving BKLYN?
Posted: 2/13/05 at 2:04pm

Aw, whatyouown beat me to it.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

mabel Profile Photo
#8re: Does Anyone Know When Eden is Leaving BKLYN?
Posted: 2/13/05 at 2:05pm

Ahhh...beat me to it whatyouown!!! I actually saw the show for the first time last night, and while I didn't loath it as much as I was expecting to (from what I'd read of it/what my own show preferences are) it certainly wasn't anything I would be in a hurry to see again or anything I'd necessarily recommend to someone else. It just doesn't strike me as a show that'll still be around around and kicking come fall.

ETA: Aww, emcee even beat me to the "beat me to it whatyouown!!!" Geez!!!

But when did New Hampshire become--Such a backward wasteland of seatbelt hating crazies?...I mean, only 40 people actually live there. The others are just visitors who come for the tax-free liquor and three inches of novelty coastline. John Hodgeman on The Daily Show (1-30-07)
Updated On: 2/13/05 at 02:05 PM

ShuQ Profile Photo
#9re: Does Anyone Know When Eden is Leaving BKLYN?
Posted: 2/13/05 at 2:14pm

Haha...looks like you beat EVERYONE to it. What about Ramona...is she still there? How long will she be there?

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#10re: Does Anyone Know When Eden is Leaving BKLYN?
Posted: 2/13/05 at 11:13pm

ramona is a musical theater goddess!!

cvapb Profile Photo
#11re: Does Anyone Know When Eden is Leaving BKLYN?
Posted: 2/13/05 at 11:21pm

I thought her contract was up in like May.
