The Last Fi ve Years

#0The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 9:20am

Considering the number of fans The Last Five Years has gained since it's original off-broadway installment, what are the chances it will be brought back in the next 2 or so years?

hawkeyemania Profile Photo
#1re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 9:22am

I hope it is, but nothing will compare to the original.

In the words of Mr. William Morris Barfee, "In my whole life I have only been able to breathe through one nostril and today is no exception!"

#2re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 9:31am

It would be nice to just have Norbert and Sherie do a concert version.

Jason Robert Brown and Lauren Kennedy did a concert in Cooper Union a year or two ago and that was great to watch, but it would be nice to see Sherie and Norbert re-create their roles for a night. Symphony Space, maybe.

hawkeyemania Profile Photo
#3re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 9:32am

yea, that would be great, was that concert recorded from before?

In the words of Mr. William Morris Barfee, "In my whole life I have only been able to breathe through one nostril and today is no exception!"

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#4re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:38am

if this show was brought back even for one night, i'd be thrilled. i don't know what i'd do....except maybe buy some tickets!

#5re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:39am

Wow. If they did that I would be so excited I couldn't put it into words. Especially if they had Sherie and Norbert do it... I would definetly have to figure out a way to get up there.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#6re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:41am

I hear that Aretha and Goulet are going to be bringing it to Bway and I can't wait!!!

Beanwannabe Profile Photo
#7re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 10:41am

I hope this comes back!

#8re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:11am

There are regional productions of the show done periodically and of the two I've seen, I enjoyed them both better than the original. :)

It's unlikely it will be staged again in the city when it's available to groups elsewhere.

#9re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:25am

"It's unlikely it will be staged again in the city when it's available to groups elsewhere."

Thats a bizarre statement... If a producer wants it to come to NYC it will. Thats what revivals are... shows done all over the place and come back to NYC.

#10re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:33am

I hope it isn't revived as a concert. Then I will have to pay £500 to fly and see it.

chenofan Profile Photo
#11re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:40am

I would love it , but, it needs to be in a small theatre!

"You look like a Christmas tree with a drinking problem!" - MEMPHIS

#12re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 11:55am

musicalcomedyman, how often are revivals done off-Broadway? Answer: not very.

#13re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 12:18pm

Many shows like Little shop, assassins, Charlie Brown... originated off Bway and found their way on Bway.

Ourtime992 Profile Photo
#14re: The Last Fi ve Years
Posted: 6/7/05 at 1:30pm

I think the point is just the opposite. Small shows make their way to Broadway often enough, but rarely to pieces get revived for off-Broadway spaces. Surely The Last Five Years would be done in a small, intimate space. Even the Helen Hayes would be too big for it. And with the wealth of cheaper, easier regional productions, I don't see a point in a full revival.

I would LOVE to see a one-night only benefit-type concert with rotating actors, like they did for Funny Girl. You'd lose some of the emotional pull of the show that way, but I would like to see a number of great actors try their hands at the different songs.
