Just say it!!!

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#0Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 1:12am

ok...i know this is absolutely terrible...because a lot of people are losing their jobs...but after all...they will probably find another job....because the people working in this show are actually very talented...i just hated the concept and i felt like i have been mugged because i was expecting a Broadway show and i ended up seeing a piece of crap in my point of view. The worst show i have ever seen in my life....yes...i am talking about "Movin Out" ...is anyone brave enough to say they are happy this show is out of Broadway???

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#1re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 1:21am

alright...i am a terrible person!!! i admit it...but im happy for Broadway...i had to say it...end of the subject.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#2re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 1:24am

i'm happy too...hated the show.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#3re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 1:26am

aw...im glad u actually said it out loud...lol

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#4re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 1:29am

believe me, i've said it out loud before. i'm also glad that another piece of crap called In My Life is closing tomorrow afternoon. I will be there smiling as the huge lemon decends upon the stage for the last time!

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#5re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 1:32am

even though "in my life" was terrible...i didn't hate it...i dont want it to close...and let me remind u that tomorrow it's your 4th time seeing the show!!! lol

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#6re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 1:33am

two of those times were comps...

theatahguy Profile Photo
#7re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 1:43am

wow...i adored this show. was moved by the show in a big way. i think twyla did a materful job both directing and choreographing. i'm very sad to see it go.

as for "expecting a broadway show," there have been MANY comments on here an in reviews, etc about it being more of a ballet than a full-fledged show.

sorry you didnt like it...i thought it was exhilarating.

jimmirae Profile Photo
#8re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 2:11am

I think that some of the younger theater folk didn't enjoy it as much as ones a bit older since Billy Joel was "Our Era" and you just had to be there. I got exactly what I was expecting and liked this show, but it's not for everyone. Happy Hols!

"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance." - Elizabeth Taylor

theatahguy Profile Photo
#9re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 2:17am

hey now, some of us who loved Movin Out are some of the younger theater folk. re: Just say it!!!

...then again, some of us who like Movin Out also didnt care much for Wicked & Hairspray and the hipper, trendier shows either...

#10re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 2:20am

theatahguy, it's not "being more a ballet"... it is a ballet. that's all there is to it.

that being said, i loved it and think more ballets should grace broadway. matthew bourne and twlya tharpe are incredible.

#11re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 2:29am


jimmirae Profile Photo
#12re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 2:36am

I wasn't trying to dis the young ones in any way, Just think one might relate more to the story if you lived in that era, However, There are so many "Old Souls" out there, It boggles the logic. Happy Hols!

"It is bad enough that people are dying of AIDS, but no one should die of ignorance." - Elizabeth Taylor

theatahguy Profile Photo
#13re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 2:43am

jimmirae--i know, no offense meant or taken...just being a little snarky :)

adparcey--slip of the tongue...or fingers...you got me. you know the point i was trying to make.

i also agree that more shows like this should be on broadway.

#14re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 8:45am

I'm a huge fan of Billy Joel, but I've never really bothered to see this one. Perhaps I won't?

Who can explain it, who can tell you why? Fools give you reasons, wise men never try -South Pacific

lamentingenvelope Profile Photo
#15re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 11:48am

I like Movin' Out, however I don't think I'll ever be able to take it seriously again after watching the Forbidden Broadway parody. Heh.

cathywellerstein Profile Photo
#16re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 12:00pm

i loved it. though, i don't know if i'd go back to see it again. it was really a great show though. i was moved.

kikki327 Profile Photo
#17re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 1:58pm

how can you say you are happy that a show is closing. just because you didnt appreciate it doesnt mean that it isnt a great show. the cast of Movin' Out is one of the most talented that Broadway has ever seen, and it makes me so angry that more people dont realize that. Movin' Out is an amazing show. not crap.

#18re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 2:05pm

Indeed the cast is extraordinarily talented, and the music holds a special place in many people's hearts and memories, but the way the show was pasted together was hardly masterful. The choreography was not Tharp's usual standard, and seemed to struggle more than the horribly woven plot, if you could call it that.

I wouldn't go out of my way to catch this again.

Christina314 Profile Photo
#19re: Just say it!!!
Posted: 12/11/05 at 10:10pm

re: Just say it!!!

i think that the performers that were in this show were some of the most hardworker performers on bway. the dancing that they did was outstanding! im very sad to see it go..the emotion that they put into their performances was incredible.keith, elizabeth, and john were especially amazing. twylas choreography was unique and modern..and for getting the idea of the show out of billy joel songs is truly amazing and it worked very well.the story line was meant to be loose because dance is very expressive and twyla wanted the audience to come up w/ their own ideas of what is happening or as she said "fill in the blanks" you can see in the pictures below the emotion they put into their dancing...
Keith and Elizabeth
