LaChanze on Sex and the City

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#0LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 2:37pm

she plays a restaurant hostess on an episode in season 2. I was just watching it and wanted to share.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#1re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 2:50pm

which episode?

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#2re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 2:55pm too lazy to check my DVDs but i made a wasn't season was the episode when Big tells Carrie he is getting married at a restaurant and she makes a scene.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#3re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 3:02pm

Jose Llana was on an early episode as well. Same as.. oh shoot i forgot her name.. the original christmas eve from ave. q.

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#4re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 3:33pm

Ann Harada.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#5re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 3:43pm

ISn't LaChanze in the episode where Carrie and Big meet for lunch, and Big tells Carrie he's getting married?
Updated On: 1/20/06 at 03:43 PM

#6re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:22pm

Which is what muscle23ftl just said.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#7re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:23pm


"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#8re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:26pm

Woops, sorry.

You love a good chance to demean someone, don't you PJ?

Updated On: 1/20/06 at 04:26 PM

#9re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:29pm

Oh, I see. ::eye roll::

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#10re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:30pm

Get over yourself.

#11re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:31pm

Goodness, Bobby. I think you couldn't decide what to say in that one post. You changed it several times.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#12re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:33pm

Glad to know you have nothing better to do than watch my every move.

Must be a real fulfilling life!

#13re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:34pm

Actually, I saw this thread and thought about how I just watched this episode two nights ago. And voila! just happened to be acting like a pompous ass as usual. Two birds, one stone.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#14re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:36pm

I wasn't acting pompous.

I didn't read his/her 2nd post about the episode, as it was one big run on sentence. So I posted, and BOOM, you write something snotty.

ShuQ Profile Photo
#15re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:36pm

Now now...let's not turn EVERY thread into a fight. I've definitely seen that episode but I guess I never realized that it was LaChanze!

Christopher Sieber had a pretty good part in an episode in which Samantha tries to hook up with her masseur (sp?) played by Sieber.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#16re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:37pm

Oh, I'll have to rewatch that one. I didn't know who he was when that episode aired.

#17re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:40pm

You never act catty, right Bobby? You're just vulnerable and that's why I pick on you, huh? Poor thing.

And yes. Chris Sieber's episode where he supposedly gives his clients a lot more than just a massage is good. The idea of a massage and then some excites Samantha. When he doesn't deliver, she tries to get the ball rolling, so to speak.
Updated On: 1/20/06 at 04:40 PM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#18re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:41pm

You pick on me because I make silly, harmless comments about Shoshana Bean. Period.

I've backed off. Now you do the same. :)

#19re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:47pm

No. I take you down a peg or two when you act as if you're superior to others on the board. Just because someone enjoys Wicked does not make them inferior to you, Bobby. I'm sorry, but having a username that's derived from Sondheim's work and an avatar of Judy doesn't make you God of all things Theatre.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#20re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:49pm

How did I do that in this thread?

I didn't. I made a mistake, you made a snotty comment, and now we're here.

Updated On: 1/20/06 at 04:49 PM

#21re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:50pm

It's true, sweetie. Now scamper off. A truce has been called.

EDIT: Someone still cannot decide what he/she wants to LaChanze on Sex and the City
EDIT #2: The avatar--very classy. I love me some Bean love. Updated On: 1/20/06 at 04:50 PM

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#22re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:53pm

See, you criticize everyone else’s actions, but can't even begin to examine your own.

#23re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 4:55pm

I chose to edit my posts rather than making two unnecessary ones. Mine weren't changed because of typos.

Truce still stands.

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#24re: LaChanze on Sex and the City
Posted: 1/20/06 at 5:02pm

guys....stop!!! let's kiss and make up...Bobby just skipped a's all good!!!

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-
