
rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
Posted: 12/13/06 at 10:20pm

Did anyone have the chance to see it and should it come back to Broadway?

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

#1re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/13/06 at 11:15pm

Did anyone have the chance to see it - YES

and should it come back to Broadway? - NO

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#2re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/14/06 at 12:27am

I take it then that you did not think a great deal about it, and also thought that it was one of the best reviewed plays of that season.

Can i ask you thoughts on why you did or did not like it.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#3re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/14/06 at 12:39am

Tell us ALL about Jude's scene.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#4re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/14/06 at 7:19am

Margo, by any chance did you see this, would love to hear your thoughts on it.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

once a month Profile Photo
once a month
#5re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/14/06 at 9:54am

I happened to have thoroughly enjoyed this play. I consider it an exciting piece of theatre, very cutting edge in a similiar manner to Equus, M Butterfly and The Goat or Who Is Sylvia? Each production was strikingly staged and quite memorable for me.
When Jude stood up, there was an audible gasp from the audience....or perhaps it was just me. WOW! I felt that the recent rumors regarding his 'limited' status were totally false...the man was hung like a horse, lol! Of course, the gratuitous nudity didn't hurt...but I thought the casting was PERFECT.

I don't know if ended in the red or black...I'm just happy I saw it intact!

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#6re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/14/06 at 10:05am

I loved it...fell in love with Kathleen Turner (never liked her onscreen that much, until Serial Mom) and Cynthia Nixon and Jude Law were both WONDERFUL and sexy.

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

#7re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/14/06 at 10:18am

I thought that both Kathleen Turner and Eileen Atkins were great. Roger Rees seemed to me to be somewhat miscast. Unfortunately, the production got caught up in "ooo, there's a naked young man onstage." The show became all about the audience waiting for the bathtub scene.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#8re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/14/06 at 10:20am

I loved this production - probably one of my favorite revivals of a play in New York City. The performances were terrific, particularly by Jude Law and Eileen Atkins. Kathleen Turner was at times just a little bit outmatched by her cast mates - she is a fascinating stage actress because she seems to improve tri-fold with each Broadway experience - she was leagues better in this than she was in CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF, but no where near the brilliance of her Martha years later in WHO'S AFRAID...

The most memorable aspect of the production for me was Sean Mathius's direction and Stephen Brimson Lewis's striking set design - with staircases that reached forever into the rafters of the theatre and a cluttered Parisian apartment that literally collapsed during the climatic final moments of the play.

For me, the production did everything a revival should do: it reinvented the material and made it startling and new for modern day audiences. The mid 90s were full of great play revivals - this and AN INSPECTOR CALLS were probably the best of the lot.

And Jude Law's nude scene was brief, gratuitious and nice to watch.

peterjoshua Profile Photo
#9re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/14/06 at 10:26am

I didn't know much about this show when I went to see it, and I was a little worried when the show started that it was just going to be a typical farce and that it might not be very good. I needn't have worried, though. I ended up loving the show. As it progressed and got steadily darker and more twisted, it completely drew me in. To me, the standouts in the cast were Jude Law and Eileen Atkins. This show made me a huge fan of both of them. (And, of course, it didn't hurt that Jude stood there for a couple of minutes drying himself off after he stood up out of that bathtub!)

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#10re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/14/06 at 11:41am

Did anyone see Jim Stanek on as Jude's understudy?

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#11re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/14/06 at 3:22pm

Thanks for the replies.

MB rememeber seeing a photo of the set and thinking that it looked brillant, I was in New York when they first announced this production and was hoping to make it back before it closed.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

Rypm25 Profile Photo
#12re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/14/06 at 5:05pm

re: Indiscretions

I saw this production from the front row of the orchestra, and it was quite the afternoon at the theater. I still remember this play quite fondly, and remains one of my favorites to this day.I knew nothing about the story, and was almost immediately drawn in to the 3 act play so dark and humorous and filled with incestuous twists and turns, and I remember being surprised by how funny it was...of course my sense of humor is a bit twisted...(I thought The Goat was hysterical too!) I knew nothing about the nude scene when i went to the show, so that was quite a nice surprise, but i found the language and the story so riveting, and twisted and dark and funny...i just found it to be irresistable! I do see looking back that it wouldn't have been everyone's cup of tea, but I am so happy that I got to see it. Having seen Virginia Woolf as well, I would have to agree that Kathleen Turner was better in Woolf, but she was still great, and the rest of the cast was wonderful! To repeat myself, it will be a cherished memory of my theatergoing experiences!

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#13re: Indiscretions
Posted: 12/15/06 at 1:11am


Thanks so much for posting a picture of the poster, i wish i had the chance to see it, maybe one day.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian
