High FIdelity 12/13

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#50re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/14/06 at 5:36pm

So every major critic was wrong?

I think it is clear why most people like this show:

They want to do Will Chase.

#51re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/14/06 at 5:47pm

Wrong in what way? I've openly admitted various times on these boards that if the show's sense of humor doesn't match yours, you're going to hate the show, because the show doesn't offer much to fall back on in the way of the book or the music. I've also said various times that I wouldn't expect the average theatre critc or even average middle-aged person to find the show as hysterical as I personally did. It's not a show with universal appeal, and I'm not surprised it's closing.

However, I think it's also a disservice to the show to dismiss it as utterly unintelligent for the reasons I mentioned in my previous post. It had what I found to be brilliant comedic moments that weren't rooted in the lowest common denominator form of humor. If you didn't find the show hilarious, provided that you even saw it, that's fine. I get that. But calling something unintelligent because it has a limited appeal... well, I can't agree.

As for your last comment, I think it says something about your argument that you're resorting to petty personal attacks in order to discredit me. He's obviously an attractive man, but considering what I've heard/know about him, I don't find him particularly appealing. Attractive men on Broadway are a dime a dozen - Josh Strickland is attractive, but by no means do I feel that Tarzan is a good show because of it.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#52re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/14/06 at 5:57pm

It was a joke. re: High FIdelity 12/13

Are we still arguing the merits of the biggest flop of the century?

jasonf Profile Photo
#53re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/14/06 at 6:00pm

I'm straight - no interest in Will Chase beyond his abilities as a performer. I enjoyed the show. There WAS intelligence in High Fidelity -- I don't think that was the problem. The book needed fixing, but the music and lyrics were pretty strong, I thought.
I've seen FAR less intelligent shows than High Fidelity succeed wildly (Mamma Mia and Cats to name two).

Perhaps the lack of intelligence wasn't on stage...

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

#54re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/14/06 at 6:02pm

Yes, I'm still arguing that, in my opinion, the show wasn't purely unintelligent and true fluff. re: High FIdelity 12/13 You obviously don't agree - which is fine - but if you're going to make bold statements about a show (even a flop) on a message board, you should also expect to hear an opposing opinion.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#55re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/14/06 at 6:06pm

Well, the show will be dead in the water soon enough, with no real record that it was ever here.

Sylar2 Profile Photo
#56re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/14/06 at 7:13pm

They are papering closing night-- they can't even sell out their final weekend.


#57re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/14/06 at 7:13pm

Are we still arguing the merits of the biggest flop of the century?

Hah. As much as I love this show, that's a pretty harsh label. True, yes -- there's no denying. But man oh man. Aahhh.

justme2 Profile Photo
#58re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/14/06 at 10:33pm

"Vaudeville and slapstick had a style and intelligence behind it."

Every point you were making made sense until you made this statement.

"My dreams, watching me said, one to the other...this life has let us down."
Updated On: 12/15/06 at 10:33 PM

#59re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 1:57am

I'm very suspicious of the closing of High Fidelity. The show had some flaws. None of which I believe warranted a 1 week closing notice.

Somebody somewhere made money on this show. This leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This trend worries me. There used to be producers that give shows a chance and give an audience a chance to come and see it and make their own opinions.

I saw the show 3 times and each time everyone loved it, standing ovations, and I see no logical reason why this show closed as fast as it did. I was expecting even at worst, a healty 8 months - 1 year like Wedding Singer

RentHead2 Profile Photo
#60re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 7:41am

As I am reading this thread, I am sitting here thinking how can a poster be so harsh on a show that you probably have not even seen. Did anyone even ask you if you have seen this show, because that would be my #1 question - and if the answer is no which I am sure it is, doesn't this make you a hypocrite?

Calling this show "the biggest flop of the century" is a bit harsh don't you think? I saw this show on day 2 of previews and you know what, I am going back for a second helping the day it closes because I am enjoyed myself. I didn't need to go in there and be moved like Grey Gardens, I didn't need to be dazzled by the sets/effects like Wicked, and I didn't want to have a concert setting like Jersey Boys. I just wanted to have fun. The movie musicals like High Fidelity and Wedding Singer provide that for me and keep ME coming back to the theatre time and time again. For you it may be a flop, for me it was worth every penny I spent.

And, before TWS gets brought up and hit down I believe it actually got MIXED reviews not all negative and ran a healthy 8 month stint on broadway. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels only ran for less than 2 years - so maybe the movie musicals are cursed, not necessarily bad. Just my two cents...

I made a list of all your faults, it was quite detailed and lengthy too and when I read it through I missed you. Your like a classic Eagles song, you just cant help but sing along even though it sometimes gets annoying too. I just know I want to be wherever I can wake and see you there next to me. **High Fidelity** Love is what I do **The Wedding Singer** Xanadu - Best NEW Musical of the Season!

Nick Plasia
#61re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 12:22pm

"I see no logical reason why this show closed as fast as it did."

Um, because they were selling almost zero tickets after the
bad reviews came out. And because they have been losing money
every single week. Seems pretty logical.

#62re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 12:36pm

I saw the show last night and droves of people (myself included) bloted at intermission. I felt so bad for the truly talented cast that they were given such poor direction, idiotic lyrics and blah songs...this show is truly an embarassment.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#63re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 1:00pm

Was Will Chase back in last night?

#64re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 1:01pm


"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#65re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 1:23pm

Thanks...looking forward to seeing it again tomorrow evening!

TomMonster Profile Photo
#66re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 1:24pm

Lots of people left last night. I was tempted. I'm not a fan of the book or movie, and this did nothing to change my mind.

Will Chase just doesn't have "it" for me. IMO, he can't carry a show.

The score did nothing to move the "story" forward and the sound design was all over the place--no balance. The lyrics had no character voice. There are moments when the book has strength, but the story is so trite that it just doesn't seem necessary to tell. I just didn't care whether they got back together or ever were together...

The set was terrific.

"It's not so much do what you like, as it is that you like what you do." SS

"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." GMarx

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#67re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 1:59pm

I HATE when people leave at intermission. it's the most disrespectful thing to any performer, regardless of how you feel about a show. I can't imagine actually leaving the theatre halfway throug ha performance, because I always give shows at least a fair shot to impress me. Sad.

Thank you, Siamesedream, for expressing how I feel about this show far better than I am able to articulate! I know it's not a classic masterpeice that will inspire generations of theatre goers, but I had fun, dammit, and that was good enough for me.

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#68re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 2:01pm

No logical reason it closed? Wha? Seriously?

#69re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 3:12pm

I don't WANT to leave a show, but if I am bored out of my skull, then I'm gonna go.

TomMonster Profile Photo
#70re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 6:31pm

I don't think it's rude to walk out of a show as long as you don't walk out rudely... Wait for a blackout or intermission.

If you've paid your money and are not entertained, why stay? They get the money; you made a statement: We won't tolerate boring theatre.

Although I never found HIGH FIDELITY boring (which is why I didn't leave), I wasn't having fun.

The worst crime any show can commit is boredom. Some of the worst shows ever on Broadway have been some of the most fun fiascos. It's truly boring theatre that can warrant a walkout.

I walked out of HEARTBREAK HOUSE. I know the play. Didn't like what I was hearing, so left. If it's a new play, I usually stick it out. If they ever revive HIGH FIDELITY (hehehe), I'd walk out, unless they found a better way to tell a fairly dull story.

Bells and whistles can not improve on a dull story. Boy meets girl, she leaves, he gets her back. Classic story. Can work. FANTASTICKS comes to mind. HIGH FIDELITY told the same story set in "the last record store". In the book, that setting becomes a metaphor for growth. Didn't feel it during the show. No character (save, maybe, Dick and his "Tesh" girlfriend") held any interest for me to enhance that classic storyline or find any growth in their characters.

Yeah, it feels like the audience is having fun; then they forget everything. Nothing memorable. More manipulative direction and sound design in order to make this story work than any real dramatic tension and/or release.

It felt like an awkward date, or a dinner without flavor:

I got through it, but wouldn't eat there again...

"It's not so much do what you like, as it is that you like what you do." SS

"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." GMarx

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#71re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 9:24pm

"They want to do Will Chase."

I would consider myself one of the straightiest, malest, tennageriest people on this board and I liked the show a HELL of a lot.

Updated On: 12/15/06 at 09:24 PM

#72re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 9:41pm

"I would consider myself one of the straightiest, malest, tennageriest people on this board and I liked the show a HELL of a lot."


TomMonster Profile Photo
#73re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 10:05pm

I'm so happy to hear that Volley and Scarey loved the show. That's the audience it was aimed at. Unfortunately, that is not the audience that pays for tickets.

It's too bad straight young boys who actually like theatre don't have the selling strength for Broadway.

There is hope, Volley and Scarey, that you can change it. You will be buying tickets for your wives, girlfriends, kids, and hopefully yourselves.

Don't let my opinion stop you from seeing anything or exploring theatre, new or old. If you had fun; that's the point! If HF worked for you, than it succeeded.

Now--see SPRING AWAKENING. Same problem with ticket sales before opening yet got the "reviews". The HF producers were waiting for those reviews and knew that had to close. SPRING got the reviews and started the ball rolling with a new advance. (however meager it grows daily) Straight boys like this show too!! (and their girlfriends, wives, etc...)

We all have our opinions, thankfully. And hopefully, the "straightiest, malest, teenageriest" boys will have more input besides the "Wicked"iest teenageriest girls that the commercial theatre is focusing on.

(Not that there's anything wrong with that...)

I think my ass is covered on that (or anyone who knows me will hope my ass is just plain covered).

"It's not so much do what you like, as it is that you like what you do." SS

"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." GMarx

TheaterBoy7777 Profile Photo
#74re: High FIdelity 12/13
Posted: 12/15/06 at 10:55pm

I saw High Fidelity tonight(Fri) and Will Chase was in.I completly agree with the New York Times Review I truly only remember a great belty end note in Act 1 somewhere and Will screaming something great in Act 2 somewhere, but it all is a blur. I talked to the merchandise salesman and they said they they were still recording the CD his boss said it was a go and to push the CD...we will see.
