
When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in "Jersey Boys?"

When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in "Jersey Boys?"

nealb1 Profile Photo
#1When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in "Jersey Boys?"
Posted: 12/19/06 at 3:27pm

Does anyone know when John Lloyd Young's last performance in "Jersey Boys" will be? I know that he recently announced that he was staying with the show.


#2re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/19/06 at 6:00pm


Rent The best show on Broadway. I was at the closing. BEST night of my Life. April 29th 1996-September 7th 2008 12 years of love "No Day But Today"

#2re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/19/06 at 6:22pm


No, seriously, you might try calling Telecharge.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#3re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/19/06 at 6:27pm

I don't believe even he knows his last performance. He may extend when this contract ends, and he may not.

I believe his current contract ends sometime in the Spring.

Broadwaylady Profile Photo
#4re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/19/06 at 6:31pm

Spoke to him last night at the Nets game. He sang the National Anthem. No mention of his leaving the show.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by moments that take our breath away." "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

Jersey Boys Profile Photo
Jersey Boys
#5re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 4:24pm

I believe he is going to be with the show through April

#6re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 4:30pm

depends.. are we talking about CONTRACT date.. or if he will actually ever show up?

#7re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 5:25pm

"depends.. are we talking about CONTRACT date.. or if he will actually ever show up?"

Broadwayguy2, what is that supposed to mean?

#8re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 5:25pm

that for JLY, showing up to his show is more of a suggestion than anything.

#9re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 5:32pm

He shows up at the night shows. He performs only 6 times a week, instead of 8. John has probably the hardest role on Broadway, and doing it 6 times instead of 8 helps him beat exhaustion.

Just a little side note, your statement about JLY better not have been an implication into whether the man is a divo

#10re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 5:40pm

better not? thats ounds like a threat.

yeah, he does 6 shows.. everyone knows he does 6 shows.. however, to this day, john, his producers, and his vocal coach tell the OFFICIAL publications and trade papers that John is contracted and committed to eight shows per week when everyone knows better. If they openly advertise that John does six shows and his understudies do the other two, no big deal. However, they made claim to the otherwise in a BIG feature in BACKSTAGE about 'matinee evas' claiming otherwise. Their current handling is an insult to theatregoers AND the Frankie understudies.

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#11re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 5:42pm

worrell, I just wanna know what makes the role so difficult, in your opinion. I'm not being sarcastic at all. I'm just not familiar with the show and curious. Is it one of those "he never leaves the stage" deals or just a lot of taxing songs vocally?

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

#12re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 5:44pm

theaterkid, it is a combo of both.

My problem lies not with John, but the handling of John's circumstances.

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#13re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 5:46pm

Thank you very much.

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

#14re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 5:49pm

I understand that Christine from Phantom of the Opera and Glinda and Elphaba from Wicked are tough roles, but how is Frankie's role tough? I've seen the show and just don't understand it.

JLY's Jersey Gal Profile Photo
JLY's Jersey Gal
#15re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 6:06pm

Singing 27 songs in HIGH falsetto would be the main reason. That's more than what Christine sings in POTO.

"Awww! Boo!"

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#16re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 6:07pm

The roles of Glinda and Elphaba are tougher?

They may sing a bit high, but the role of Frankie Valli has him onstage all but about three minutes in the first act, and the ENTIRE second act. Plus, he has to sing most of the songs in the show, in high falsetto.

#17re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 6:16pm

Not glinda and elphaba! 'twas Christine in POTO and Elphaba in Wicked mentioned.
Yeah, try singing in falsettos for most of 2.5 hours. And he sings in 35 out of the 39 songs too.

JB Fan
#18re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 6:16pm

When the Backstage article was written and prior to his new contract he was doing 8 shows or 7 shows a week (always allowed to take off one a week, if he needed to, because of the massive amounts of press the show was doing)...he was handling the 8 show a week schedule beautifully until he had some illnesses, which was discovered as being reflux, and now that he knows what the problem was, he took the right medications and changed his diet accordingly. That being said, his new contract, and the tour Frankie's contract is now a 6 show a week schedule.

Moreso, if you saw the show, actor, you would know that he sings pretty much the majority of the score...lead vocal on most songs, and several solos, which does in fact, add up to more singing than Christine...throw in the combination of moving the voice from a baritone sound up to many songs (if not most) jumping into a high falsetto. Actor, do you sing? Have you ever sung? Do me a favor, sing along with the JERSEY BOYS cast album everyday, how does your voice hold up?

He doesn't just sing some of the songs, like Christine in PHANTOM, who has always had a 6 show schedule, sings in 10 songs (many which are duets or snipits) in a solid consistant lyric soprano, with at least one prerecorded section.

Frankie sings in 27 songs, yes, some are very short, and some are backup, but most are lead vocal for many songs in a row. In fact, ALL of the songs in ACT 2, are sung by Frankie. Every single song, like a concert...including the long "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You", which has many belted sections. In between the concert sections of the show, he is in almost every single scene and he narrates a large section of ACT 2, long spoken passassages. Does Christine do that? No, Phantom has some dialogue, but is minimal in comparison.

I am confused, Actor, how can you say you saw JERSEY BOYS and not have noticed the amount of singing Frankie does in the show?

Seriously, look at the list of songs, in ACT 2 Alone "Big Man in Town", "Beggin'", "Stay". "Let's Hang On", "Opus 17", "Bye Bye Baby", "Cmon Marianne", "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You", "Working My Way Back to You", "Fallen Angel", "Ragdoll", "Who Loves You"...and he sings alone, or lead vocal in all of those songs...12 sings in ACT 2 alone, that is already more than Christine sings in all of Phantom, not to forget that in ACT 1 he sings "Sherry", "Big Girls Don't Cry", "Walk Like a Man", "My Eyes Adored You" and "Dawn" practically back to back. I haven't even included the solos earlier in the show, like "I'm in the Mood for Love", "Sunday Kind of Love" and "Moody's Mood"...

Kind of crazy that you didn't notice all of the singing he is doing, isn't it?

Updated On: 12/21/06 at 06:16 PM

JLY's Jersey Gal Profile Photo
JLY's Jersey Gal
#19re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 6:20pm

Thanks for the info JB Fan. re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'

"Awww! Boo!"

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#20re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 6:31pm

I feel sorry for the man who is actually an alternate, but gets no credit for him. Do Dom and Michael still share the role?

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

JLY's Jersey Gal Profile Photo
JLY's Jersey Gal
#21re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 6:40pm

They still share the role.

"Awww! Boo!"

JB Fan
#22re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 6:52pm

No, actually, it has been pointed out on another thread that Dominic no longer covers Frankie. The role is covered by Michael and Matthew Scott. But primarily Michael.

Why do you feel sorry for them?

lucydee Profile Photo
#23re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/21/06 at 8:46pm

I asked JLY this question
and he told me that it all depends
if they find a pilot for him on ABC.
If they do, then he he will be out
sometime in February then he may
come back for a couple weeks may not.
So we just have to wait and see what
happens with the ABC deal he has.

Hope this helps you!

Feel the Love - Les Mis

#24re: When is John Lloyd Young's last performance in 'Jersey Boys?'
Posted: 12/22/06 at 8:32am

they STILL publicize John as doing 8 shows a week, and contract or not, he has rarely, if ever, done a full week since h won the Tony.. that was before his new contract, sorry hun.
