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Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread

Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread

aspiringactress Profile Photo
#1Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/7/07 at 10:01pm

Sooo, I figure this playwright deserves a thread because he's marvelous. As I was going over Shipwreck, a particular part of Herzen's monologue at the end struck me. (If you've seen it or read it you know what happens, but I don't want to give anything away here). This is the quotation:

"We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in it's flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung, the dance when it's been danced? It's only we humans who want to own the future too."

Isn't is beautiful? So yeah, just share any quotations you love, start discussion, anything.

"We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in it's flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung, the dance when it's been danced? It's only we humans who want to own the future too." - Tom Stoppard, Shipwreck

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#2re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/7/07 at 10:03pm

One of my all-time favorite quotes is "We're actors. We're the opposite of people."

Stoppard is brilliant.

#2re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/7/07 at 10:05pm

Following a long discussion about Beshairt (Jewish belief in destiny):

"Beshairt? You're not even Jewish!"
--Sarah Ruhl, The Clean House.


"I'll have the Cobb Salad with everything on the side."
--Doug Carter Beane, Little Dog Laughed

aspiringactress Profile Photo
#3re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/7/07 at 10:29pm

teehee I guess I was unclear, I meant Stoppard quotations...but I like those too!

"We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in it's flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung, the dance when it's been danced? It's only we humans who want to own the future too." - Tom Stoppard, Shipwreck

#4re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/7/07 at 10:31pm

My bad.

How's "the names for things come last, words come along after trying to become the sensation?"

I think that's it.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#5re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/7/07 at 10:34pm

I believe it's actually:

"The names for things don't come first. Words stagger after. Hopelessly trying to become the sensation."

Personally, I was in total tears after Herzen's final monolouge in "Salvage" in London when he mentions,

"People won't forgive us. I imagine myself the future custodian of a broken statue, a desacrated grave, telling everyone who passes by, 'Yes, yes. All this was destroyed by the revolution.'"


One that really spoke to me personally,

"I fell in love with literature, and stayed lovesick all my life. No woman had a more steadfast adorer."

& from R&G Are Dead:

"Eternity's a terrible thought. I mean, where's it all going to end?"

I loooove me some Stoppard!

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck
Updated On: 1/7/07 at 10:34 PM

#6re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/7/07 at 10:36pm


Thanks much.

#7re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/7/07 at 10:48pm

Yay! This thread is a great idea.

My personal favorite is from The Real Thing:
"This thing here, which looks like a wooden club, is actually several pieces of particular wood cunningly put together in a certain way so that the whole thing is sprung, like a dance floor. It's for hitting cricket balls with. If you get it right, the cricket ball will travel two hundred yards in four seconds, and all you've done is give it a knock like knocking the top off a bottle of stout, and it makes a noise like a trout taking a fly...What we're trying to do is to write cricket bats, so that when we throw up an idea and give it a little knock, it

And, from just a bit later than the above quote:
"There is, I suppose, a world of objects which have a certain form, like this coffee mug. I turn it, and it has no handle. I tilt it, and it has no cavity. But there is something real here which is always a mug with a handle. I suppose. But politics, justice, patriotism-they aren't even like coffee mugs. There's nothing real there separate from our perception of them. So if you try to change them as though there were something there to change, you'll get frustrated, and frustration makes you violent. If you know this and proceed with humility, you may perhaps alter people's perceptions so they behave a little differently at the axis of behavior where we locate politics or justice, but if you don't know this, then you're acting on a mistake. Prejudice is the expression of this mistake."

aspiringactress Profile Photo
#8re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/7/07 at 10:50pm

Seriously this man writes like no other. His work is just beautiful.

"We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in it's flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung, the dance when it's been danced? It's only we humans who want to own the future too." - Tom Stoppard, Shipwreck

#9re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/8/07 at 12:46am

"We shed as we pick up, like travelers who must carry everything in their arms, and what we let fall will be picked up by those behind. The procession is very long and life is very short. We die on the march. But there is nothing outside the march so nothing can be lost to it. The missing plays of Sophocles will turn up piece by piece, or be written again in another language. Ancient cures for diseases will reveal themselves once more. Mathematical discoveries glimpsed and lost to view will have their time again. You do not suppose, my lady, that if all of Archimedes had been hiding in the great library of Alexandria, we would be at a loss for a corkscrew?"

"Oh, you're going to zap me with penicillin and pesticides. Spare me that and I'll spare you the bomb and aerosols. But don't confuse progress with perfectibility. A great poet is always timely. A great philosopher is an urgent need. There's no rush for Isaac Newton. We were quite happy with Aristotle's cosmos. Personally, I preferred it. Fifty-five crystal spheres geared to God's crankshaft is my idea of a satisfying universe. I can't think of anything more trivial than the speed of light. Quarks, quasars - big bangs, black holes - who gives a ****? How did you people con us out of all that status? All that money?"

aspiringactress Profile Photo
#10re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/8/07 at 4:47pm

anyone else have any? any thoughts about his writing in general?

"We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in it's flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung, the dance when it's been danced? It's only we humans who want to own the future too." - Tom Stoppard, Shipwreck

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#11re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/25/07 at 8:31pm

Here are two from him directly, not from one of his plays:

"I learned three things in Zurich during the war. I wrote them down. Firstly, you're either a revolutionary or you're not, and if you're not, you might as well be an artist as anything else. Secondly, if you can't be an artist, you might as well be a revolutionary. I forget the third thing."
-Tom Stoppard

"I don't think writers are sacred, but words are. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones in the right order, you might just nudge the world a little or make a poem that children will speak for you when you are dead."
-Tom Stoppard

and two more from "Coast of Utopia":

"The coming revolution is the only religion I pass on to you, and it is a religion without a paradise on the other shore. But do not remain on this shore. Better to perish."
- Herzen in Tom Stoppard's "Coast of Utopia"

"If something true can be understood about art, something will be understood about liberty too."
-Belinsky in Tom Stoppard's "Coast of Utopia"

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck
Updated On: 1/25/07 at 08:31 PM

alicia_11212 Profile Photo
#12re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/25/07 at 8:46pm

I love this thread! Seriously, like almost half of The Real Thing is quotable. I must've seen it like eight times when it was playing in Toronto. I just loved it- I really couldn't get enough. Unfortunately, I can't quote any of it now; I wouldn't get it right/ verbatim. But I love his stuff. I need to see some more of his plays.

"We all get blue, I say, Hang on tight, I'll be your bodyguard." -Tick, tick..BOOM!

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#13re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/26/07 at 6:34am

Much too long to quote and impossible to distill just a few lines, but the entire "America" monologue from NewFoundLand. One of his most amazing pieces of writing for an actor -- what a set piece and a half.

CompletlyNakedStatue Profile Photo
#14re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/26/07 at 8:55am

Great thread! I'm sorry to say that my exposure to Stoppard's work has been very limited, but I did see an excellent productino of "The Real Thing" this past fall, and I fell in love with his writing.

I'm enjoying your quotes... which of his plays should I read next?

#15re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/26/07 at 8:33pm

I loved Arcadia.

BudFrump23 Profile Photo
#16re: Tom Stoppard Love/ Quotations Thread
Posted: 1/26/07 at 11:14pm

My favorite quote will always be the opening:

"Septimus, what is carnal embrace?"

Whenever I read or hear that line, I know I'm in for a treat. (Reading Arcadia or seeing a production...)

I'm as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo!
