
Jersey Boys Featured on "CBS Sunday Morning" 4/1/07

Jersey Boys Featured on "CBS Sunday Morning" 4/1/07

rebels Profile Photo
#1Jersey Boys Featured on "CBS Sunday Morning" 4/1/07
Posted: 3/30/07 at 12:58am

Christian Hoff notes on his blog that “CBS Sunday Morning” is doing a segment on the popularity of Jersey Boys! CBS News Correspondent Randall Pinkston will speak with the four original Jersey Boys together about the process of doing the show, and the effect the success the show has had on each of them. Additionally, original Four Seasons Frankie Valli and Bob Gaudio will be featured on this piece.

The program is scheduled to air on “CBS Sunday Morning” this Sunday, April 1 (at 9am Eastern). Check local listings for times outside of New York.

Jersey Boys Blog Updated On: 4/1/07 at 12:58 AM

#2re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 3/30/07 at 3:43pm

I made a reminder for it. I got to get my tape ready.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#2re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 3/30/07 at 6:35pm

This will probably end up on that imitiation life gazette website right?

#3re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 3/30/07 at 8:33pm

Yay! I watch that show all the time anyway.
Thanks, I'll forward to friends.

#4re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 3/30/07 at 10:08pm

I hope this is going to end up on the GILG website because "CBS Sunday Morning" airs at 6am in San Francisco. I'm going to try and watch it but that is just way to early for me.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#5re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 10:16am

It was a good piece but I wish they would've done more with the cast but I can understand why they didn't.

mint0621 Profile Photo
#6re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 10:27am

personally, i enjoyed the focus more on the "real" members of the four seasons rather than the Broadway cast. There have been many stories on the cast, and this was an interesting look at the popularity of Jersey Boys in the 60's and now on Broadway

#7re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 10:33am


#8re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 10:41am

That was a great piece. I liked how some attention was put on to the actual Four Seasons and it wasn't a complete focus on the cast. But I think it would have been interesting if they interviewed Tommy DeVito for the story too.

I also like how they included short clips from the LaJolla run. Updated On: 4/1/07 at 10:41 AM

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#9re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 11:26am

I think that was the first time I had ever seen the La Jolla Frankie. I like his voice.

#10re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 12:22pm

That was the first time I saw clips from the La Jolla run and I was impressed by the voice of the person playing Frankie too. Even though it was a short clip, what I heard sounding fantastic.

rebels Profile Photo
#11re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 12:23pm

The GILG website has posted a video clip of the CBS segment on their site. Here's the link:


Jersey Boys Blog Updated On: 4/1/07 at 12:23 PM

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#12re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 12:45pm

wow that was fast!

#13re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 1:16pm

Does anyone know what time the segment ended up airing? I taped from 9-10:30 and it was after that. Luckily it ended up online.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#14re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 1:18pm

It ended a little after 10...I think it started at 9:45ish..I was half-asleep so I could be way off

onelastrefrain2 Profile Photo
#15re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 1:19pm

it was on from 10-10:10 est.

#16re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 1:50pm

I thought it was a great piece and it showed a mix of clips from the La Jolla and Broadway shows. I especially like the fact that some of the clips they showed, you don't usually see with Jersey Boys like alot more of the straight acting scenes and not the musical numbers.

There is a video on Google that's an old interview with Bobby and Daniel in regards to the La Jolla run and it has clips of the original Frankie, David Norona, singing Big Girls Don't Cry and Sherry. After watching that and today's segment, I still prefer JLY.

antiandrewx Profile Photo
#17re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 1:54pm

That was a great interview.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#18re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Moring' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 5:16pm

sorry... little sisters and their april fool's jokes Updated On: 4/1/07 at 05:16 PM

rebels Profile Photo
Jersey Boys Profile Photo
Jersey Boys
#20re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Morning' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 8:54pm

I didnt see anything wrong with the pic. of Bobby. What was it?

JLY's Jersey Gal Profile Photo
JLY's Jersey Gal
#21re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Morning' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 9:29pm

They should've interviewed the boys more.

"Awww! Boo!"

#22re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Morning' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 9:55pm

Interesting interview with Bob Gaudio. I'm curious as to what he alluded to that they left out of the production as far as their life stories. I thought they revealed a lot of unsavory bits so it kind of makes you wonder....

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#23re: Jersey Boys Featured on 'CBS Sunday Morning' 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07 at 10:19pm

I think they should've added in a bit about the touring cast(s) as well, with them talking about it being such a big hit.

But it was a good way to start the morning!
