
High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!

High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!

#1High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/12/07 at 11:21pm


Well the cast has been announced and I'm pleased to see that almost everyone from Atlanta was recast! Everyone there was amazing! They have a new SharpayHigh School Musical Tour Cast Announced! which I'm kinda sad that the extremely talented Patti Murin won't be doing the tour. Anyone know why she isnt doing it?

somethingwicked Profile Photo
#2re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/12/07 at 11:38pm

Murin is going to be a swing for "Xanadu" on Broadway (I'd assume she will also cover Kerry Butler.)

Tonya Pinkins: Then we had a "Lot's Wife" last June that was my personal favorite. I'm still trying to get them to let me sing it at some performance where we get to sing an excerpt that's gone.
Tony Kushner: You can sing it at my funeral.
Updated On: 5/12/07 at 11:38 PM

#2re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/12/07 at 11:49pm

O ok cool! Good luck to her!

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#4re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/13/07 at 3:00am

So this High School Musical show going to be played by slightly older people rather than kids of high school age?

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

TWSFan4Ever Profile Photo
#5re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/13/07 at 7:37am

That cast is the Pittsburgh CLO cast...is the CLO cast just going straight into the tour after it's run in Pittsburgh?

Because the run in Pittsburgh isn't part of the tour, last time I checked.

#6re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/13/07 at 9:24pm

HSM at PCLO is not part of the tour but part of their season. They are using the tour cast but it is a PCLO production, and once the run at PLCO is over,they then head to Detroit to start previews for the tour.

And yes, these are not actually high school aged kids, though many have not been out of high school for very long.

Most of the cast is from the Atlanta cast, and the few who did not join the tour are onto bigger and better things- hard to do, since this show is such a success!

I can't wait to see how things turn out for it! I hope it goes to Broadway at some point!

#7re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/13/07 at 10:38pm

"I hope it goes to Broadway at some point!"

And what have any of us done to deserve that?

-- SDG

#8re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/13/07 at 10:44pm

Oh Lord, is there NO end to the amount of tentacles that grasp and grow from this terrible piece of work? And you thought Audrey II was dangerous!

"I'm mad, you're mad. we're all mad"... The Cheshire Cat

#9re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/14/07 at 10:17am

Just curious: those of you who have nothing good to say about this musical-- have you seen the professional production?
Not high school, not the high school script put on a stage, but the rewrites FOR the professional production along with the quality of talent used.
I hated the movie too. I made fun of the musical before I saw it too. And yes, it is still a bit of fluff. But it also has some VERY real, VERY touching moments, and the talent is amazing. And it's a show that the entire family will love- bringing new people to the theater.
Go see it. Then judge it. Then if you still want to rip on it, at least you will have made an educated opinion.

#10re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/14/07 at 1:47pm

My question is - how are kids who go to see this going to react when it's not the performers from the movie, and it's clearly not actual teenagers?

Andante Profile Photo
#11re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/14/07 at 3:02pm

LOOOOOOVE John Jeffrey Martin! re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Granted, I don't like the movie/musical itself, but I'm happy for JJM.

#12re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/14/07 at 3:35pm

Has anyone thought about the fact that the two "kids"(what ever age they are going to be") that say the "always get the leads in the show" are brother and sister? We know, or should, that most of the lead in those shows are romantically involved and one has to really reach to possible imagine that any high school kid would want to perform a romantic role opposite his/her sibling! Someone wasn't thinking when they put that into print!
Sorry BWAYGIRL2, you are never going to sell me on this show. I have been around long enough to know good theatre from bad theatre ( grew up next to the Hammerstein farm and spent much time there- that should date my age) and this piece is nothing other than commercial drivel. I love Disney World and write for a guidebook but they can't sell me everything they churn out.
Can someone please hold a sceance and channel Cole Porter?I'm outta here on this one. End of thread on my end.

"I'm mad, you're mad. we're all mad"... The Cheshire Cat

#13re: High School Musical Tour Cast Announced!
Posted: 5/14/07 at 4:30pm

I love High School Musical. It's definitely not the best material, but I enjoy it and am wanting to catch this tour somewhere. I'm curious to see the stage version.
