TDF worth getting?

#50re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 4/17/08 at 8:32pm

I too am wondering what INH is???

logan0215 Profile Photo
#51re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 4/17/08 at 8:43pm

He meant ITH (In The Heights)

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

WEBManBWay Profile Photo
#52re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 4/17/08 at 8:47pm

What's a TDF?

Yero my Hero Profile Photo
Yero my Hero
#53re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 4/17/08 at 8:57pm

The Theatre Development Fund. They run the TKTS booth, as well as a few other things. The TDF membership people are talking about is for full-time students and union members only, and they have access to the cheap ticket offers on the TDF website.

Nothing matters but knowing nothing matters. ~ Wicked
Everything in life is only for now. ~ Avenue Q
There is no future, there is no past. I live this moment as my last. ~ Rent

"He's a tramp, but I love him."

jaystarr Profile Photo
#54re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 4/17/08 at 9:03pm

I just renew my TDF membership. Its ONLY really good if you live in NYC or nearby city
and if you like to watch a lot of plays and off-broadway.


#55re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 4/17/08 at 11:22pm

Here we go again ...... YES !

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#56re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 6/18/14 at 4:53pm

Sorry I'm bringing this thread back up, but I figured I'd just go into an old one and not make a new one.

I live in VA (only 5-5 1/2 hours away) and my friend and I come to the city about 4-5 times a year averaging about 3-4 shows during those visits (never less than three shows).

Is it worth joining or should we just enjoy the adventure/stress of rushing every time we go (even though we aren't guaranteed seats and might have to pay full price/TKTS price?)

#57re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 6/18/14 at 4:58pm

^ The national membership is for people like you.

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#58re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 6/18/14 at 5:01pm

^You are an awesome person. Thank you.

macnyc Profile Photo
#59re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 6/18/14 at 5:30pm

When you consider that TDF membership is only $30 a year, and national membership even cheaper than that, it's a great deal! Even if you use it only a couple of times a year. I think it's ideal for tourists who are on the savvy side. With limited time in the city, you're not going to want to wait on line to do rush or standing room, so TDF is a way to get affordable tickets in advance.

promisespromises2 Profile Photo
#60re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 6/18/14 at 5:38pm

Signed up for the national membership. (: Thanks for the advice!

gfaustswa Profile Photo
#61re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 6/18/14 at 6:42pm

Totally worth it!

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#62re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 4/17/17 at 5:14pm

Bumping with 2 questions regarding membership.

I'll be turning 26 within a few months - will my membership expire on my birthday or will I get the whole year that I paid for?

Also - the "Arts Professional" option. I am not a member of any union, but am involved in several professional region productions each year. Do they require a current and dated union card or can I provide them photos of playbills (another option in the description).

Thank you for any help!

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards

veronicamae Profile Photo
#63re: TDF worth getting?
Posted: 4/17/17 at 10:49pm

IdinaBellFoster said: "Bumping with 2 questions regarding membership.

I'll be turning 26 within a few months - will my membership expire on my birthday or will I get the whole year that I paid for?

Also - the "Arts Professional" option. I am not a member of any union, but am involved in several professional region productions each year. Do they require a current and dated union card or can I provide them photos of playbills (another option in the description).

Thank you for any help!

Full-time performing arts professionals
Please send a copy of current and dated dated union card, current playbill, etc. You may also provide us with a link to your professional website.


In case that is somehow unclear, yes, you can send them a photo of your name in a Playbill and it is acceptable. I work in advertising. That's what I did, as did my coworkers.

For the birthday Q, I can't imagine they'd cancel you mid-year, but I'm sure they'd readily answer that for you.