What is their target audience

#1What is their target audience
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:13pm

Aside from the lack of quality in new shows such as Cry Baby and Glory Days you have to wonder who the target audience is for these shows? They seem to be geared to 14 year olds, problem is that demographic doesnt have the type of money one needs to go to a Broadway show these days, so these shows are not only lousy but destined to fail. Spring Awakening and RENT succeeded because their crowd is slightly older and have some income (not all of course but some have jobs). The crowd that Wicked attracts is girls 11-16 but those girls are usually taken to the show by their Mothers or with groups. But I cant see that happening with Cry Baby and Glory Days especially since both shows wont last past June. Most of todays Broadway shows are geared towards tourists and blue haired old ladies but these spoiled "Trust Fund" investors who are financing Cry Baby and Glory Days are going to lose their shirts.

shh282 Profile Photo
#2re: What is their target audience
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:15pm

1. I think Wicked has a much larger target demographic than 11-16 aged girls.
2. Cry-baby , I think is trying to get any audience that shows based on the same era have- ie Grease and Hairspray
3. Glory Days is probably a split demographic between those who hardly remember high school and those who are the same age as the characters

osage08 Profile Photo
#2re: What is their target audience
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:19pm

Autographhound- Glory days is about 4 college freshmen reminiscing about their friendship and how things have changed. Why do you think it would be targeted towards early teenagers who have yet to enter college?

"Perhaps, when we remember wars, we should take off our clothes and paint ourselves blue and go on all fours all day long and grunt like pigs." Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#3re: What is their target audience
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:22pm

This has nothing to do with your question, but I'd love to know how you can figure that Glory Days won't last past June after 3 days of previews?

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The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#4re: What is their target audience
Posted: 4/25/08 at 6:29pm

Everytime I have seen Wicked the crowd was mostly adults and maybe about 2 or 3 dozen youngsters. Except for Kids on Broadway night.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

uncageg Profile Photo
#5re: What is their target audience
Posted: 4/25/08 at 6:33pm

Both times I saw Wicked, once on Broadway and once in Denver, the crowd was 90 percent adults.

Just give the world Love.

Chason2 Profile Photo
#6re: What is their target audience
Posted: 4/25/08 at 7:18pm

People I know look forward to CRY BABY because it's another John Waters transfer from film to stage - like HAIRSPRAY. I loved the film of CRY BABY, and I expect to like the play a bit better than some people have (I loved TARZAN - so there you go). I guess you can't please all of the people all of the time, right?

#7re: What is their target audience
Posted: 4/29/08 at 1:42pm

I saw the show in D.C. where it was little more than a work shop and it hasnt improved much since it came to Broadway. If developed a bit more it could turn out to be a good show but its been brought to Broadway way too soon. For the sake of the actors in it I hope that it last well into the fall, but unfortunately I cant see that happening.

cello_dude Profile Photo
#8re: What is their target audience
Posted: 4/29/08 at 1:51pm

I was thinking about this too and the one show that seems to be right on the money is Jersey Boys. Besides having a solid book the show targets 45-65 year olds. The PRIME theater-going audience. Also the show caters equally to both males and females thus making it something you can see with the guys, your girlfriends or on a date.
