
How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?

How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#1How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/4/08 at 10:10am

I'm going to see Spamalot not this weekend but next. My friend is pretty much insistant about stagedooring and meeting Clay. The whole idea of seeing Clay let alone meeting him has be grinding my teeth but it is what it is. I'd like to know if anyone has any experiences with Clay. Does he sign? Pose for pictures?

If he doesn't sign or pose I could tell her beforehand and, maybe, be able skip the stage door.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".
Updated On: 11/4/08 at 10:10 AM

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#2re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/4/08 at 10:15am

I have not been there but I heard he does sign and he is friendly. I don't know about pictures.

#2re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/4/08 at 11:28am

"Does he sign? Pose for pictures? "

Yes he does, so make sure you don't lie about him to your friend. re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#3re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/4/08 at 12:07pm

Maybe that's something you would consider doing but it's not something I'd think of.

I admit that I have no desire to meet Clay but I wouldn't lie to her just to save myself from waiting at the stage door.

I had heard tales about how crowded the Spamalot stage door can be and I thought, if there was no hope of her meeting him, I could simply save her the disappointment of possibly being blown off.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#4re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/4/08 at 12:14pm

The stage door is less crowded than it was during Clay's first run. If your friend can get to the front of the barricade, she'll have a good chance of meeting him.

donnak Profile Photo
#5re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/4/08 at 12:49pm

We went a few weeks ago on a Friday night, and there were only a few of us at the stagedoor. But, Clay had called out that night, so that could have been why. I am sure it is busier when he is on.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#6re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/4/08 at 1:59pm

I forgot to mention that it's the matinee. Does that make a difference?

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

BroadwayBelle2 Profile Photo
#7re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/4/08 at 2:32pm

It might - some actors want to rest after a matinee and don't come out to the stagedoor. But maybe Clay does - I guess it depends on the actor.

MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
#8re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/4/08 at 3:55pm

Sunday Nov 2 matinee.

[IMG]re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?

That Groovy Guy Profile Photo
That Groovy Guy
#9re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/4/08 at 4:31pm

No way! Is that Santa Claus stage-dooring in the background?

"Oh some like it hot, but I like it *really* hot." - Heat Miser

#10re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/4/08 at 5:48pm

All that commotion for some two bit wanna be?

#11re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/5/08 at 12:10am

"All that commotion for some two bit wanna be?"

No, that would be you. Petty, jealous, and most likely talentless wannabe who cannot stand the fact that Clay Aiken is more successful than you can ever hope to be.

Here, let me rub it in. You will never see your name up there.

re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?

MassiveMeGo Profile Photo
#12re: How bad has the Spamalot stage door been lately?
Posted: 11/5/08 at 12:20am

"No way! Is that Santa Claus stage-dooring in the background?"

It is Bruce Vilanch.
