
"Hedda Gabler"- 1st Preview/Review

"Hedda Gabler"- 1st Preview/Review

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#1"Hedda Gabler"- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/6/09 at 11:34pm

Wow.... was that bad !!! I dont know what else to say.

For starters, some of the worst directing that I have ever witnessed. The show is all over the place.

The set was ok--- nothing spectacular, but nothing really needed. The lighting was fine.

Best part of the show was the background music !!!

As bad as the directing is, the acting might be worse !

Some of the worst ensemble acting that I have ever seen. MLP does the best work (not surprising) of a bad lot, but seems to be brought down to the level of the others actors (and the poor directing.) Michael Cerveris overacts to the max !!!

Lois Markle and Helen Carey (in smaller roles) are decent.

The problem (or problems) are Paul Sparks, Peter Stormare (liked him very much in "Chocolat"), and Ana Reeder.

They are absolutely dreadful.

By the second act, it almost seemed like Parker had given up !

I felt myself not caring about one single character.

Just a complete mess. So glad that I only paid $10 !!

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#2re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/6/09 at 11:42pm



ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#2re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/6/09 at 11:44pm

This is very sad news. I'm sure it'll pick up soon enough. It was only the first preview after all. Good news about MLP though, I guess. Not surprising though.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#3re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/6/09 at 11:50pm

I just got from the first preview as well, and I pretty much echo your thoughts. This production, although being a wonderful show in and of itself, is in VERY rough shape.

The direction is indeed terrible and seems to be all over the place. The supporting cast seems to be in a competition with cast of American Buffalo for worst ensemble acting.

Testing, I do disagree with you about Michael Cerveris and Mary Louise Parker. I think Michael was the only one up there who had created an interesting character.

I'm actually really fond of Parker as an actress, but this role was all wrong for her. It certainly didn't help that she didn't have good support to act off of, but she didn't make many wise acting choices, especially in the second act. I felt like she brought too much modernity to the role. The line delivery was too sarcastic and felt out of place with the setting. Maybe this could be explained by the direction...

Everything the brilliant production of The Seagull did right, this did wrong. I went in wanting to love this, but sadly walked away disappointed.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#4re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/6/09 at 11:51pm

Aw that's a shame. Although I'd see MLP in anything. Hopefully they'll clean things up by opening night?

A few general q's, about how long was the show with intermission? Also, does Mary Louise stage door?

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#5re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/6/09 at 11:55pm

While the show might get "tighter", (the best case scenario is the on-stage chemistry between Cerveris and Parker improving), I really dont see the show becoming much better.

Its really all over the place, and the cast, outside of Cerveris, (who I really think was forcing his lines all night)
and Parker, are simply dreadful.

Ana Reeder is truly terrible, (not the only one) in a role that simply cant have someone that bad playing it !!!

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#6re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/6/09 at 11:59pm

The show was about 2 and a half hours with intermission...and you felt every minute of it!

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#8re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:01am

Show ran 10:20 with the intermission.

I think that is where the disagreements are going to come with this production... Mr. Cerveris' performance. I just thought he was so over-the-top. But, I think other people might like him.

The ensemble--- I dont think anyone can argue that they are dreadful. And why did everyone speak with a different accent !!!???

In a day and age where theatre-goers give standing ovations for just about anything, the fact that I could not spot one single person standing at the end speaks volumns about the general consensus of the show.

scaryclowns223 Profile Photo
#9re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:03am

Thanks for the feedback Testing!

What did you think of Christopher Shinn's translation?

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#10re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:04am

Testing: Thanks for commenting about the accents!!! It was crazy how many accents were thrown around that stage tonight. I think Peter Stormare may have contributed 3 or 4 alone.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#11re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:11am

<< Testing: Thanks for commenting about the accents!!! It was crazy how many accents were thrown around that stage tonight

I think Peter Stormare may have contributed 3 or 4 alone. >>

LOL !!! Yes... and like I said, really liked him in "Chocolat"!

What was up with that--- was he channeling Peter Sellers in the "Pink Panther" movies !!!??

And was Paul Sparks supposed to be John Wayne !?

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#12re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:15am

I liked Stormare a lot in Dancer in the Dark, so I don't know what happened either.

Paul Sparks definitely could have been in an old John Wayne/Gary Cooper tough man movie. He certainly was not acting in the same show as everyone else.

I would also like to comment there was some unintentional laughter during the final lines of the play. I guess some audience members found the whole thing too ridiculous.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#13re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:18am

<< I would also like to comment there was some unintentional laughter during the final lines of the play. I guess some audience members found the whole thing too ridiculous. >>

The final LINE of the play had our entire section laughing !!! Thats how poorly it was delivered !!!!

Did Debbie Allen secretly direct this production !!???
Updated On: 1/7/09 at 12:18 AM

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#14re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:25am

Did Debbie Allen secretly direct this production !!???


WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#15re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:25am

Testing, you and I are on the same wave length!! I totally felt like this was the sitcom version of Hedda Gabler: Rhoda's next door neighbor. I felt MLP was playing it was too much for laughs. I don't know how much of that was her choice and how much was the director.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

jennyish Profile Photo
#16re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:28am

Ugh, this is such a shame to hear. I'm seeing this Friday - maybe it'll improve by then.

I expected better, considering how lovely The Seagull was.

I chose, and my world was shaken. So what? The choice may have been mistaken. The choosing was not.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#17re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:33am

<< Testing, you and I are on the same wave length!! I totally felt like this was the sitcom version of Hedda Gabler: Rhoda's next door neighbor. I felt MLP was playing it was too much for laughs. I don't know how much of that was her choice and how much was the director. >>

Guess they had to choose between audience laughing, or audience snoring.... they ended up with both !

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#18re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:34am

Oh, God, the ending of HEDDA should not have people laughing. It just shouldn't.

People just don't do that.

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#19re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:37am

<< Oh, God, the ending of HEDDA should not have people laughing. It just shouldn't.

People just don't do that.>>

Agree. Unless they were all so giddy at the thought that the show was over !!! I am telling you..... Debbie Allen is to blame !!!

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#20re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:38am

That was the third consecutive clunker from Roundabout at the AA Theater. I can't believe that the same director was at the helm of The Seagull. The accents were all over the place, especially from Stormare. Parker played everything for laughs, not a hint of subtlety. There didn't seem to be any chemistry between any of the actors... not a spark of life. The only bright point for me was Cerveris, who seemed to be the only one exuding emotion. And that last line... wow I totally understand why it elicited laughter... that deliver was stunning. The adaptation used some colloquialisms and other somewhat more contemporary phrasing. The music, while cool, was ridiculously out of place. The sound design also featured noises that resembled scraping, shuffling, and things creaking.

What was hysterical to me was reading an interview with Parker in the playbill with her talking about how she didn't want the play to "be a bunch of people pushing footstools around." And how does the show start? With Hedda re-arranging the furniture!

Wow.... just wow.

The signs in the lobby indicated the first act was 65 minutes, second act 45, with a 15 intermission. My math says that's two hours and five minutes. It was really closer to 2:15, because we were out by 10:20 and it started about five minutes late.
Updated On: 1/7/09 at 12:38 AM

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#21re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:43am

<< The signs in the lobby indicated the first act was 65 minutes, second act 45, with a 15 intermission. My math says that's two hours and five minutes. It was really closer to 2:15, because we were out by 10:20 and it started about five minutes late. >>

Frogs--- we should have taken your advice, and gotten smashed prior to the show !!!

Honestly, I have watched the "Godfather" trilogy at a single sitting, and it didnt seem as long !

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#22re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:52am

Oh man, I think we all would have laughed a lot more at the final line if we did that.

Well, there's always the first preview of The Philanthropist!

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#23re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:55am

"Well, there's always the first preview of The Philanthropist!"

hahaha...so true. Don't forget about Waiting For Godot either!

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

#24re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 12:59am

i thought the curtain call was very awkward. MLP looked like she wanted to run off the stage. Group bow. MLP solo bow - to very nice applause btw - another group bow then they all dashed backstage.


was it my imagination or had Hedda just finished masturbating while watching herself in the mirror when the lights came up?

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#25re: 'Hedda Gabler'- 1st Preview/Review
Posted: 1/7/09 at 1:09am

That's certainly what it looked like.

And did anyone else notice that Paul Sparks' left ear was bleeding in the second act?
