Legally Blonde in Des Moines

Song and Dance
#1Legally Blonde in Des Moines
Posted: 2/23/09 at 9:58pm

Interested in hearing thoughts and or reports from Des Moines about the show. Please post.

#2re: Legally Blonde in Des Moines
Posted: 2/23/09 at 11:52pm

Just out of curiosity, why specifically Des Moines?

yankees1253 Profile Photo
#2re: Legally Blonde in Des Moines
Posted: 2/24/09 at 1:10am

i dont know. it is home to shawn johnson 2008 gold medalist in womens balance beam.

skander2 Profile Photo
#3re: Legally Blonde in Des Moines
Posted: 2/24/09 at 2:11am

becky's back in des moines, correct?

Azuah. Profile Photo
#4re: Legally Blonde in Des Moines
Posted: 2/24/09 at 2:13am

should be, Laura Bell's last show was apparently yesterday.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#5re: Legally Blonde in Des Moines
Posted: 2/24/09 at 2:14am

Just out of curiosity, why specifically Des Moines?

It's the tour's next stop, beginning Tuesday, I believe.

#6re: Legally Blonde in Des Moines
Posted: 2/24/09 at 2:23am

^Oh, I know that, but I was just wondering if there was a reason the poster was interested in the DM stop over other tour stops. Which I realize now is probably due to Becky's return.

#7re: Legally Blonde in Des Moines
Posted: 2/24/09 at 4:39pm

And Lauren's last show as Elle for now is opening night in Des Moines

#8re: Legally Blonde in Des Moines
Posted: 2/26/09 at 11:14am

Any reviews of Becky's first performance back from her injury?
