Saw N2N last night...

#1Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 4:10pm

and I don't get the hype. Maybe it's just me but I found nothing that great about this show. I love the cast recording and deal with some of the issues(being bipolar myself) that go on in the show but couldn't get into it.

Alice is one of the best actresses I ever saw but her voice made me want pull the hair out of my head. Jennifer was the highlight of the whole show for me. Kyle Dean was too.

OK I'm ready to get blasted by people on here. Saw N2N last night...

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

SNAFU Profile Photo
#2re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 4:27pm

You won't get blasted from me. I disliked the show tremendously. Thought it was an overrated Lifetime Movie of the week set to music (which all sounded the same).

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#2re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 4:29pm

They can't just all be Wicked, can they Val?

adamgreer Profile Photo
#3re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 5:00pm

The show requires a certain intellectual investment. This isn't Wicked or Legally Blonde. You have to think. This probably flew right over your head, Val.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#4re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 5:08pm

So, am I to gather if you didn't like Next to Normal you lack an intellect to invest? I thought and found it as engaging as a Lifetime Special. I really don't get the hype.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

alightinthedark23 Profile Photo
#5re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 5:12pm

'Next to Normal' is definitely not a good show choice if you're looking for a relaxing time where you can enjoy your 2 1/2 hours. I believe certain times call for certain shows. The show takes your emotions on a roller coaster ride. It requires your attention and leaves the audience thinking through the whole show.

"It's about the Benjamins, not the Bernsteins."-CapnHook
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 05:12 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#6re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 5:14pm

Welcome to the boards alightinthedark23!!!!!!

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#7re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 5:15pm

Different musicals appeal to different people for different reasons. DG probably just isn't in a place in her life where she can relate to any of the characters or situations from Next To Normal, and the 'rock' style of the music is not for everyone, either. Plenty of people love Wicked and Next to Normal both, for reasons entirely unrelated to how 'intellectual' they are.

I love your username, alightinthedark!

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 05:15 PM

SNAFU Profile Photo
#8re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 5:16pm

Ha, yeah I was thinking through the whole show:"When's this gonna end?"

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#9re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 5:16pm

... issues(being bipolar myself) that go...

steven22 Profile Photo
#10re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 5:25pm

I'm sorry you didn't see what a lot of others see in N2N...and I'm glad to hear Kyle Dean Massey was good

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#11re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:00pm

different strokes. personally, i hated curtains.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

legally_popular Profile Photo
#12re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:15pm

That's a shame you didn't like it, but I think that's great that you gave it a chance considering this type of musical isn't normally your cup of tea.

GYPSY1527 Profile Photo
#13re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:17pm

Yikes, the vultures are out tonight.

I personally pride myself on seeing a variety of off-broadway and broadway shows and have seen most from the past 5 or 6 seasons. My favorite shows happen to be Caroline or Change, Gypsy and Ragtime. Knowning that, I found Next to Normal extremley over-rated and the music, set design especially and acting contrived.

Happy...Everything! Kaye Thompson

BwayTday Profile Photo
#14re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:35pm

I think I would be an example of someone who loves both N2N and Wicked. I think they are both great, but for different reasons.

Well..... at least you saw it and had the respect to not walk out

steven22 Profile Photo
#15re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:41pm

I also love both N2N and Wicked

SNAFU Profile Photo
#16re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 6:57pm

dramamama Curtains was definitely on my dislike list too. Thought it strove for mediocrity and fell sadly short.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#17re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 7:02pm

Why can't we just agree to disagree? Or attempt to have a conversation the differing opinions?

Conversations where two people have opposite opinions on something are interesting and engaging when they can both be mature enough to listen to what the other person has to say and back up their opinions with explanations. There literally hasn't been a discussion like this in years on BWW. And if there was, I missed it.

What's the point in virtually calling the OP unintelligent or saying that she didn't enjoy it because it required thinking? Maybe (gasp!) she just actually didn't like the show and it has nothing to do with her IQ whatsoever.

I love WICKED and NEXT TO NORMAL. But for very different reasons.
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 07:02 PM

#18re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 7:03pm


re: Saw N2N last night...

(I'm just joshin', tho. eta: I love that avatar Aaron always seems to be glancing sidelong with offense at everything I post.)
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 07:03 PM

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#19re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 8:13pm

I think it's funny that while most people on this site seem to agree that Wicked is mediocre and Little Mermaid is terrible, Wicked lovers are constantly labeled with being unintelligent and Little Mermaid fans are pretty much ignored on subjects not related to Little Mermaid. Not that I'm complaining about the lack of Mermaid bashing, of course!

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy
Updated On: 6/15/09 at 08:13 PM

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#20re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 8:17pm

Funny Craww. In the instance of Val it applies.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#21re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 8:18pm

What's the point in virtually calling the OP unintelligent or saying that she didn't enjoy it because it required thinking? Maybe (gasp!) she just actually didn't like the show and it has nothing to do with her IQ whatsoever.

You don't know the original poster. My statement applies only to her, not to others who dislike the show.

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#22re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 8:20pm

Defyinggravity07... the last time I checked, your username had the title of a song from Wicked in it. And I get that you don't like Val, but when your running gag is bringing up Wicked all the time on her threads, it seems just a tad hypocritical.

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#23re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 8:20pm

Point taken. Kinda. re: Saw N2N last night...

BwayTday Profile Photo
#24re: Saw N2N last night...
Posted: 6/15/09 at 8:24pm

of course, because all Wicked fans are just crazed obbessed Fanzels and Little Mermaid Fans are just plain insane

just playin'
