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Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 8/14/14 at 10:00am



"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 8/14/14 at 10:00 AM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/14/14 at 11:22am

Erik, they aren't not on Hulu, as far as I know. My brother was looking older seaons recently an couldn't find them.

Hashtag EscapeGoat made me laugh so hard. There were a couple other malapropisms last night by others (Nicole was one, i think), but I can't remember what they were.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/14/14 at 12:06pm

I hate Christine so much!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 8/14/14 at 12:26pm

Zach and Frankie are both playing like idiots and Derrick is just managing to squeak by, but he seems to put the most thought in the moves he makes. Really felt sorry for Nicole, though I blame Zach more than I do Christine. Christine thinks she's playing her own game, but she really allows her decisions to be manipulated by others.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/14/14 at 2:02pm

It just made me mad that she didn't even talk to Nicole before she put her up. She should have done we Derrick did and asked her in front of everyone.
Christine is stupid if she thinks any one of her fellow "Detatnators", or whatever they call themselves now, have her back. The girls have played a really awful game. Getting picked off one by one.
After last night, if Nicole goes home, Victoria will be my new favorite.

jasonf Profile Photo
Posted: 8/15/14 at 11:38am

I seriosuly hate Christine. First, I don't get her lying all over Cody etc., but that's her husband's issue. If I were him, divorce papers would be waiting for her.

But that's not why I hate her. She made a deal with Nicole and Hayden very early in the game that they would stick by each other. She chose a group of four guys and her over the pair of her and Nicole?? Nicole went out on HER HOH. It was literally one of the worst gameplay moves I can remember in Big Brother history. She has ZERO chance at making it to the end (which is some comfort), but wow, just an incredibly dumb move.

On top of THAT, she's just a nasty person. A couple of nights ago they heard some people calling over the wall saying "I love you Zach!" Derrick came in all excited to tell Zach, and Christine comes in and starts saying "It sounded like a hag" and other nasty stuff - she's just a bitter person. I understand she may have issues with her looks etc., but just because you're physically unattractive, that doesn't mean your personality has to match suit.

Sorry for ranting - I've been wanting to get that off my chest.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/15/14 at 11:43am

and Christine comes in and starts saying "It sounded like a hag" and other nasty stuff

It's funny say that, because I remembering reading a recap of the live feeds a while back, and the person recounting them gave the impression that, as a general rule, Christine seems to have problems with other women.

Updated On: 8/15/14 at 11:43 AM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/15/14 at 11:46am

I really hope Nicole is the one who gets to come back into the house and send Christine home.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/15/14 at 12:19pm

Of the ones who have made the jury so far, I'd want Nicole to go back, too. The only exception would be me if my beloved Cody got sent packing, but I don't think he will be any time soon. I think he always looks so uncomfortable with the direction his alliance is going, but he still votes with them every time.

jasonf Profile Photo
Posted: 8/15/14 at 12:26pm

There's almost no chance Cody would go out this week with Derrick and Frankie in charge. The target, I believe, is Donny, despite what Derrick says.

I'm also really glad the Team America mission won't screw up their game this week. I think it's ridiculous that they've been able to say, "Nah, not going to do that." They should lost money for not completing the tasks. And it was BS that Amber was a physical threat and they gave the that one. MAYBE she was the biggest physical threat amongst the women (though I would have given that to Nicole), but there were at least three guys who were more of a threat than her.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/15/14 at 12:33pm

I'm of a couple minds about Team America, but ultimately I kind of feel like it was foisted upon them and so many of the challenges could/would be really destructive to the players' games if they get caught. I just can't feel too harshly towards any of them not wanting to mess with some of the challenges. I totally agree that choosing Amber and getting the money for it was BS, though.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/15/14 at 12:33pm

Updated On: 8/15/14 at 12:33 PM

Posted: 8/15/14 at 4:41pm

Phyllis, it's ironic to hear that Christine referred to another as a hag. Weeks ago, on Big Brother Network, posters were referring to her as the Sea Hag from Popeye.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/18/14 at 12:01am

This is from the life he leads the day of the last live show. It is beautiful. Start at about 5:50.
Zach Updated On: 8/18/14 at 12:01 AM

Posted: 8/18/14 at 2:02pm

ArtMan, sorry I just saw your post. BBAD was good that night because it was when Frankie revealed who his sister was to the other house guests. Also, Frnakie and Zach were fighting that night. It was better live than the edited version.

Honestly, I am so over everyone in that house except for Donny. It would take a miraculous act of God for Donny to win, which is probably not going to happen, so I'll just be happy if he wins favorite house guest. I've always thought Frankie was fake, since the very beginning. I can't stand Derrick either. If they were smart, they would take him out. Also, Cody is the biggest floater. Really, what has he done? He's so weak. I've been over Christine since the beginning as well. Victoria belongs on Shahs of Sunset, not Big Brother. Caleb -- I have no words for Beast Mode Cowboy. Zach is too much, but I feel sorry for him now. He shouldn't have trusted Frankie.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 8/18/14 at 2:21pm

Cody isn't technically a floater because he is involved in alliances and strategy, but he truly has been reaping the benefits of his alliance with little risk on his part. I can't help being drawn to Victoria, though. I just find her harmless and fun to watch. Donny seems nice enough, but he has really waffled on his strategic "integrity", which is just going to get him evicted in the end. He puts up a great fight in the challenges, but nobody will want to sit next to him in the end, so winning immunities will be the only way he can stay in the game and he knows it. I really hope Nicole comes back and fights her way into the finale. I could see it being a nail-biter with her and Derrick in the finish. Derrick is cunning, but not malicious, which is why he doesn't bother me so much.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Posted: 8/19/14 at 1:41am

I tried to like Victoria, but she had unnecessary hate towards Amber, who did nothing wrong from what I've read and seen, and she hates Donny for no reason. I'd rather have Hayden come back because if Zach comes back, he won't go after Frankie or the other Detonators (we saw how quick he was to befriend Frankie after Frankie won the BOTB by himself), if Nicole comes back, she will try to befriend Christine and Frankie again (I have never seen such a weak HOH in my 3 seasons of watching BB), and we all know Jacosta is useless and won't come back. Hayden, even though I don't like him, will come after Frankie, Derrick, and the rest of the Detonators. It will make for good TV.

StockardFan Profile Photo
Posted: 8/19/14 at 3:04am

Christine reminds me of Squidward from Sponge Bob Square Pants.


ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/19/14 at 11:24am

I don't think Nicole would trust Christine of Frankie again. She's the only female contestant on the show who tried to make any big moves.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/21/14 at 11:57pm

I was rooting for Zach so hard, and I really wasn't expecting that. I thought I was gonna vomit when it looked like Jocasta might win. I'm happy fir Nicole, though. I think I want her to win it all.

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
Posted: 8/22/14 at 1:23am

Yay Nicole!
She's outnumbered and since it looks like no one in that alliance is willing to make a big move this game is Derrick's to lose. He certainly deserves it. He's owned this game from the beginning and played it smart all the way.
But oh I'd love to see a flip!!

Posted: 8/22/14 at 2:28am

I'm trying to like Nicole but she rubbed me the wrong way when she said Aaryn from last season was not so bad and that Julie Chen was too harsh on her. Whenever I remember that, I go back to disliking her. The only person I like in that house is Donny. Everybody else is despicable, but I think I dislike Frankie, Derrick and Christine the most.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 8/22/14 at 10:39am

I'm happy Nicole made it back in (she's the only one I was interested in seeing back in the house), but I fear it won't be for long. I was just like to see her give Christine the boot. And OMG I love Victoria even more now. The thing about the hat was hilarious. Not sorry to see Zach go. All he really cared about was the douchebag persona he created for notoriety and it blew up in his face. Hopefully, the cheerleader arms are over for the season.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
Posted: 8/23/14 at 12:27am

Zach cracked me up and I'm sorry to see him go. I don't think anyone in the house is despicable, which makes this season so good. You can either like or dislike someone, or root for a certain side, but no one is vile like last season. Last season was painful.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 8/25/14 at 9:37pm


"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
