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dramamama611 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/25/14 at 11:15pm

^Love that, made me crack up when it aired. I'm sure we all do stupid stuff in our sleep that we'll never know about!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/25/14 at 11:17pm

He dumb and a floater but I still love him.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/27/14 at 11:33pm

Frankie, you lookin rough, girl!

I saw the entire "play" on BBAD the other night. They really gilded the lily for the network show. And after it, Frankie did some dumb character called Counselo or Consuela and it was just the worst.

Posted: 8/28/14 at 8:15am

Or is it rougher? I don't find anything about her attractive. She be Uoogly.

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
Posted: 8/31/14 at 2:06pm

Apparently Frankie is not happy about failing that mission. They keep going over Julie's "resounding no" comment. He really thought they had that one.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/31/14 at 2:23pm

ArtMan, I did think he was attractive when the show started, but I also thought he had a better personality than he apparently really does. Now I find him repellent.

clever name, he is just flabbergasted over failing that mission! He was also chagrined to hear the cheers for Donny. He's convinced he no longer has a shot at America's Player (I don't think he ever really did. The Bomb Squad and its descendants think they are a lot more compelling than they really are.) Frankie also thinks America couldn't handle the drag in their "play," not that their "play" sucked and was a total BS excuse for a mission. I really hope Nicole wins the veto and keeps on winning.

In other news, Victoria thinks Play Doh is poisonous.

Posted: 8/31/14 at 3:02pm

With a double eviction this Thursday, I don't think Nicole has a chance. But I'm hoping for her. If Nicole leaves, then Caleb is the one I'm rooting for. If you scrape away the ego and the fake confidence, he actually comes across as genuine, at least compared to the rest. I really liked Cody at the beginning, (although I was rooting for Donnie) but his personality, at times, became ugly. Derrick is fake and thinks the tv audience is stupid. Isn't he aware that we see, many of the shenanigans, that aren't shown on the regular show? Don't get me started on the ugliness that is Christine. Not so much her outer, but inner ugliness. Although, one would think she is the product of the mailman. Her father and mother are decent looking. Her brother is rather cute. Who did she get her looks from?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/31/14 at 3:15pm

See, Caleb just comes off as creepy and scary to me. I'll never be able to get past that Amber obsession. And I think when he sees how the house played him, he's gonna be pissed at his alliance.

Derrick talks a lot about the feeds and Jokers Updates and that hamster one, so he knows, but he, like Frankie, has no idea how he's actually coming access.

Also, why do all the HOHes just let Frankie live in the HOH room with them? I don't get it!

Christine's husband's ear things gave me the willies.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
Posted: 8/31/14 at 3:56pm

Christine's HUSBAND gave me the willies. Ew. I cannot imagine their offspring.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/31/14 at 5:40pm

I mean, they're unattractive people, but I'm glad unattractive people can find love. Why some people, attractive or not, feel the need to do that to their earlobes I'll never understand, though.

Posted: 8/31/14 at 6:09pm

LOL. Well, he could be worse. Usually when I see guys with those type of earlobe piercings, they usually have a huge nose piercing also.

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
Posted: 8/31/14 at 6:30pm

My friend posted this article on FB. He was commenting on being an overthinker but what caught my eye is the picture of Zach at the top. Wha??

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/31/14 at 6:34pm


I miss Zach.

Luscious Profile Photo
Posted: 8/31/14 at 11:00pm

Frankie repulses me.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 8/31/14 at 11:06pm

He's the worst.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Posted: 9/1/14 at 12:55am

Everyone in this house talks about making big moves but never makes them. But I'm really hoping Frankie ends up on the block this week.

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
Posted: 9/1/14 at 2:07pm

Erik it's so true! No one has made a big move. No one dares.

Frankie becomes more unlikable with every episode.

I still think Derrick has played a perfect game so far. He deserves to win.

btw, was there some sort of rape joke about Victoria on the live feeds? People on the BB FB page are talking about Frankie and Caleb saying something pretty vile but I can't find it.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 9/1/14 at 2:18pm

If it's what I think it is - Frankie did say something about Caleb taking all the virginities in the houses at once. I know Victoria is a virgin, maybe Nicole is, too? And if I remember correctly, it was a lot grosser than the way I phrased it.

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 9/2/14 at 11:07am

See, Caleb just comes off as creepy and scary to me. I'll never be able to get past that Amber obsession.

This. And he's delusional in so many ways. If he could check his ego and turn down the testosterone, I'd probably like him. But his paranoid delusions and thinly-veiled misogyny ruin it.

Frmo that article:

The family of "Big Brother 16" houseguest Victoria Rafaeli is fuming mad over a joke Frankie Grande made about 2 guys teaming up to take Victoria's virginity ... and they want apologies from him AND his sister Ariana.

Lizabeth wants an apology from Frankie's parents and Ariana Grande... and she wants Frankie to apologize to her daughter.

WTF does Ariana have to apologize for? Or Frankie's parents? Yeah, it was gross and uncalled for, but don't use it as an opportunity for fame-whoring.

Meanwhile, I love Victoria more each week.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Luscious Profile Photo
Posted: 9/2/14 at 3:12pm

"Meanwhile, I love Victoria more each week."

What in the world is there to love about Victoria?

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
Posted: 9/3/14 at 1:33am

I love Victoria!!! She's so spectacularly lame I love every minute of her! For most of the season we've been calling her Lady ( "Ooh look, that lady is playing in the HOH comp!" and "Look, that lady had a reaction to Zach's comment!" ) but with every episode she becomes more and more my favorite HG. I'm even calling her by her actual name.

Posted: 9/3/14 at 8:33am

Just kind of meh about. She stated some nasty things about Donny. I thought she was above that. Had I not read those, then I would probably like her. But I still don't think she deserves the money. The money she is getting for being in the enough. Maybe throw in some new hair extensions.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Posted: 9/3/14 at 8:47am

I like Victoria too but the thing that bothers me is that she keeps voting with the group and against her own interests. She's crazy if she thinks any of those guys are going to take her to the final two. It especially drives me crazy that she feels any kind of allegiance with Frankie who threw her under the bus the very first week.
Having said that...I do think it would be amazing if she ended up winning somehow. Although I'm still rooting for Nicole.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 9/3/14 at 10:55am

The guys are crazy if they don't take Victoria to the final two. It'd be an easy win.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
