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Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops - Page 6

Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops

#125Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/9/12 at 10:16am

The liberal leaning Washington Post continues to call out President Obama's campaign for using faulty "facts" in an effort to attack Mitt Romney. This morning. Obama may have actually improved! Instead of the usual FOUR Pinocchios that Obama's lies have earned, this morning the Washington Post gave a tweet from Obama's Twitter page only THREE Pinocchios!!
The claim is that Mitt Romney pays a lower income tax than "many" Americans. The word "many" is important here as the campaign responded to the Post by actually DEFINING the word "many" for the Post's writer.
“FACT: In 2010 and 2011, Romney paid less than 15% in taxes on $42.5 million in income—much less than what many middle-class families pay.”
— Tweet by @BarackObama, July 3, 2012

The Washington Post gives that Tweet 3 Pinocchios.
"The Obama campaign’s tweet relies on a very slippery “fact.”
Romney, by receiving much of his income in capital gains and dividends and giving millions of dollars to charity, is certainly able to keep his effective tax rate relatively low, especially compared to a wealthy person who earns much of his or her income in salary. But, even so, Romney still pays an effective tax rate that is higher than the tax rate paid by most Americans."

Again, no name-calling, no personal attacks from me. Just posting the facts!

#126Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/9/12 at 9:54pm

Here is Pres. Obama in 2009 saying that the last thing we should do in a recessive economy is raise taxes:

Here he is today, saying we need to raise taxes on the rich:

If he gets his tax hikes to the rich, that would bring in an additional $85 billion a year in federal revenue. That will cover less than TEN DAYS of federal spending!

Class warfare is more important to this president than fixing the economy.

Updated On: 7/9/12 at 09:54 PM

#127Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/9/12 at 10:42pm

Two-thirds of likely voters say President Obama has kept his 2008 campaign promise to change America — but it’s changed for the worse, according to a sizable majority.

A new poll for The Hill found 56 percent of likely voters believe Obama’s first term has transformed the nation in a negative way, compared to 35 percent who believe the country has changed for the better under his leadership.

You really have to wonder about that 35%.

Updated On: 7/9/12 at 10:42 PM

#128Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/11/12 at 11:27am

Ok, now they are getting delusional!

Obama Administration Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is claiming that, were it not for Obama's electric car inititiative, certain manufacturers would not be testing the waters with hybrids. LaHood specifically mentions the Lexus RX 400h:
"I dont think the car manufacturers would be manufacturing the cars they are manufacturing today as hybrids, if it werent for what the president did in signing the executive order and what Lisa and I have done over the last three and half years about developing C.A.F.E. (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards for automobiles and light trucks that will get 54.4 miles per gallon by 2025."

I think we jump started the ability," said LaHood. "When you see now a Lexus hybrid, no one would have ever predicted that 2 years ago. Every car manufacturer is getting into hybrid. I think we jump started those opportunities."

The Lexus RX 400h premiered in 2004, a full 4 years before Obama became President!

It was widely reported that pre-orders for the Lexus RX 400h SUV were high, and the vehicle was widely available for sale in 2005. The company made its first hybrid sedan, the GS 450h, available in 2006.

Updated On: 7/11/12 at 11:27 AM

#129Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/11/12 at 5:10pm

I told you we alread have an "Outsourcer in Cheif"!

Obama’s record on outsourcing draws criticism from the left

By Tom Hamburger, Carol D. Leonnig and Zachary A. Goldfarb, Published: July 9

Barack Obama promised voters four years ago that he would work to slow the outflow of American jobs to other countries, proposing to revamp a federal tax code that encourages companies to maintain overseas operations.

Obama as president has continued to call for rewriting the rules that allow U.S. corporations to avoid paying taxes for a time on income generated overseas.

But the broad tax changes have not happened.

While White House officials say they have been waiting on Congress to act, Obamas critics, primarily on the political left, say he has repeatedly failed in other ways to protect American jobs from being moved overseas. They point to a range of actions they say he should have taken: confronting China, reining in unfettered trade and reworking a U.S. visa program that critics say ends up sending high-tech jobs abroad.

Again, no personal attacks or links to rightwing blogs here. No silly cartoons or postcards or ridiculous pictures. Only hard news sources need apply here!

Updated On: 7/11/12 at 05:10 PM

#130Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/12/12 at 11:18am

Yes, this IS a Romney campaign ad, but it uses quotes from some of the news organizations (Washington Post, FactCheck) I have sourced, and it uses them in a concise way. Plus the theme of the ad fits the thread.

Again, I am trying to use reputable news sources in this thread. You will not see me sourcing the right-wing equivalent to The Daily Kos, Media Matters, Think Progress, Mother Jones, Rachel Maddow Show etc. There are right-wing organizations similar to these left-wing looney sites, but I try to stick to known and reputable news sources for this thread.

#131Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/12/12 at 10:02pm

The Obama Campaign desperately grasped at a Boston Globe article that seemed to backup their claims that Romney stayed on at Bain Capital long after he had left the firm to run the Olympics.

Deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter laid out the issue as the Obama team sees it: “Either Mitt Romney, through his own words and his own signature, was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the SEC, which is a felony."

"Or," she said, "he was misrepresenting his position at Bain to the American people to avoid responsibility for some of the consequences of his investments,” including layoffs and the outsourcing of jobs."

But unfortunately for the Obama Campaign, the Boston Globe's story collapsed within 24 hours. FACTS tend to have that effect. The Globe's accusations were similar to those made in an article from MOTHER JONES last week. Of course, most of us are smart enough to not take anything from MJ seriously. Too bad the Obama campaign is not as smart as the rest of us:

FORTUNE -- Mitt Romney did not manage Bain Capital's investments after leaving to run the Salt Lake City Olympic Games, according to confidential firm documents obtained by Fortune.
The timing of Romney's departure from Bain became a lightning rod earlier today, when The Boston Globe published an article suggesting that Romney remained actively involved with the firm longer than he and his campaign have claimed. The sourcing is largely SEC documents that list Romney as Bain Capital's CEO and sole shareholder through 2002 -- or three years after Romney officially left to run the Salt Lake City Olympic Games.
These claims are very similar to ones made last week by David Corn in Mother Jones, which we disputed at the time.
Now Fortune has obtained new evidence that supports Romney's version of events.

#132Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/13/12 at 10:25am

The Washington Post has weighed in on the whole "Romney is a Felon Because He Worked at Bain Even When He Said He Left" story.
Again, Obama is improving in his lying, getting THREE Pinocchios instead of the usual four.

"The Obama campaign has raised a very serious charge of potential criminal behavior. Does it have much credibility?"

"The Obama campaign is blowing smoke here.We realize that Bauer gets to the word criminal by mentioning investigation, but that distinction might be lost on most listeners.

Meanwhile, the weight of evidence suggests that Romney did in fact end active management of Bain in 1999. He stated that in a federal disclosure form he signed, under threat of criminal penalties. He said he was a former employee in a state disclosure form. A state commission concluded 10 years ago that he did, indeed, leave Bain in 1999. Investors in Bain funds were told he was not part of the management team.

The SEC documents, especially the ones Romney signed, do raise some questions. One can certainly argue that because Romney did not fully extricate himself from Bain till after his Olympic sojourn ended, he should bear some responsibility for what happened in that period. But that is an entirely different matter than suggesting that he is a potential criminal. It is more of a PR problem, which the Obama campaign is trying to exploit to build a larger case that Romney is secretive.

We were tempted to award this claim Four Pinocchios, but the documents with his signature leave some room for inquiry.

Still, if the Obama campaign wants to put its money where its mouth is, it should immediately lodge a complaint about Romneys financial disclosure form, filed just last year, rather than try to mislead people about potential violations in relatively unimportant SEC documents."

#133Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/14/12 at 6:20pm

And now, has come to the same conclusion that every other REPUTABLE media outlet has come to (sorry Mother Jones, MSNBC, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Boston Globe, and all those other left-wing looney faux "news" sites).

ABC News, Fortune Magazine, CNN. Columbia Journalism Review, and of course, The Washington Post have all given the Obama Campaign a stern finger-wagging and an "Uh-uh, uh" for posting things that they have absolutely NO EVIDENCE to support.

Factcheck states: "Nothing we’ve seen directly contradicts Romney’s statements — which he has certified as true under pain of federal prosecution — that he “has not had any active role” with Bain or “been involved in the operations” of Bain since then.

And we wish to note, we’re not alone in this judgement. Others include:

*Fortune’s Dan Primack — who covers Wall Street “deals and dealmakers” — addressed the Mother Jones reporting in a July 2 article that came to the same conclusion we do. Primack’s more recent reporting we’ve already noted.

*The Washington Post‘s Fact Checker, Glenn Kessler, rebutted the Boston Globe story in a July 12 piece. “Just because you are listed as an owner of shares does not mean you have a managerial role,” Kessler writes. We agree.

*Before the Globe story broke, the Columbia Journalism Review’s Brendan Nyhan stated: “[T]he specific cases cited by the Obama campaign largely concern actions taken by those companies during a period in which Romney was not making operational decisions at the firm. Journalists must be clear about this distinction.”

*After the Globe story, CJR’s Greg Marx wrote “there’s less new in the Globe article than the attention it has drawn suggests.”

ABC News’ Devin Dwyer reported July 12, after the Globe‘s story appeared: “Team Obama does not provide any specific evidence to back up claims that Romney was actively managing Bain between 1999 and 2002.”

To quote Hillary Clinton, "Shame on YOU Barack Obama!"

#134Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/14/12 at 11:47pm

Singing is the only sound in the Obama campaign’s latest attack ad, except for the president saying he approved the message.

The new TV advertisement again levels charges of outsourcing – a theme that has triggered accusations of lying from both sides in the last few days.

It features Mitt Romney singing the patriotic anthem “America the Beautiful” – a habit of his at campaign events during the GOP primary season.

As the Republican presidential candidate’s voice echoes – “Oh, beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain” – words pop up on screen slamming him on the same controversial outsourcing charges that have been under fire for weeks.

Except for the statements about Romney’s bank accounts, the other claims in the Obama ad have been repeatedly debunked by nonpartisan factcheckers

#135Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/15/12 at 12:43pm

Did I hear someone say "outsourcing"??

"The luxury carmaker Fisker Automotive continues to signal it could ditch plans to build its next generation hybrid electric vehicle in the United States, despite the nearly $200 million in Obama administration loan money it has already received."

Uhh, they are already building the car....IN FINLAND!!

And there is MORE:
"If Romney really wanted a juicy example of outsourcing, he would have to look no further than the president's jobs council.

Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, 26 business leaders assembled by the president for job-spurring ideas, includes representatives of several companies that have used outsourcing, fueling job creation abroad and job losses in the U.S. Shipping work to low-cost overseas labor markets has been a trend in American manufacturing for decades. The White House has a plan to curb outsourcing, but companies represented on the jobs council reveal just how pervasive the practice is.

Theres General Electric, whose CEO Jeffrey Immelt has served as chair of the advisory board since January 2011. Since Immelt took over GE in 2001, the company has lost 37,000 American jobs, and added 25,000 jobs overseas, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission."

AND the number 1 outsourcing company according to GLOBAL OUTSOURCING: Accenture.
Obamas second largest fundraiser is John Rogers, the CEO of investment giant Ariel Capital Management. He has raised more than $1.5 million for Obamas reelection campaign. Bully for him, except for one thing: Ariel Capital Management owns a $48.6 million stake in Accenture, America's NUMBER ONE outsourcer!!

Why, Obama is even outsourcing his fundraising!!

And of course, we've all heard the quote from John Sununu, Obama has outsourced US space flight. If American astronauts want to visit the International Space Station they need to hitch a ride from the RUSSIANS!

#136Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/15/12 at 9:26pm

Time for Mitt Romney to take off the kid gloves, stop playing defense and start playing offense!
Obama wants to talk about outsourcing. Ok, then, slap him with it. Here's an example: "Obama has outsourced our credit to the Chinese, he has outsourced our energy to Saudi Arabia, he has outsourced NASA to the Russians (H/T Jim Geraghty, NRO), and he has outsourced our foreign policy to the United Nations."

But don't stop there. Even better, start hitting Obama for the actual consequences of his reign. Try this: "If your high school or college age son or daughter cannot find a job this summer, thank Obama; if your senior citizen dad or mom has to work a part-time job to make ends meet, thank Obama; if your spouse lost his or her job in the last 3 1/2 years, thank Obama; if you lost your job and, as a consequence, your family lost its health care, thank Obama." And say it, over and over again.

And you should add: "The problem is that Obama doesn't know what he doesn't know, but thinks he knows everything. He is the most incompetent and ideologically confused president in our life-time. The reason why the economy is not growing, jobs are not being created, businesses are closing, and families are losing their homes and health care is because Obama raises taxes when he should lower them, he issues regulations when he should freeze them, and he trash-mouths American industries when he should be promoting them here and abroad."

You should also bring back the crucially important issue of our nation debt. For example: "By the end of this year, Obama will have added nearly $6.5 trillion to the nation debt, and that doesn't include the trillions in new spending from Obamacare. Obama likes to whine about the economy he inherited from Presidents Clinton and Bush. Can you imagine the state of the economy I will be inheriting from Obama? Even worse, can you imagine the massive debt your family will be inheriting from Obama? The world has never seen anything like it."

And I think a good label for Obama would be -- "Obama, incompetent and reckless."

Let's get on with it.

#137Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/16/12 at 10:29am

Did someone say "felon"????

Now that the increasingly erratic and desperately sleazy Obama campaign has decided to cavalierly throw around the word “felony” when it comes to pushing a campaign of lies surrounding Mitt Romney and Bain Capital, this seems like a good time to jump in the wayback machine for a look at the actual convicted felons, criminals, and dubious characters that have been associated with Barack Obama’s political life.

Starting with…

1. Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich: Sentenced to 14 years in prison for political corruption.

NBC Chicago:

President Barack Obama's chief of staff, then a congressman in Illinois, apparently attempted to trade favors with embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich while he was in office, according to newly disclosed e-mails obtained by The Associated Press.

Emanuel agreed to sign a letter to the Chicago Tribune supporting Blagojevich in the face of a scathing editorial by the newspaper that ridiculed the governor for self-promotion. Within hours, Emanuel's own staff asked for a favor of its own: The release of a delayed $2 million grant to a school in his district.

2. Tony Rezko: Sentenced to 10 and a half years for corruption and kickbacks.


Rezko raised money for Obama when he ran for Illinois senator, but not during his presidential campaign, the AP noted.

Obama also involved Rezko in a house deal after he was elected to the U.S. Senate, a move he later called “a boneheaded mistake,” according to a 2008 report in ABC News.

Obama wanted to purchase a home that the seller had a specific condition on: the adjacent empty lot to the house had to be purchased at the same time, ABC News reported. In the house deal, Rezko’s wife paid the full asking price for that parcel, $625,000.

Obama shelled out $300,000 under the house’s asking price, paying $1.65 million, according to ABC News. Obama then purchased a part of Rezko’s lot for $104,500.

“It was a mistake to have been engaged with him at all in this or any other personal business dealing that would allow him, or anyone else, to believe he had done me a favor,” Obama told the Sun-Times at the time.

Obama said his connection to Rezko was “above board and legal.”

Rezko and others connected to him gave Obama’s 2004 Senate campaign more than $120,000, ABC News reported.

ABC News:

While Rezko's wife paid the full asking price for the land, Obama paid $300,000 under the asking price for the house. The house sold for $1,650,000 and the price Rezko's wife paid for the land was $625,000.

Obama denies there was anything unusual about the price disparity. He says the price on the house was dropped because it had been on the market for some time but that the price for the adjacent land remained high because there was another offer.

Obama then expanded his property by buying a strip of the Rezko land for $104,500, which the senator maintains was a fair market price.

Obama later told the Chicago Sun-Times, "It was a mistake to have been engaged with him at all in this or any other personal business dealing that would allow him, or anyone else, to believe he had done me a favor."

Obama had known Rezko long before the house deal, calling him a "friend."

An ABC News review of campaign records shows Rezko, and people connected to him, contributed more than $120,000 to Obama's 2004 campaign for the U.S. Senate, much of it at a time when Rezko was the target of an FBI investigation.

It's important to keep in mind that this was dutiful reporting from the media. Any attempts to turn this into the Bain-style narrative it deserved and still deserves to be has always been blunted by the media. This is the shadiest land deal involving a politician in my lifetime, and Obama got away with it legally and politically.

3. Courtney Dupree: Democratic fundraiser convicted of bank fraud.

Daily News:

Dupree, who attended the elite Wharton School of Business, was a rainmaker in Democratic circles.

In 2008, Dupree hosted a $1,000-a-ticket fund-raiser for Barack Obama at his Broad St. apartment that was attended by top aide Valerie Jarrett.

4. John Corzine: Top Obama fundraiser currently under FBI investigation. Obama's "Wall Street guy."


Jon Corzine, now the center of an FBI investigation into the handling of hundreds of millions of dollars invested in his securities firm, was one of the leading Wall Street fundraisers for President Obama’s campaign and suggested to investors that he might take a top administration post if the president were re-elected.

His new legal troubles, sparked by the bankruptcy filing of his investment firm, MF Global, could complicate the president’s efforts to raise money from the financial community given Corzine’s central role in those efforts.

A recent list of top “bundlers” or elite fundraisers released by Obama’s campaign listed Corzine in the highest category -- reporting that he had raised more than $500,000 for the campaign. A substantial chunk of those funds were collected at a $35,800 per ticket fundraiser that Corzine hosted at his wife’s spacious Fifth Avenue apartment last April -- an event that was touted at the time as part of a concerted effort by the president’s campaign team to reach out to well-heeled Wall Street donors who had been alienated by some of his policies and previous public comments.

Star Ledger:

In a sign of his emerging role as a financial guru for Barack Obama, Gov. Jon Corzine Sunday unveiled the latest piece of the presidential candidate's plan to curb soaring oil prices.

The governor touted an Obama proposal that marked the latest clash between the Democrat and Republican opponent John McCain over energy policy, as voters rank the economy as their biggest concern heading into the November election.

In his plan, Obama calls for more regulation in oil markets by promising to close the so-called "Enron loophole" that exempts some energy trading from federal oversight. The rollout also provided a showcase for Corzine, the former Goldman Sachs CEO whom Obama referred to as "our Wall Street guy" at a meeting of Democratic governors in Chicago on Friday.

5. Bill Ayers: Unrepentant domestic terrorist. Early Obama backer. Fellow board-member of the Woods Foundation. 4th of July pal.

The former Weatherman, William Ayers, now holds the position of distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Although never convicted of any crime, he told the New York Times in September 2001, "I don't regret setting bombs...I feel we didn't do enough."

Both Obama and Ayers were members of the board of an anti-poverty group, the Woods Fund of Chicago, between 1999 and 2002. In addition, Ayers contributed $200 to Obama's re-election fund to the Illinois State Senate in April 2001. They lived within a few blocks of each other in the trendy Hyde Park section of Chicago, and moved in the same liberal-progressive circles.

According to an Obama spokesman, the two men first met in 1995, when Obama was tapped to chair the board of the newly formed Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Ayers had been instrumental in creating the organization, which was to dispense grants for projects that would improve Chicago’s schools.

There are other connections between Obama and Ayers: The same year the two men met through the Annenberg Challenge, Ayers hosted a meet-and-greet coffee for Obama, who was running for state Senate and who lived three blocks away from him. Obama and Ayers also were on the board of an antipoverty charity, the Woods Fund of Chicago, where their service overlapped from 2000 to 2002. And Ayers contributed $200 to Obama’s campaign for the Illinois state Senate on March 2, 2001.
A review of records of the schools project and interviews with a dozen people who know both men, suggest that Mr. Obama, 47, has played down his contacts with Mr. Ayers, 63.
Many have speculated that Ayers wrote Obama's first book DREAMS FROM MY FATHER. This speculation has been fueled by comparisons of the book with Ayers' other writings and the fact that Ayers has, on two separate occasions, stated that he wrote the book.

So, who has the greater connection with a criminal element?

Updated On: 7/16/12 at 10:29 AM

#138Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/17/12 at 12:26am

On tonight's O'Reilly Factor, Bill O'Reilly commends himself for uncovering the truth about the Romney/Bain controversy. The question he asks is, "How can Obama Attack Romney for Outsourcing when he did the exact same thing?"

“The Obama administration has continued to make billions of taxpayer dollars available to the General Electric corporation, mostly through loans but there were some grants for green energy projects. GE employs about 300,000 people. Fewer than half – 131,000 — are working in the USA. Let me repeat, less than half of GE’s workforce are employed in America.”

It sounds as if O'Reilly may have been following this thread, as I posted a similar "revelation" about a week ago!

#139Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/18/12 at 7:09am

Looks like Pres. Obama has some splaining to do!

Washington Examiner - President Obama has accused Mitt Romney of raking in profits from investing in companies that ship American jobs overseas, but according to his most recent financial disclosure, he and First Lady Michelle Obama have hundreds of thousands of dollars in a mutual fund that has large holdings in corporations that outsource jobs.

“(Romney) invested in companies that have been called ‘pioneers’ of outsourcing,” Obama said at a Saturday campaign event in Glen Allen, Va. “I don’t want a pioneer in outsourcing. I want some insourcing.”

But Obama’s own portfolio shows a willingness to invest in American corporations that have shifted employment overseas.

In his most recent financial disclosure from 2011, Obama and his wife reported having between $200,000 and $450,000 in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund, which invests in the largest U.S. corporations. According to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as of Sept. 30, 2011, the fund’s biggest holding was 8,272,039 shares of Apple Inc., then valued at $3.2 billion.

The New York Times reported in January:

Not long ago, Apple boasted that its products were made in America. Today, few are. Almost all of the 70 million iPhones, 30 million iPads and 59 million other products Apple sold last year were manufactured overseas….

“Apple’s an example of why it’s so hard to create middle-class jobs in the U.S. now,” said Jared Bernstein, who until last year was an economic adviser to the White House.

“If it’s the pinnacle of capitalism, we should be worried.”

The mutual fund that the Obamas have invested in also held 94,582,281 million shares of General Electric, valued at $1.4 billion, as of the SEC filing. The multinational conglomorate has a long history of outsourcing – according to a new book cited by the New York Times, in 1989, “G.E. became the first U.S. company to outsource software work to India.” Obama also has close ties to GE’s CEO, Jeffrey Immelt, who was appointed as chairman of his outside panel of economic advisers last year.

In addition to Apple and GE, the Obamas’ fund listed 10,655,961 shares of International Business Machines, valued at $1.9 billion. As the Wall Street Journal reported in 2009, “The technology giant has been steadily building its work force in India and other locations while reducing the number of workers based in the U.S. Foreign workers accounted for 71% of Big Blue’s nearly 400,000 employees at the start of the year, up from about 65% in 2006.”

The point in this is not to say outsourcing is wrong. Corporations are supposed to maximize profits for shareholders. But Obama’s own portfolio shows that despite his heated rhetoric, he makes investment decisions without regard to whether companies are outsourcing.

#140Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/18/12 at 9:48am

We know Obama's father and mother were both Communists. And now Frank Marshall Davis is mentioned 22 times in Obama's book Dreams from My Father as Obama's "mentor".
Here is his bio:

Frank Marshall Davis (1905-1987) was a Communist Party USA (CPUSA) propagandist in Chicago and Hawaii, as well as a writer and poet. The FBI had Davis under investigation or surveillance for 19 years, compiling a 600-page FBI file. He was on the FBI's 'Security Index A', meaning he would be arrested in the event of national emergency.

In 1930's Chicago, CPUSA recruited journalists to help spread Soviet influence in American public opinion. Frank Marshall Davis was one of them. A graduate of Kansas State Journalism School, Frank Marshall Davis joined the Communist Party and began writing for The Chicago Star. He was a colleague of journalist Vernon Jarrett, father-in-law of Obama confidant Valerie Jarrett. Davis also taught at Chicago's Abraham Lincoln School, a Communist run training school run by CPUSA. Davis authored three major volumes of poetry, and later an autobiographical sex novel under a pseudonym.

In 1948, the Kremlin ordered CPUSA to facilitate a US withdrawal from the Hawaii as US naval forces were considered an obstacle to Soviet expansion in Asia. CPUSA assigned Frank Marshall Davis to Honolulu where he began writing for the Communist Newspaper, the Honolulu Record in 1948. In his columns, Davis flawlessly mirrored official Soviet propaganda - he blamed American capitalism for starting World War II, denounced the Marshall Plan, preached wealth redistribution, nationalization of industry and government healthcare, while bashing Wall Street. Davis also helped organize the Communist controlled ILWU (union) in a failed effort to take over the Hawaiian government in 1949. The Hawaii NAACP chapter complained to its national office, "Comrade Frank Marshall Davis suddenly appeared on the scene to propagandize the membership with the purpose of converting it into a front for the Stalinist line." In 1956, Davis was subpoenaed by the Senate Subcommittee on Un-American Activities and pleaded the fifth. Dreams from My Real Father makes the case that on August 4, 1961, Frank Marshall Davis became the father of the future 44th President of the United States and indoctrinated him with a Marxist ideology during his formative years.

Addison D. Profile Photo
Addison D.
#141Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/18/12 at 10:01am

Okay--let's stipulate to the fact that President Obama knows and is related to Communists.

What, exactly, does that tell us? I personally know and/or am related to right-wing Republicans and moderate Democrats as well as members of the Communist, Libertarian, Green, Pot, and Pansexual Peace parties as well as some Wiccans, Warlocks and Radical Faeries.

Are your political convictions so weak that you fear even being exposed to schools of thought other than your own? Do you actually believe it is somehow dangerous or incriminating even to KNOW people with ideologies different than your own?

You think, what do you want? You think, make a decision...
Updated On: 7/18/12 at 10:01 AM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#142Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/18/12 at 10:10am

Don't feed the troll.

#143Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/18/12 at 10:25am

Seriously, people - that was 19 posts in a row of mikey talking to himself. Did you really have to break that streak?

#144Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/18/12 at 10:36am

'Okay--let's stipulate to the fact that President Obama knows and is related to Communists.

What, exactly, does that tell us?"

Davis was Obama's mentor. That tells us a LOT. Look at Obama's policies; his lionization of the recipient class and expansion of people reliant on food stamps, welfare, unemployment checks,disability checks, while condemning those with initiative and drive and entrepreneurship. His remarks this week that "You did not build that", seen here

Pres. Obama is creating a citizenry that is completely and utterly reliant on GOVERNMENT, and the more you rely on Government the more likely you are to vote for those who promise you MORE government!

#145Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/18/12 at 10:38am

"Don't feed the troll."

A "troll" is defined here as anyone who posts something you disagree with, and, even more important, that you FEAR to engage in logical debate.

#146Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/18/12 at 10:41am

"Seriously, people - that was 19 posts in a row of mikey talking to himself"

LOL!! Talking to MYSELF??? I've got nearly 51,000 views.

#147Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/18/12 at 10:52am

Uh-oh! is Michelle Obama having an affair with BAIN CAPITAL behind her husband's back??

Skip to 12 minutes into this video and you will hear her praise a national childcare company. "The Partnership for a Healthier America is working with private providers like Bright Horizons. Thats the nations second largest private child care provider, and theyre going to implement this checklist at nearly 600 child care centers across the country," she said. "So we already have commitments that are going to affect hundreds of thousands of children today."

The Boston Globe recently reported that Bright Horizons was founded in a Cambridge kitchen and was financially backed by "Bain Capital, then led by Mitt Romney."

Be careful who you praise!

Updated On: 7/18/12 at 10:52 AM

#148Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/19/12 at 10:17pm

Obamas Attacks Having Little Effect

Weeks of vicious attacks by the Obama campaign assailing Mitt Romneys character and making questionable charges about his stewardship of Bain Capital have yielded the following result: the latest national poll, released by the New York Times, shows Romney with a slight edge.

The key: Romney has a big edge on handling the economy and jobs  he leads there 49 percent to 41 percent.

With little record to run on, an economy mired in slow growth, and unemployment stuck above eight percent, the Obama team must face the possibility that it is unloading some of its only rhetorical ammunition without result. And after burning through $100 million of his money on campaign ads, Obama has failed to establish a lead over his rival.

One more thing about the NY Times CBS Poll, 32% of those polled identified themselves as Democrats and only 25% identified themselvs as Republican. Updated On: 7/19/12 at 10:17 PM

#149Barack Obama campaign lies and flip-flops
Posted: 7/25/12 at 11:53pm

Well, after taking a short respite so the President could address the tragedy in CO, we are back in the swing of things!

Nearly one in 10 employers to drop health coverage

"About one in 10 employers plan to drop health coverage when key provisions of the new health care law kick in less than two years from now, according to a survey to be released Tuesday by the consulting company Deloitte.

Nine percent of companies said they expect to stop offering coverage to their workers in the next one to three years, the Wall Street Journal reported. Around 81 percent said they would continue providing benefits and 10 percent said they weren't sure.

The companies, though, said a lot will depend on how future provisions of the law unfold, since most of the key parts are scheduled to take effect in 2014. One in three respondents said they could stop offering coverage if the law requires them to provide more generous benefits than they do now, if a tax on high-cost plans takes effect in 2018 as scheduled or if they decide it would be cheaper for them to pay the penalty for not providing insurance.

While small business don't face fines for failing to offer coverage, companies with 50 or more full time employees face a penalty starting at $2,000 per worker."

Hmmmm, should I pay $8,000 a year to cover employee A, or should I just pay a $2,000 fine for employee A and let them get the government's program? Hmmmm, so hard to decide.........

Hmmmm, should I hire a 50th full time employee and have this huge government regulation kick-in, or should I just stay at 49 employees and make them all work a little more? Hmmmmmm, so hard to decide....

Let's face it, Obamacare, like ALL of Pres. Obama's policies, is a JOB KILLER!
