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Big Brother Season 19

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#76Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/20/17 at 11:47pm

Paul played the best game.  Some of the jury was too bitter to recognize that.  They wanted their vote to be a revenge.  Josh messed things up for Paul too by revealing everything in his farewell videos. It was laughable that josh tried to claim that he was smart and knew what he was doing when the entire season, he was an emotional wreck and was only kept around as a buffer because he was always a bigger target. Paul may have been cruel, he may have backstabbed, lied, and betrayed but that's BB.  I could never do what he did though.  And somehow, Derrick did something very similar without managing to anger the jurors. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#77Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/21/17 at 2:38am

I have to say that was a twist I was not expecting. I always root for the underdog but I thought Paul had it in the bag. And then Cody wining America's Favorite player..... although to be fair there was not an obvious choice like Victor last year. I also wonder if women vote more than men for those type of things. The best moment of the evening was when Julie was reading the votes and Paul began to realize that he might lose . I guess Cody had the last laugh. Paul looked like he was going to throw up .Interesting that Julie started with the 9th vote and worked backwards like she knew how everyone had voted. I do think that the other 4 that voted against Paul felt very betrayed by him and believed in their final three deals .Josh was actually smart revealing his alliance to the evictees. 

2 things surprised me. One was that Paul did not want to take Kevin to the finale 3 since he would have been easy to beat. The other being that Josh did not take Christmas to the final two. Thy seemed so close and I would have though he would have wanted her to have the money be it 500 thousand or 50.

Updated On: 9/21/17 at 02:38 AM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#78Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/21/17 at 10:41am

What really got me was Alex and her smug self-righteousness.  Even when being called out on her hypocrisy, she still didn't get it.  The way Will bitch-slapped the entire jury was pretty funny.  They were the worst lot of sore losers I've ever seen in the history of the show.  It was kind of embarrassing to watch.  And you could see how stupid they felt after they voted and were shown Paul's video diaries.  I wonder how many of them would have changed their vote if they'd seen it beforehand.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#79Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/21/17 at 11:25am

I'm assuming you mean of those that voted for Paul?


While I don't LIKE Paul (at all) I think he should have won.  He controlled that house from day 1.    That being said, seeing him be taken down a few pegs made me smile. 


I am sickened by the fan vote.  

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#80Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/21/17 at 4:15pm

While Paul did control the house the entire season, the funny thing about Big Brother (and Survivor) is that self-awareness with regard to social interaction is key.  Paul truly only deserved to win as long as the jury, at the time of voting, believed he deserved to win.  Paul wasn't careful enough with his behavior and his strategy once they started adding jury members as well as those with whom he chose to align at the end.  Had he factored in the sour grapes, or even acknowledged it, perhaps he wouldn't have seemed so smug in the final Q&A.  It's the SECOND TIME Paul has fallen down at the finish line, which means 1) he was playing to get to the final two, rather than for the win and 2) he let his ego get in the way of objectively analyzing his previous loss.  Basically, he's the Russell Hantz of Big Brother.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#81Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/21/17 at 4:42pm

Yes, many agreements with you there.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

asoftplacetoland Profile Photo
#82Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/21/17 at 7:48pm

Like Maya Angelou said... “people will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” 

Paul was a bully. The way he talked down to people was completely unnecessary. He would always talk about how stupid Josh was. Um, what? Josh has a college degree and spoke way more eloquently than you when it came to final speeches (which Paul acted like a complete brat during). He decided out of nowhere Dominque was shady and then soon she was isolated and houseguests constantly talked about her like she was trash. And let’s not even get started on Paul’s intentions for what to wear to the veto ceremony that didn’t make it to air. Hint: he wanted to do blackface to mock Dom along with his snakeskin romper. Then changed the paint so it ended up looking like “snake patterns.” That’s not gameplay. That’s downright despicable. Like Josh said, “She was just being her damn self.” Then Jess and Cody. Then Kevin weeks and weeks before his eviction. I vividly remember hearing Paul on the live feeds, “Treat Jessica like she has leporsey. Seriously, I better not see you talking to her.” 

Sure, Paul played a great game. But he had so many things in his favor. Friendship bracelets. 3 weeks of safety. Competing in comps that he competed in the previous season. Throw in one vet and yeah, he’ll do better. The whole concept of one vet and a bunch of newbies just seems so stupid and unexiciting. He even told Josh that production probably planted that golden apple for himself. He didn’t own up to his game. He doesn’t admit or apologize for anything and he was a coward. Oh and those goodbye messages! When the person has left the house, you can own up to your game! You don’t have to act like you were blindsided when really you orchestrated the whole thing. People will see through that. Bad, bad jury management. 

Josh exposed everyone in the house and then they wouldn’t even target him afterwards. He was supposed to go WEEK 1, lmao. No one thought he would win. He earned people’s respect because he was upfront with them at the end. Cody and Jess tried to go after him multiple times, never worked. He was loud and obnoxious and asking for people to come at him and no one ever did and Cody, Mark, Elena were made public enemies by him and they still voted for him to win. Not saying he had a flawless game but I admire him so. 

Both deserved it in terms of gameplay. But Cody got to decide and what goes around comes around. This probably makes no sense because I’m so happy and amazed by this and you can come for me all you want but I will always believe Josh deserved it and am absolutely thrilled we finally have a Latino winner and finally, a second POC winner!!!! Last one was season 4. I mean, it was time!!!!

Updated On: 9/22/17 at 07:48 PM

asoftplacetoland Profile Photo
#83Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/21/17 at 7:48pm


Updated On: 9/21/17 at 07:48 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#84Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/22/17 at 2:22am

I agree that Paul was a bully. He had the ability to go for the jugular in a split second. I also agree that his final speech to the jury did not help him in any way. He did it in an aggressive sort of way almost like he was saying if you can't see that I deserve to win this you don't know anything about the game.

One evening the house guests were having a conversation about how they make money by developing web sites. Did anyone catch that conversation? I can't remember exactly how they do it. I don't think it was through welling merchandise. Maybe there was a membership fee?


dramamama611 Profile Photo
#85Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/22/17 at 9:28am

Cody didn't get to "decide" , his was just the last vote revealed.  If any one of those that voted for Josh changed their vote, it would have been different.  It's only in his decision if he made the choice KNOWING it was breaking a tie.


I'm sure, the producers knew what the votes were, and opted to have it LOOK like he was responsible...but he was only one vote, which just happen to be last.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#86Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/22/17 at 2:16pm

I don't recall Josh ever speaking eloquently at any time.  Ever.  He was a raging paranoid in the beginning and an emotional wreck throughout.  I think the only really smart strategic move he made deliberately was in the farewell messages.  You can't fake those messages thinking none of the jury members are going to share notes.  Revealing that early makes it easier in the final jury Q&A as well as gives them time to think about it.  Though arguably, very few of the housemates were good at thinking in general.

But Cody got to decide and what goes around comes around.

As dramama611 pointed out, no he didn't.  Cody had always decided to vote against Paul.  It wasn't like he was the swing vote and he then selected the winner himself.  That could be said of anybody who voted for Josh.

 I vividly remember hearing Paul on the live feeds, “Treat Jessica like she has leporsey. Seriously, I better not see you talking to her.” 

I don't like Paul, but honestly, he wasn't treating her any worse than she behaved.  Or deserved.  She and Cody were vile.  The only time she ever backed off was after Cody's first eviction before his return because she no longer had her bully to shield her.  As soon as he returned, she was back to being a nasty mean girl, alienating everyone but her psycho boyfriend.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#87Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/22/17 at 5:03pm

I will agree that Josh didn't always speak eloquently and his constant crying got old really fast.  However, in addition to the farewell messages, I felt, at times, he had pretty good instincts, compared to the rest of them, on what was going on in the game.  He correctly stated that Kevin won the $25,000, instead of the lie that Paul was pushing (Ramseses).  This was way before Kevin told Matt.  He was the first to call out Mark on his flip flopping, which ended up causing the first of their many fights.  Mark even stated in the diary room that was exactly what he was doing.  He was spot on when he stated that Paul was using himself and Christmas to be the "bad guys" and Paul was coming off the evictions with "no blood on his hands": His problem was Christmas was already falling for Paul and did not want to hear any criticism of him. He had no one else to go to with his correct suspicions. There were a couple other spot on observations.  I'm not a fan of Josh, but I don't think he had little to no strategy.  I'm just really happy that Paul did not win. 

Updated On: 9/22/17 at 05:03 PM

asoftplacetoland Profile Photo
#88Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/22/17 at 5:10pm

Yeah guys haha I know Cody didn’t decide. I know that’s what I said so sorry. But what I meant was that it’s ironic and kind of like poetic justice that Cody was the last vote revealed to decide the winner. I’ve been watching BB for a while so I know no one really “decides” the vote. More what I meant is that Cody was the one vote that Paul was holding on to so he could pull out the win (after Elena’s vote is revealed, you can faintly hear Josh telling Paul, “you won, you won” so Paul must of thought he had a chance with Cody). And Cody didn’t vote for him. Just keeping with the theme of BB19. What goes around comes around. And that could be said with all who voted for Josh but I used Cody because he was the last vote to be revealed. Hope that makes sense. 

asoftplacetoland Profile Photo
#89Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/22/17 at 5:29pm

And yes, those farewell messages from Josh were great because they also showed the jurors that he did things to them because he was loyal to his final 3 and they could see his loyalty and respect it. Paul was foolish in that aspect. Like Mister Matt said, the hg’s were clearly going to compare notes. 

#90Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/27/17 at 5:58pm

Jessica & Cody are going to be on The Amazing Race

#90Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/27/17 at 5:58pm

double post

Updated On: 9/27/17 at 05:58 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#91Big Brother Season 19
Posted: 9/27/17 at 6:31pm

Oh God.  I hope they're eliminated early.  Ugh.  CBS did the same thing with Alison (season 4 runner-up of BB...and awful awful awful person) and Brenchal.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
