I know at work we had both iwork and microsoft office. Preferred Appleworks to Word, but I think that's just because I was most comfortable using it. However, Apple has just changed this program to "Pages" and supposedly, it's compatible and can open things in Word. They are supposed to add it to our school laptops so I'll let you know.
Just a word of warning...I bought a new MacBook this summer, and was shocked when it came with NO word processing program....NONE....well, ok..it came with "Text Edit" but that doesn't count! I was just shocked that it came without what I considered "essential" software.
Okay, so I just baught a Macbook online yesterday, and it should be coming very soon. I'm so glad that this thread is here right now becuase I had some qustions about the transition :)
Nope...not even pages. Now, to be honest, I was rushing through the ordering process because I was doing through the Apple for Education site, and they were taking my school laptop away for the summer...... I'm pretty sure there's a place when you place the order to have iwork installed when you get the computer. I remember seeing that offer for Microsoft Office. However, I did expect iwork to already be on the computer. It means your laptop really isn't usable for anything but "entertainment purposes" if you don't have iwork.
Pages + Numbers are decent, simple programs. Easy to use. Biggest downside is that it doesn't open Office files. Office files are converted into Pages or Numbers files, so they don't always come out the same as they would on Microsoft Office. This is necessary if you receive and work on Excel files.
It's worth the $79, although I didn't pay nearly that much.
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