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Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!! - Page 2

Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#25Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:28pm

What is your problem with me Phyllis Rogers Stone? Answer me that. Enlighten the fuq outta me. 

Updated On: 5/28/15 at 01:28 PM

#26Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:28pm

Yes, Carlos, I agree with Phyl.  I hope this board doesn't lead to self-harm.

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CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#27Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:29pm

This board is NOT that serious. I love myself to much to ever harm myself. 

#28Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:30pm

That's good.  Because sometimes you come off a bit unhinged.  You seem not to like it when people you perceive to be from the dominant culture talk about racism, for instance.

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CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#29Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:32pm

I don't perceive anyone to be from or of a "dominant culture", and I have a problem with anyone talking about racism. 

Updated On: 5/28/15 at 01:32 PM

#30Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:33pm

Gosh, what tone are you writing in when you call someone sanctimonious?  That's a word that usually has negative connotations.  Does it when you use it?

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CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#31Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:34pm

The tone was sarcastic. I was poking fun at your post because it came off sanctimonious and all holier-than-thou. 

Updated On: 5/28/15 at 01:34 PM

#32Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:36pm

So it's not about the content, which is talking about racism and the blowback a lot of people give when somebody has the temerity to do that, and more about how it came off?  I was defending myself against Sutton Ross's sock puppet, so perhaps that contributed to an angry tone you perceived.  

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#33Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:37pm

I have no problem with you at all. I've just observed a similar pattern of yours board over the years.   At some point all over you become unglued over something on the board and you leave in a dramatic huff.  Then you resurface eventually to start it all over.  

Updated On: 5/28/15 at 01:37 PM

#34Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:38pm

Is a huff still a huff if it's sarcastic?

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CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#35Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:40pm

"So it's not about the content, which is talking about racism and the blowback a lot of people give when somebody has the temerity to do that, and more about how it came off?  I was defending myself against Sutton Ross's sock puppet, so perhaps that contributed to an angry tone you perceived.  "




#36Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:43pm

I'm not sure if reacting to a sock puppet's accusation of white guilt with anger and annoyance is on the face of it any LESS valid than responding to my angry and annoyed post is.  In that discussion with Ross and Puppet, it seems as if *that's* an odd place to fold in your sarcasm.  But just to me, I'm sure.

I have noticed that you do tend to respond to people on the board talking about racism with a sort of phonetic urban street vernacular.  What's THAT all about?

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Updated On: 5/28/15 at 01:43 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#37Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:43pm

If by unglued you mean bothered, then yes, but I wouldn't use such the word unglued. And yes I needed a break from the board. I am not the first nor will I be the last person on this board to have taken a break to then later resurface.  

#38Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:45pm

But it's not the response it's the "tone" you hear in your head that bothers you.  It's interesting to me where you tend to jump in with fists swinging.

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
#39Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:46pm

I don't think anyone is saying otherwise.  I was just impressed with your self-awareness in your earlier comment.  

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#40Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:46pm

"I'm not sure if reacting to a sock puppet's accusation of white guilt with anger and annoyance is on the face of it any LESS valid than responding to my angry and annoyed post is.  In that discussion with Ross and Puppet, it seems as if *that's* an odd place to fold in your sarcasm.  But just to me, I'm sure.
I have noticed that you do tend to respond to people on the board talking about racism with a sort of phonetic urban street vernacular.  What's THAT all about?"

You have your way of responding to posts and so do I. 


#41Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:47pm

You sho nuff do.

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CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#42Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:47pm

"I don't think anyone is saying otherwise.  I was just impressed with your self-awareness in your earlier comment."



Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#43Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 3:00pm

Ooh Namo that is so Oprah Winfrey Super Soul Sunday of you! Preach on guuuuurl. Preach on ma-ma! *snap* YOU GO ON WIT YO BAD SELF!!!

Isn't that an example of the gay misappropriation of black female culture?  I only ask so I know whether or not I noticed it due to gay guilt.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#44Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 3:02pm

No it's okay because he has no gay card and he loves black men.

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themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#45Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 4:32pm

Well, that covers a lot of ground. Say, you cover a lot of ground yourself. You'd better beat it; I hear they're gonna tear you down and put up an office building where you're standing. You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff. You know, you haven't stopped talking since I came here. You must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle.

Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!


#46Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 4:33pm

We need a like button.

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South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#47Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 7:37pm

Whatever this thread is about I like the Marx Brothers.

Thanks Growl.  Had me watching you tubes.



#48Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 7:55pm

One gets the sense you only read the last post in a thread.

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South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#49Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 7:57pm

Not true Namo, you guys/gals seem to be talking in a different language to me.  I'm a novice.

