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Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!

Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!

#1Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 12:19pm

Oh look.  The summer reading list Janet Maslin put together for the Times is written by authors who are all white!  

the worst kind of groundhog day

 The Denver Comics Convention, which expressly declared a mission of expanding diversity, had a women in comics panel that didn't feature ANY women.

And the world goes round.  Perhaps Janet doesn't see race.  And there shouldn't BE gender issues anyway...

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Updated On: 5/28/15 at 12:19 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#2Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 12:24pm

If minorities want their own lists and panels, there's nothing stopping them from making their own.

Actually noticing this is what's racist.  Obliviously perpetuating the status quo never is.  NEVER.  

Updated On: 5/28/15 at 12:24 PM

#2Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 12:26pm

Thank you for calling me on that!  Next thing you know, people will be Kickstarting for white people and men if I keep this up.

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SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#3Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 12:33pm

In college, I wanted to expose myself to other cultures through literature, so I decided to read I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS, IL POSTINO and was going to read...JOY LUCK CLUB, maybe?

I was told to my choice to do this was racist.  Of course, that person has gone the full Galt and has become an expat living in Singapore and criticizing American politics from afar.  It seems this type of person will always keep finding us.  

#4Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 12:34pm

Ha.  All I know is, "peak caucasity" has now joined my vocab permanently!  

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Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#5Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 12:38pm

I remember exposing myself in college.  No camera phones back then.  It was so much more fun.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Everlast85 Profile Photo
#6Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 12:38pm

Your continual white guilt is actually what's hilarious here.  


#7Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 12:40pm

I have no white guilt.

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Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#8Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 12:52pm

The only reason a Caucasian criticizes racism is due to white guilt.  Why else would Caucasians even discuss the subject of racism other than to be racist or feel shame in themselves?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#9Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 12:54pm

It's the self importance and know-it-all attitude of some on this board that is truly HILARIOUS here. Da fuq is up with that?

Updated On: 5/28/15 at 12:54 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#10Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 12:57pm

What is white guilt?

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#11Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:05pm

If you have to ask, you're white and racist.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#12Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:06pm

You know how there are people who make fun of other people for caring about stuff?  Because, you know, they realize if they were to care about the same stuff it would mean they'd have to take an inventory of themselves and their places in the world and they might have to assess if they're part of the problem or part of the solution?  Well, they come up with phrases to belittle what they think you're doing because they think making any effort to cause change in the world is a waste of time.  (Of course it's not, they just don't want to do it.)

So "white guilt" is a term some people use to belittle white people who want to confront their own inherent racism and those of the system around them.  They want to besmirch the motive because they don't want to do any work on themselves.

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Updated On: 5/28/15 at 01:06 PM

tazber Profile Photo
#13Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:06pm

I believe it's called White Person's Bubble

....but the world goes 'round

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#14Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:08pm

GOOGLE is all of y'all friend: 

  1. White guilt is the individual or collective guilt felt by some white people for harm resulting from racist treatment of people of color by whites both historically and currently.


Ooh Namo that is so Oprah Winfrey Super Soul Sunday of you! Preach on guuuuurl. Preach on ma-ma! *snap* YOU GO ON WIT YO BAD SELF!!! 

#15Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:08pm

Perfect.  We've seen an awful lot of that around here this week.

ETA:  "Oprah Winfrey Super Soul Sunday of you."  I don't understand that reference.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none
Updated On: 5/28/15 at 01:08 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#16Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:12pm

White person's bubble. Hmmm, I wonder if that's anything like black person's bubble butt? 


Oops, wuz that racial?

#17Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:13pm

What does "was it racial" mean?  Are you okay?

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CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#18Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:13pm

Oprah Winfrey Super Soul Sunday of you = SANCTIMONIOUS

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#19Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:15pm

No. I'm never okay when I get on this board. It brings out the absolute worst in me. Must be the company...LOL!

Updated On: 5/28/15 at 01:15 PM

#20Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:16pm

I've never seen that show, so I don't get it.  

I went back through the thread to try to see what it is you find sanctimonious in what I posted.  Was it the part where I responded to everlast's insult?

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CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#21Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:19pm

No not at all Namo. I was just being sarcastic.

I was poking fun of this post:

You know how there are people who make fun of other people for caring about stuff?  Because, you know, they realize if they were to care about the same stuff it would mean they'd have to take an inventory of themselves and their places in the world and they might have to assess if they're part of the problem or part of the solution?  Well, they come up with phrases to belittle what they think you're doing because they think making any effort to cause change in the world is a waste of time. (Of course it's not, they just don't want to do it.)

So "white guilt" is a term some people use to belittle white people who want to confront their own inherent racism and those of the system around them.  They want to besmirch the motive because they don't want to do any work on themselves.




Updated On: 5/28/15 at 01:19 PM

#22Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:21pm

Which is what I just asked you.  That was my response to everlast's jab at me.  Are you reading the threads you comment on?

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CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#23Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:25pm

I am.  I thought you were referring to the one that appears directly below everlast's which reads: "I have no white guilt." 

Updated On: 5/28/15 at 01:25 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#24Peak Caucasity!! Because you can never be too all-white!!
Posted: 5/28/15 at 1:26pm

No. I'm never okay when I get on this board.


This may be the most self-aware thing you've ever posted. 
