Awwww, well I still hope you two have a great time. In the spring and fall I go take the pugs out to the park for the day. Little nutjobs that they are.
I miss my bulldog, we would have the most fun. And she was such a guy magnet!
BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless
DD -- I've had 2 iPods die on me in the last few weeks. Mine, and my Mom's old one. Granted, they are all 3.5 years old, but still!
"The Dark At The Top of the Stairs" was EXCELLENT. Donna Lynne Champlin gave an excellent performance. Truly.
At the library, checking out what little chick lit they have. They good thing is, it in library binding, which means I look like I'm reading "serious stuff" when in reality is total brain trash. Which is why I like it!
Hello all. Long and busy weekend. Early night for me tonight. We still have to do the Easter Bunny thing because of C9, but my wife is asleep and I have no clue where the candy is stored.
I found the stuff - for once it is modest! My wife used to treat Easter like Christmas. I am still waiting for potatoes to cook! I am giving them 10 more minutes then off to bed. I have to sing in the morning!