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Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies- Page 4

Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#75Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/27/23 at 1:10pm

I am a feminist.

The whole history of the world has been decided by patriarchy. We are literally ALL impacted by it. Even Jesus was a man. God is a man. The 12 apostles were men. Moving on up, every US president has been a man. Not so long ago, women could not even vote. It took until 2021 before we even had a woman vice president. World War 2 was all about the men. Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, Truman, Mussolini. Where were the women? 1776. The Founding "Fathers"? Where are the Founding "Mothers"? Patriarchy has literally shaped society as it is today, and has defined our everyday lives. I am allowed to judge it.

The "choices" that women make can sometimes make effect EVERYBODY by carrying on the ridiculous culture of the man, the husband, being the "head of the household". Mostly I do not blame women that take their husband's surname, or give it to their children... this is just the world we live in. I would MUCH prefer a world where Hillary Rodham had not lost the election simply because some idiot conservatives could not face the fact that she wore trousersuits.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#76Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/27/23 at 1:18pm

While I'm here, I also find it ridiculous to refer to "President" Carter, and "First Lady" Carter. Jimmy Carter has not been President Carter since 1981, which is 43 years ago. A presidency lasts four to eight years, it is not a lifetime position.

As I understand it, retaining the title is just a convention which has no basis in law. To me, he is Mr. Carter. Mr. Bush. Mr. Clinton. Mr. Obama. If I was feeling generous, I could perhaps accept "President Emeritus" instead, but even that would be too much for the likes of Donald Trump.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#77Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/27/23 at 1:41pm

Islander_fan said: "And, bit of friendly advice, google what it means to be a troll on an online message board. You’ll see that you fit that definition to a T. And, when it comes to you getting another suspension to this forum or notice that a post of yours has been deleted. You really should try to reflect on what it may have been that had either of those things to occur. The woe is me mindset around it is just annoying."

Thank you.  I hate the stench of bullies and trolls.


Non sibi sed patriae

#78Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/27/23 at 2:24pm

Jay Lerner-Z said: "I am a feminist.

The whole history of the world has been decided by patriarchy. We are literally ALL impacted by it. Even Jesus was a man. God is a man. The 12 apostles were men. Moving on up, every US president has been a man. Not so long ago, women could not even vote. It took until 2021 before we even had a woman vice president. World War 2 was all about the men. Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, Truman, Mussolini. Where were the women? 1776. The Founding "Fathers"? Where are the Founding "Mothers"? Patriarchy has literally shaped society as it is today, and has defined our everyday lives. I am allowed to judge it.

The "choices" that women make can sometimes make effect EVERYBODY by carrying on the ridiculous culture of the man, the husband, being the "head of the household". Mostly I do not blame women that take their husband's surname, or give it to their children... this is just the world we live in. I would MUCH prefer a world where Hillary Rodham had not lost the election simply because some idiot conservatives could not face the fact that she wore trousersuits.

If you were a woman, yes, you can easily and openly take issue with the patriarchal society. But, as a guy you really can’t. In your life you will never know what it is like to be paid less than your male colleague in the same job/position as you. Nor would you have to fight for your rights to take ownership of your reproductive system. 

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#79Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/27/23 at 2:42pm

I can, and I will.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#80Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/27/23 at 4:00pm

Jay Lerner-Z said: "I can, and I will.

Humor me for a moment. Why, pray tell, do you honestly think that you’re able to argue such issues that strongly and negatively impact rather harshly women? And, might I add, in a way as if you’re going through these issues yourself. 

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#81Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/27/23 at 4:11pm

I've humored you enough for today. When people demean and de-humanize me by referring to my "stench", I am not very encouraged to continue.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#82Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/27/23 at 5:50pm

Islander_fan said: "Jay Lerner-Z said: "If you were a woman, yes, you can easily and openly take issue with the patriarchal society."

This seems like a strange take. As a gay man, I'm grateful to our many straight allies, and I'm quite sure we wouldn't have gotten very far without their support. Are you implying they were wrong to have opinions about these issues because they weren't members of the LGBT community?

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#83Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/27/23 at 6:37pm

A "Tribute Service" for First Lady Rosalynn Carter will be held tomorrow, November 28th.  Invited guests include Presidents Biden and Clinton; Vice-President Kamala Harris, and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff.

Also attending are every living current and former First Lady (Jill Biden, Melanie Trump, Michele Obama, Hilary Clinton, and Laura Bush).

An historic gathering, much deserved for First Lady Carter.

Non sibi sed patriae

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#84Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/27/23 at 9:17pm

The service tomorrow (Tuesday) for First Lady Rosalynn Carter is scheduled to begin at 12:00 Noon (Eastern Time).  It will be broadcast on a number of major TV stations such as CNN.

Non sibi sed patriae

#85Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/27/23 at 11:54pm

"Also attending are every living current and former First Lady (Jill Biden, Melanie Trump, Michele Obama, Hilary Clinton, and Laura Bush)."

Probably just a typo but it is Melania Trump not Melanie Trump.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#86Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 10:16am

I was going to let it go, but if we're spellchecking...

"Michelle", with two Ls. "Hillary", with two Ls. If you are so determined to show respect, at least get their names right.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#87Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 11:34am

As a former military spouse, it is so appropriate that service members at this moment are escorting the casket of First Lady Rosalynn Carter.  Very moving.

Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#88Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 11:56am

I suspect that you will not take this comment well, HG... but PLEASE stop whitewashing gay history. Oppression needs to be remembered and recognized. You were NEVER a military spouse. Not only was it illegal for gay men to serve during your time, it was also illegal for two men to marry. You are painting a false picture. This is dangerous.

If you have been retrospectively recognized by law, and paid appropriate entitlements, that is great. If you are referring to your time married to a woman, forget what I just said.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#89Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 12:02pm

Jay Lerner-Z said: "I suspect that you will not take this comment well, HG... but PLEASE stop whitewashing gay history. Oppression needs to be remembered and recognized. You were NEVER a military spouse. Not only was it illegal for gay men to serve during your time, it was also illegal for two men to marry. You are painting a false picture. This is dangerous.

If you have been retrospectively recognized by law, and paid appropriate entitlements, that is great. If you are referring to your time married to a woman, forget what I just said.


I have never said I was a military spouse.  My comment was about First Lady Rosalynn Carter being a former military spouse.  But troll on, you ****ing moron.

Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#90Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 12:06pm

Oh. Sorry.

I should have know you were defining her by the actions of her husband.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#91Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 12:14pm

Jay Lerner-Z said: "Oh. Sorry.

I should have know you were defining her by the actions of her husband.


Don't you DARE demean the value of our military spouses and families.  Just shut your mouth.  Even on this day of sorrow for the passing of First Lady Rosalynn Carter, you show what a bully and troll you are.  You have no limits.

Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#92Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 12:22pm

That is an incorrect interpretation of my comment.

I respect and admire Mrs. Carter, or Rosalynn Smith as was. May she rest in peace.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#93Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 3:21pm

"Ta Ta For Now" First Lady Rosalynn Carter.  WELL  DONE  !!

Non sibi sed patriae

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#94Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 4:02pm

I only saw some of it, the part where Jason spoke, but it was a very nice service. Melania looked friendless.

I heard a commentator say that John Lennon's "Imagine" was performed, which struck me as an odd choice for a religious ceremony. Perhaps it was a nod to the current events in Palestine/Israel. Which reminded me of October 1 this year, when I started a thread in honor of Jimmy's 99th birthday recommending his book "Palestine, Peace not Apartheid". If some of the mourners here had as much respect for the Carters as I did, and actually paid heed to his warnings, perhaps the world would be a better place.

Sadly, moderators deleted my thread. I suspect it had been reported. I guess President Carter is a troll too.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#95Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 7:50pm

60 Minutes put this up on YouTube today. I ask you to watch.

From 1977, Morley Safer visits the White House for an interview with Mrs. Carter. The conversation starts by asking about her (misogynistic) nickname, "Steel Magnolia". It then moves on to how Southern women are "very loving and affectionate" to their menfolk. She answers such stupidity very well. After some questioning about the marital troubles of her children, the interview moves on to her heavy duties of arranging seating for an upcoming state dinner. She explains how she likes to sit spouses next to each other. We then move to the kitchen where the First Lady is asked about her cooking skills. She explains how she went to cooking classes once a week back in Atlanta. Her talent as a ballerina is lacking, unfortunately, we also learn.

The interview ends on a more interesting note. "Don't you ever feel there is something you would like to do just for yourself?" she is asked. "I do, I do" she laughs, "... that is very important to me". The interviewer follows up with "Do you ever, in your low moments, wish you were not First Lady?" She answers quietly, "sometimes... yes."

Now let me ask you this. Is it really so "shameful" and "despicable" for me to be under the impression that her intellect was wasted?


Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

#96Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 8:56pm

kdogg36 said: "Islander_fan said: "Jay Lerner-Z said: "If you were a woman, yes, you can easily and openly take issue with the patriarchal society."

This seems like a strange take. As a gay man, I'm grateful to our many straight allies, and I'm quite sure we wouldn't have gotten very far without their support. Are you implying they were wrong to have opinions about these issues because they weren't members of the LGBT community?

Did you read the rest of what I wrote? No I don’t take issue with being an ally to a given cause. But, not every one should openly talk and take issue with every problem/injustice out there based upon their own personal background. I can, for example, be an ally to the Black Lives Matter movement and work to help the injustices that impact black people in this country. However, as a white guy, it would be wrong for me to say that I get where their issues are coming from when in actuality I don’t. By virtue of being white, I cannot even begin to fathom the ins and outs of the hardships of being black in America. Nor should I speak openly on the subject as if I do. And that’s ok. It’s okay to not get it.


#97Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/28/23 at 8:58pm

Jay Lerner-Z said: "I only saw some of it, the part where Jason spoke, but it was a very nice service. Melania looked friendless.

I heard a commentator say that John Lennon's "Imagine" was performed, which struck me as an odd choice for a religious ceremony. Perhaps it was a nod to the current events in Palestine/Israel. Which reminded me of October 1 this year, when I started a thread in honor of Jimmy's 99th birthday recommending his book"Palestine, Peace not Apartheid". If some of the mourners here had as much respect for the Carters as I did, and actually paid heed to his warnings, perhaps the world would be a better place.

Sadly, moderators deleted my thread. I suspect it had been reported. I guess President Carter is a troll too.

Do you ever stop and think about why you troll around here or even why some of your posts get deleted? I can assure you it’s not done out of spite/people not liking you. That’s for sure. 

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#98Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/29/23 at 10:16am

Islander, quick reminder that in this very thread you were arguing for a slaveholder to remain on the dollar bill.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#99Your Favorite Presidents and First Ladies
Posted: 11/29/23 at 10:20am

Wrong thread, delete

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
Updated On: 11/29/23 at 10:20 AM
