mask-- paper faces on parade, hide your face so the world could never find you, Masquarade (POTO)
book- stories-- Statues and Stories (Piazza)
dream-- I dreamed a dream (Les Mis)
clock-- About a quarter to nine (42nd Street)
pearls-- I wasnt born for the rose or the pearl (WICKED)
broom-- Defying Gravity (WICKED)
clothing-- My Strongest suit (AIDA)
stuffed monkey-- Chimp in a Suit (DRS)
map- Oaklahoma? (DRS)
movie MIRACLE-- The Miracle (DRS)
glasses-- Youll see (RENT)
"There are times when were dirt broke, and hungry and freezing and I ask myself why the hell am I still living here?...And then they call!" ~ Mark Cohen RENT movie