It would have to be an animated feature if they made a movie. Otherwise they would run into a little bit of trouble casting the Egyptians. Remember how Egyptians aren't actually white? For stage, it's easy to get away with and everyone lets it go. But people would not be having it if they made a live action film. I think it would make a pretty good cartoon, though. Maybe a bit dark.
I have a beautiful vision of a (non-animated) movie in my head so i don't see why it has to be animated. I studied this general time period and everything to get a better understanding and i really think the movie would be a BEAUTIFUL movie if it wasn't animated, and i would really like Audra McDonald or Anika to play Aida.
i always thought that zoser was very "jafar-ish" i have no idea why?
Stand-by Joined: 2/14/07
I think it would be great! I can definitely see it working very well as an animated film.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/04
Correct me if I'm wrong, but why do you seem to be against hand-drawn animation, Sean Martin? I know it seems that I've come up with harsh conclusion from reading your posts, but I couldn't help but get that feeling from you. I can see having a preference to CGI, but I think variety would be great and I don't see why we can't champion both. As long as the quality is there.
I'm hardly against hand drawn animation, and Ive never said I am. What I *have* said is that Disney decided, from a business stand point, that they were leaving it behind and moving on to strictly CG work -- and now it seems that because they cant figure out how to do it successfully, they're backtracking. The bottom line? They're floundering. They have no idea where they're going, because no one in the front office has the slightest bit of vision beyond what merchandising they can squeeze out of any given project. And any future project they do will have the inevitable Disney stamp on it, something that, once upon a time, actually meant a quality product... but that was a long time ago. Now they're coasting on the name recognition, which is why their revenues are way down.
So they're saying they're making FROG PRINCE and RAPUNZEL as "traditional animation". Maybe so, but I doubt seriously it will come close to the great animations of the past. Look at their direct to video work of late and tell me it has anything in it that approaches the depth of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, which is arguably the last great Disney animated film. They've gotten sloppy and careless because they simply dont know how to do it anymore: the people who masterminded those great films in the past are dead, and there's no one stepping up to replace them.
So the traditional studio has to be rebuilt from the ground up and the experiments in all-CG work required bringing in an outside supplier. That, to me anyway, suggests that Disney is in real trouble insofar as animation is concerned. Their last forays into the form have been disasters ("Home On The Range", anyone?). They've lost the touch. And while concept sketches are all well and good, what they seem to suggest is that no one has a clear vision of anything.
For myself, I love traditional cel animation... but when it's done well. While living in Canada, I saw some incredible pieces of animation -- The Man Who Planted Trees is without a doubt one of the most amazing pieces of hand drawn animation done in the last 40 years. But, like everything else, it needs someone with vision and imagination... two things Disney seems to have in very short supply.
BTW: anyone who still things of Disney has a creative powerhouse has only to look at what they're doing to the Winnie the Pooh franchise -- specifically to Christopher Robin. Now *that* is downright sad and pathetic.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
It's digusting. the problem with Disney is they're too big. I still love aspects of their work--but then other parts of the company can take those aspects I love and franchise them out to CInderella 3, etc.
They raised carnival rides into a fine art and then under EIsner got very sloppy with parks like Disneyland--Lasseter has already done wonders there and now is doing an unprecedented revamp of California Adventure but I gotta wonder--with Lasseter heading traditional animation, the Pixar in studio AND the theme parks something has gotta give. Still it's better than where we were
personally i think the last great AMAZING disney movie was Hunchback....i still enjoy the movies after that up until Tarzan though. They just werent up to par
There actaully was an animated movie based off the Opera but its really hard to find because it was only released in Italy but here is the website:
It is pretty bad and the story is changed a lot also they are all animals which was weird. However I am not against the idea of Aida being an animated movie though I would also like to see it as a live action film my only request is that I want it with the origional cast Adam pascal really is the only Radames for me.
I would love to see this as a movie with maybe (don't kill me) Beyonce as Aida and Adam P. as Radames.
Adam should stay away from film. Much like Taye Diggs with television and Cheno with anything other than Broadway.
I'd LOVE to see this as an animated movie...Another Pyramid could be awesome to see, especially with the ministers and whatnot...Could end up as cool as Be Prepared was...Although they might have to alter Zoser's appearance slightly as to avoid people getting him confused with Jafar. And speaking of Zoser...Hows about David Bowie for his voice? That right there would immediately make it worth watching. The rest of the cast...I'd say Alicia Keys as Aida...Adam Pascal as Radames...Usher or Corbin Bleu for Mereb...And Amneris, not so sure. Maybe Rosario Dawson or Emmy Rossum?
No I can't see Corbin Blue or Usher playing Mereb. Alicia Keys isn't a posibitly either her voice is to breathy I don't think it translates to Aida's character very well. I like her orinional voice though so I would like to see Heather Headley as the voice. As for Amneris maybe Rosario Dawson but deffinetly not Emmy Rossum Amneris is a belter Emmy is not she is a high flighty soprano. Also I really feel that the origional should be kept I like Sherie Rene Scott's voice. Though I wouldn't mind seeing Idina as Amneris either. Also Radames has to be Adam there is just no other voice I can distinguish that character with.