Yep, that color is really bold. In general wish they would have veered further from the source material, some of these are really literal, they look like themepark characters.
The sets and costumes are fantastic. Jasmine's infamous costume looks even better in person the way it sparkles.
The bottom photo interests me. When I saw it, that bottom piece of the set under the circular window was missing, which explains the 45 minute intermission for a technical error. Now I understand why it looked odd for what was happening!
Stand-by Joined: 8/18/12
When I saw it, it thankfully went off without a hitch! I admit I was holding my breath because I had heard about the problems with the carpet.
I don't remember there being a moon in Jasmine's window when I saw the show... I wonder if it was removed (I saw the show this past Tuesday) or if I just didn't notice it. (Or maybe it disappeared once A Whole New World started and I just don't remember it.)
I think the costumes look great in person. Very bold, flashy when they need to be , and yes, sparkly! I liked all of the sets except for the Agrabah city set. When Adam Jacobs is jumping around on the top of the buildings, they wobbled a little, which looked silly.
I can't remember if the moon was there the whole time or moved out! With or without, it was gorgeous.
Chase scenes irk me. They always look terrible, and "One Jump Ahead" is that completely!
I went to see this tonight and had fairly modest expectations since i'm not a huge fan of the movie, but i ended up loving the stage version. Loved the sets, costumes, lighting, dancing, choreography, singing, and new 'i want' song for Aladdin and lots of cute, funny lines in the new book. Loved the tap dancing and general build-up of "Friend Like Me" - very old-school classic musical style, which i loved. The scene with 'A Whole New World' was gorgeous - both the background and music, and I think it is perfect with the carpet on the stage (or rather, above it) the whole time where the audience can see the actors. I only saw the movie once, but i will definitely be going back to see the stage show multiple times. It is very much a crowd-pleaser.
Updated On: 11/14/13 at 11:06 PM
Opened tonight- Toronto Star critic basically hated Jasmine- and I admit it's a paper thin role but hey- so is Fiyero in Wicked. It's not their fault the shows are lopsided that wa.y We lose Iago as bird and he become a henchman like Le Fou in Beauty. Jafar gets to be Snidley Whiplashw lots of pantomine style jokes. And instead of Abu the monekey we get Omar, Kassim & Babkak Aladin's fellow boy band of the market members. They also serve as narrators part of the time. Also lots of puns & food jokes defenetly playinf to a juvenile frame of mind. The colours are super saturated which was a lil hard on the eyes some times. Costumes are uniformly gorgeous, Most of the choreography was good in a old style bway bit ( a hora ias done as part of the ending andIi started to laugh . Really? Also a bit of a shout out early in the Cave of Wonders to "a Chorus Line" -again- I laughed) The High Adventure number was a bit more interesting if only because of the sword work. Lets face i the show is basically about Aladin & the Genie and both Adam Jacobs & James Monroe Igglehart do shine separably and together, they totally hold your focus. Friend Like be is a good old fashioned show stopper. There was a problem w a trap door during the FLM number bad enough that they had to send out stage hands to work on it while the show went on around them.
The Magic Carpet effect went off well in "A Whole New World but I'm not sure it is enough. In the end it's all gonna be about Aladin & the Genie - don't see tis as a sure thing on Bway. But that's just me.