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Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?- Page 8

Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?

#175re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 5:43pm

"Wow, you've mispelled acquaint on so many levels..."

Cat, turn around.

I think somethin went over your head.

re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?

Holliwoodblonde Profile Photo
#176re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 6:52pm

The thread keeps turning so I'm going to try and touch on everything that's been running through my head while reading this.

We've established that actors talk about audience members/fans, who hasn't seen an old guy sleeping in the front row or the hot guy a few rows back and then talked about it with your castmates at a diner after a performance?

In regards to myspace/the internet in general drastically changing the fan-actor relationship; I think it has to do with our entire culture in general. Every week magazines are published full of who's sleeping with whom and what shampoo Angelina's using. We want information about other people and we want lots of it, fast. All of that is only elevated on Broadway because if someone wants to meet their favorite actor all they have to do is wait outside the theater at 10:30. And for a Broadway actor, who mostly lives a life of anonymity, I can only imagine how exhilarating it must be to have people who seem to be truly devoted to your work meet you and fawn over you for a few minutes every night. An actor really doesn't have to leave via the stage door, but through message boards and such they must feel compelled too, if they don't their reputation can easily be ruined through a few threads.

Now to distinguish between friends and acquaintances. I’ve been going to the same drugstore for almost three years. I say hi to the employees and will occasionally comment on their new haircut or the weather and such. They recognize me, I recognize them. Does this make us friends? Not by a long shot. In my opinion, it’s the same with Broadway actors and fans, you say Hi, they say Hi, they sign your playbill, and you’re done. Personally, I’ve always felt that stage-dooring was an invasion of privacy but that’s another story.

As a drama geek going into her senior year of high school, I can say that it’s easy to get caught up in the “that’s going to be me one day!” feeling you get when you see a show and when you really connect with a character it inspires you and gives you something to aspire to. And since, for many of us, the theater is sometimes the one place where we feel totally at home kids can easily become borderline insane about a show or a performer. I’m making a huge generalization here, but since most “beastly fan girls” are still teenagers, they haven’t really reached a level of maturity where they can separate themselves from a situation and realize that Idina isn’t their new best friend and that while her role in whatever show has drastically affected your life, you really haven’t affected hers. For the most part, like others have said earlier in the thread, these kids are harmless and in a few years will grow out of it and grow into snarky bww posters who will vehemently deny having any sort of obsession with a show or person in their youth.

**steps off soapbox**

#177re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 7:03pm

"I’m making a huge generalization here, but since most “beastly fan girls” are still teenagers, they haven’t really reached a level of maturity where they can separate themselves from a situation and realize that Idina isn’t their new best friend and that while her role in whatever show has drastically affected your life, you really haven’t affected hers.

Perfectly stated. However, I won't be surprised if that statement is attacked.

I find it very, very true though! Good job! re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

Holliwoodblonde Profile Photo
#178re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 7:06pm

I can take em!! re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?

Thanks, SweetQ. I usually prefer to stand back and lurk but I wanted to put my .02 in today.

#179re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 7:13pm

"And since, for many of us, the theater is sometimes the one place where we feel totally at home kids can easily become borderline insane about a show or a performer"

Thats very true, about the whole drama club kids being complete outsiders, I mean, in a sense at my school, were not, we have each other, so its not a big deal, yeah the popular kids make fun of us for wearing a musical t-shirt and once on a spirit day about sport teams, after our weekend of DAMN YANKEES, We wore our baseball uniforms and this jerk made fun of me and I gave him crap. Yes, high school is a major bitch for some people, but for me, theatre has been my safe haven, without it, I don't think I've had made it through the past 3 and upcoming year. I witness the "beastly fan girls" you speak of, one girl in particular was so obessed with RENT, every day she would come up to me and talk about RENT till she was blue in the face and speak highly of Idina and everything. I witness it, yes, its scary that some people can't tell the difference between character and real person. At times it may seem, I'm obessive about Cheyenne Jackson. Do I know he's NOT my friend- Yes. Do I know that when he emails me he's probably emailing other fans- Of Course. Is he a nice guy- Yes. But I know the difference between the line of actor and fan. I just hope some people--- age regardless, come to terms with that.

Updated On: 8/29/06 at 07:13 PM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#180re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 7:24pm

Wow, I go to work and this thread grows by 3 pages!

I'd like to address the discussion about actors reading BWW. Now, I'm narcissistic - if I were a theater actor, I'd be on this site every chance I had. However, I do know actors who wouldn't click on this site if a gun was being held to their heads. That's the right thing for them and they know it.

I find myself the opposite of those fans of whom we speak here, and it's sad - I have a friend whose partner is a well-known performer, and when they say things to me like, I hope to see you at my such and such performance, instead of taking it as, "you're my partner's good friend and we've hung out, you're cool and I think you'll enjoy this performance," I read it as nothing more than an attempted ticket sale. That's wrong too, but I believe it's from being on this board that I've become that jaded.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
Updated On: 8/29/06 at 07:24 PM

#181re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 7:27pm

well i know when i went to see Jersey Boys, i was in the front row and i was wear a University of Michigan shirt, daniel told me at the stage door and they wore talking about it backstage.

2008 Pirandello Players of SBHS present "Damn Yankees"
Updated On: 8/30/06 at 07:27 PM

sweetestsiren Profile Photo
#182re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 8:28pm

It's not the supposed friendships that bother me. It's when posters speak about these people like they know them or act like some sort of authority on their careers and personality.

This I definitely agree with. I think, in the excitement about being reasonably acquainted with an actor or actress, people vastly lose sight of the fact that in the vast majority of cases, they're only getting that actor's stage door persona. It seems that people (probably incorrectly) draw further inferences about the actor's personality, private life, etc. based on this. The most important thing to remember is that what they say at the stage door or to fans in general isn't a reflection of who they are as people, since as a fan you're getting such a small part of the picture.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#183re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 8:33pm

It's that same kind of skewed vision that makes something an actor says at a stage door 100x funnier than if your friend said the same thing. I read the quotes posted on this site sometimes and am underwhelmed by what people think is hilarious.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#184re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 9:09pm

It's that same kind of skewed vision that makes something an actor says at a stage door 100x funnier than if your friend said the same thing.

I believe it's the same skiewed vision that encourages the purchase of over-priced merchandise, too.

#185re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 9:34pm

Moxie is terribly wise.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#186re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 9:39pm

"Now, I'm narcissistic - if I were a theater actor, I'd be on this site every chance I had."

Yet you're not a theater actor and both of those things are still true.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#187re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 9:47pm

When did I imply they weren't?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#188re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 9:52pm

Im sure some actors check out this site. That is after they have re-organized their coupons, washed the ceiling, scrubbed the cat, converted their beta tapes to VHS, and translated Angela's Ashes into Gaelic. Carry on..

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#189re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 9:54pm

"and translated Angela's Ashes into Gaelic."

Dump that loser bf and marry me.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#190re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 9:57pm

How many times do I have to tell you...the boobie thing is a MAJOR turnoff!

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#191re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 9:59pm

*binds herself*

How's that?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#192re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 10:02pm

You bound yourself?? Does that mean you just ate alot of cheese and rice???

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#193re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 10:03pm

Dear God, I WISH.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#194re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 10:42pm

Adding my .02 today.

Some people (I'll admit that I feel this way sometimes as well), feel a sort of validation if this actor remembers their face, or responds to their e-mail. It's made my day when a favorite actor of mine gives me a hug and asks me how I am, especially if I haven't seen them in a while. It's similar to the people you'd love to be friends with in school - if they are nice to you, you're cool - if you get an e-mail from Tony Winner X, you are awesome. It's a self-esteem issue.

For the fact of calling an actor a friend or acquaintance, I would never call an actor a friend unless we'd actually spent time with each other outside of the theatre (dinner, etc). Even if they were to introduce you as a friend - it wouldn't be like they're going to say, "Hey, So and So, this is my fan Bob!" They're going to introduce you as a friend because that's how you'd introduce someone.

There's no reason that a fan shouldn't be able to go to the stage door when they'd like to and see the star, as long as they're not trying to forge some sort of friendship with them. It's really all in the actor's hands - if they give you their phone number, that's great. Some friends of mine have became friends and had dinner with actors and seen shows with them - it's never happened to me, and I'm not quite sure if I'd want it to. If you love the show, and you have a fight with your actor friend who's in that show and you decide not to talk anymore, that show and the stage door is going to be tainted until that actor leaves.

Basically reiterating what everyone said, but yes. Feels good to let it out.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#195re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 10:47pm

"Some people (I'll admit that I feel this way sometimes as well), feel a sort of validation if this actor remembers their face, or responds to their e-mail. It's made my day when a favorite actor of mine gives me a hug and asks me how I am, especially if I haven't seen them in a while. It's similar to the people you'd love to be friends with in school - if they are nice to you, you're cool - if you get an e-mail from Tony Winner X, you are awesome. It's a self-esteem issue."

But why? Because they can sing/dance/act? Why does that make their acknowledgement of you more special than anyone else who REALLY cares about you?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#196re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:00pm

Okay, the stage door thing....

Does anyone ever wonder how actors really feel about fans who stage door frequently even on nights when they don't see the shows?
Updated On: 8/29/06 at 11:00 PM

#197re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:10pm

Wow you all are really prolific and I can't keep up. So say someone were getting ready to make her bway debut. What advice do YOU have for that person so she doesn't offend the folks outside the stage door?

#198re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:26pm

So I have sat here and read all 8 pages of the thread, so I have had much to chew on. First, I must say that, as a teen, I recognize what many of you are saying. I am very proud to say that I am not one of these teenyboppers. Sure, I have my crushes, I mean, who hasn't had a crush? However, I don't "stalk" them, heck, I don't even pester them even if they do have myspace, or whatever other internet site. I honestly don't expect to become friends, or even acquaintances with them. Especially with a 2,000 mile gap between us. As an aspiring actress I admire an actor/ actress for their performance, their craft, their talent.

As someone before me said, I think the term "friend" is used very loosely these days. I mean, I have heard of people talking for 10 minutes for the first time and one person in the party later on calls them a 'friend'. If this is what the teenybopper believes, of course if they spend 10 minutes gushing to Idina, they will believe they are 'friends'. Then they get angry when a month later, she doesn't remember them.

I stage door, mainly for the experience. I like to think when I see an actors signiture on my playbills, "Wow! That was a great performance!" Sure, I can do that without the signitures, but I don't know, it's just nice.

Finally, to answer the main question: Yes, I don't have a doubt in my mind that actors talk about fan with one another. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

#199re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:37pm

First, I must say that, as a teen, I recognize what many of you are saying. I am very proud to say that I am not one of these teenyboppers. Sure, I have my crushes, I mean, who hasn't had a crush? However, I don't "stalk" them, heck, I don't even pester them even if they do have myspace, or whatever other internet site.

I think what some of us are commenting on has more to do with how this "friend/fan" behavior affects our experiences HERE, on these boards. Because, really, the type of fans we're talking about are not fans of ours. So, what they do or how they cobehave with an actor really has no bearing on our real lives. My frustrations, and I'm speaking for myself here, revolve around my posting experience and some things that have happened off-boards. I come here to escape frustrations of my real life, to get some humor in, to connect with other posters. It really, really blows when great threads are killed by the fans we're talking about. The ones who take comments about actors too seriously or who insist on batting us over the head with what they believe is what the person is "really" like and who get all "you don't know them like I know them, you have no right to an opinion" - ish.
