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Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?- Page 6

Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?

JailyardGuy Profile Photo
#125re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 10:03am

Sing it, sister soul!

I've been watching the thread, but everytime I've wanted to post, you've taken the words right out of my mouth.

Suzanne: I never use catalogs. I'd rather go in the store and see all the salespeople groveling and sucking up to you. Julia: Pardon me, I never knew they were so solicitous at the K-Mart.

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#126re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 10:22am

My dear boy....class, panache, style, excellent taste, and the proficiency to perform well on an instrument are admirable qualities. You will go very far in this world! tee hee

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page

#127re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:09am

Rath said: "What seems to fly over all your heads is that you are customers to these people. Paying customers."

That would make them prostitutes. Not all actors are prostitutes (Unless you ask those religious fanatics who still believs everything revovles around the Earth).

JailyardGuy Profile Photo
#128re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:16am

I completely disagree.

We are ALL prostitutes in this business, no matter our role. We perform a service of no tangible import, and we receive monetary compensation for it. We shill, we market, we advertise, we pander...all to get people to pay to see us do what we do.

It is absolutely in an actor's best interest to be as polite as possible to their fans to ensure that Little Beastly Fangirl tells all her friends "OMG, guyz, Actor So-and-So TOTALLY talked to me for like, TEN WHOLE MINUTES, and I think he totally likes me, and we are ALL going to get tickets and go see this show EVERY the girls!" and so on and so on.

Why? So we can keep paying rent and buying food...when Actor So-and-So racks up the fangirl ticket sales, the show stays open. When the show stays open, they still need an orchestra. While they still need an orchestra, I still have a job.

Pander away, Actor So-and-So. Pander away.

Suzanne: I never use catalogs. I'd rather go in the store and see all the salespeople groveling and sucking up to you. Julia: Pardon me, I never knew they were so solicitous at the K-Mart.

#129re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:19am

When you're right, you're right, JYG.

I guess I failed to specify the level of prostituteness.

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#130re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:20am

Jail, you do the music, and I the lyrics....Little Beastly Fangirl: The musical.....about broadway groupies....we'll combine Forbidden Broadway and Fatal Attraction....the Weisler's will LOVE IT!!!

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page

JailyardGuy Profile Photo
#131re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:23am

I've got Fran on the phone *rightthissecond*.

I see sequins, a bi-level set, and a cast taken entirely from the tour of "Carrie".

It's on.

Suzanne: I never use catalogs. I'd rather go in the store and see all the salespeople groveling and sucking up to you. Julia: Pardon me, I never knew they were so solicitous at the K-Mart.

#132re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:23am

...and stunt cast it with Brooke Shields.

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#133re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:25am

Im serious that show could wait..Broadway groupies have no touch with reality or a sense of humor...scratch that...back to The Breakfast Club : The Musical.

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page

JACXR71 Profile Photo
#134re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:28am

Adding fuel to the fire:

"New website allows users to post their pics with celebrities"

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#135re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:37am

Taking into consideration that there have only been a few lucid posts in this thread well thought out and valid ( you know who you are...No, not're the one we are worried about), the fuel is hitting a candlelight rather than a fire...LOL.

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page

JACXR71 Profile Photo
#136re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:41am

Ha - touche, Hamlet. Though I like the newest turn the thread has taken...I'm eager to hear more about you and Jaily's joint venture...

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#137re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:43am

Next years fringe, Greater ideas have been hatched in far stranger venues than here.

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page

JailyardGuy Profile Photo
#138re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 11:54am

I'm totally in.

My JonBenet musical was going nowhere, anyway...

Suzanne: I never use catalogs. I'd rather go in the store and see all the salespeople groveling and sucking up to you. Julia: Pardon me, I never knew they were so solicitous at the K-Mart.

aspiringactress Profile Photo
#139re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 12:00pm

Oh Lordy.

"We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in it's flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung, the dance when it's been danced? It's only we humans who want to own the future too." - Tom Stoppard, Shipwreck

bwaysinger Profile Photo
#140re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 12:11pm

I can tell you unequivocally that many people who post right here on the BWW message board are often the topic of conversation among Broadway folk.

ETA: lord. I didn't see where this topic had gone (to serious and back).
Jaily, wouldn't the touring cast of Carrie be a bit long in the tooth to play beastly little fangirls? Then again, being too old for a part doesn't stop some casting directors.
Updated On: 8/29/06 at 12:11 PM

Petra Profile Photo
#141re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 12:14pm

And, not all of it is good, I imagine.

"There's a lot I'll have missed but I'll not have been dead when I die! And a person should celebrate everything passing by."

HamletWasBipolar Profile Photo
#142re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 12:20pm

Im sure some do read BWW ocassionally. They have down time, laptops, and Starbuck's, too. Actors are human beings and everyone likes an egostroke every now and then. Broadway perfromers are closer to human beings than they are stars. They are treated like stars here and Im sure they like that. Ask on the street who Greg Jbara is, an 99.8% would have no clue. Ask the same question in here, and voila, instant star. So yes, Im sure some do check in, and rightly so.

" I wish that the stage were as narrow as a tightrope wire, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." -- Goethe (he wants you to go to my Myspace page

#143re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 12:28pm

Yes, they read these boards. I had an actor recently mention something to me that I said on here. Whether he read it or it was passed along to him I have no idea, but he seems the type to haunt boards like this. Hence why I changed my avatar. I'd just get a new username but, ummm...the actor in question can suck it.

It's like , they want to hear feedback....but only if it's positive. That's the other reason why these "connections" we form with actors are, in my opinion, usually just one sided ego strokes for them.

JailyardGuy Profile Photo
#144re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 12:37pm

I'll drink to that, sugarlips.

The kiddies need to make some friends their own age and stop emailing and MySpacing and stagedooring and leaving little notes with the security's fine to be a fan. I had a 45 minute conversation with Mariah Carey once. Does that make her my best friend? No. But has it ensured that, terrible crap though it is, I've bought all of her recent CDs? Yep. She's a sweetie. I'm a fan. Would she recognize me by name at Saks? I HIGHLY doubt it. Am I crushed? Please.

And so it is, young FanTweens/Teens, with your Broadway idols. Yes, it's absolutely ADORABLE that you look up to them and that someday you see your name up there in lights and you want to do what they do and you are just omigoshsosuperduperexcited that Chorus Girl X gave you her email address.

That doesn't mean she wants to be your new Bestestest Friend Ever(!!!), Big Sister, or Surrogate Mother.

Chill. Enjoy their talents, and don't stalk them.

That's all they ask.

ETA: Oh, and it DOES NOT mean that you have "connections" on Broadway that will "omg, TOTALLY get me an audition". Hearing that crap makes me want to vomit from every available orifice.

Suzanne: I never use catalogs. I'd rather go in the store and see all the salespeople groveling and sucking up to you. Julia: Pardon me, I never knew they were so solicitous at the K-Mart.
Updated On: 8/29/06 at 12:37 PM

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#145re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 12:44pm

"The kiddies need to make some friends their own age and stop emailing and MySpacing and stagedooring and leaving little notes with the security guard"

Haha. True.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

ruprecht Profile Photo
#146re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 12:57pm

I said everything I needed to about this topic on a long ago thread which was very similiar in tone. I didn't start it, got alot of sh*t for it and would link it but don't remember the title.

Lady of the Talkies
#147re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 1:12pm

I seem to recall a certain Jailyard Guy sitting outside a certain performers house for several hours hoping that would be the day she would decide to leave her apartment.

re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers? We all do things we're not proud of, let's leave the holier than thou antics at the front door.

That being said, everyone needs to get over themselves! Can we please beat this dead horse a LITTLE more? The bottom line is, people are human... performers and fans alike. We all do stupid things. We all do caddy things.

We all make mistakes. Period.

Who cares if little teeny boppers are walking around claiming friendship with So and So? Unless they are truly disrupting So and So's life, it's completely harmless. More often than not it's a situation that can easily be dealt with.

I can understand how it can be frustrating to watch. I know quite a few people and I don't consider them to be my friends. Some just aquaintances, some friendlier aquaintances. I have only had one case where a friendly aquaintance has grown into a real friendship and it was one that I never had an expectations of. (Yet one I cherish.) I've had discussions with her about the stagedoor/fan relationship and how it can take a very long time to manifest into an actual relationship, if ever one at all. The fact of the matter is, it's a clause in the job. Your image is everything in this business and if you want to succeed you must play your cards right. I think the bottom line is boundaries. Set them at the beginning and you are in a good place.
Updated On: 8/29/06 at 01:12 PM

JailyardGuy Profile Photo
#148re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 1:14pm

With hair like hers, who wouldn't?

(So THIS is your new screenname :-P)

Suzanne: I never use catalogs. I'd rather go in the store and see all the salespeople groveling and sucking up to you. Julia: Pardon me, I never knew they were so solicitous at the K-Mart.

Lady of the Talkies
#149re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
Posted: 8/29/06 at 1:17pm

My hair is just as nice and I don't see you sitting outside MY apartment... of course, I actually have a tendency to leave mine. re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
