Saw it two nights ago and loved it. The music definitely helped transition from one story to another, however I feel that some of the transitions were a little disjunctive and forced.
Overall tho I think it was one hell of an enjoyable night of theatre. I also loved several of the nod's towards past and present theatre shows (Into the Woods and Wicked specifically)
I love Charles Busch, but this one was just too disjointed and confusing for me. I THINK I see what he was getting at, but there's just too much of a mish-mash for my tastes. Just my opinion.
Anyone tried rushing this show? I'm heading to NYC next week and the friend I'm going with has this show on his must-see-list. I'd heard they have a student rush and an under-30 rush two hours prior to curtain.
I found the play to be hilarious! There is so much happening and the speed is so fast, but it was great fun. Charles Busch turned in another terrific performance, I enjoyed Kathleen Turner, and the woman playing the Scientist stopped the show when I saw it. The audience seemed to enjoy it as well. Definitely was worth the price of admission. Robert Osbourne from TCM was there in the audience.
"Love the Art in Yourself. Not Yourself in the Art." -- Stanislavski
I was there the same night that Robert Osboune was there too!
I LOVED the show. There was a lot going on--and if you cared to listen to the story line, you'd probably like it! Its rather brilliant as Busch weaves three stories into one entertaining and moving evening! Busch is in top form on stage too! GREAT cast, sets, lights--love the underscoring! True, its not the laugh a minute kind of show we are used to Busch doing--no..its beyond that and more.
Bumping up this thread...what is the house size for this show? My friend is dying to see it and we just bought TDF tickets for this Friday's (2/20) show. Though we don't know where the seats are, of course, my impression was that it is a small house, so it shouldn't matter.