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Dee Roscioli Takes Over Elphaba on Broadway on July 21- Page 26

Dee Roscioli Takes Over Elphaba on Broadway on July 21

adamgreer Profile Photo
#625Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 11:54am

bubbleblonde we are not saying you can't not like her, we are saying don't judge her performance until you have seen her recently or live.

I've seen her twice since she's been on Broadway, the last time being this past Sunday. Is that recent enough for you? She was, as I mentioned, as boring as ever. Her voice is great, but her acting is horrendous. It was fun watching Alli Mauzey wipe the stage with her in every way possible.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#626Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 11:58am

I saw her in Chicago and she kind of made me never want to see Wicked again.

byebyebaby12 Profile Photo
#627Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 12:16pm

Why are these threads merged? It is driving me nuts!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#628Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 12:31pm

Why are these threads merged? It is driving me nuts!

Because Dee Roscioli is just that boring that people found another way to entertain themselves.

#629Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 12:34pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 12:34 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#630Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 12:35pm

and adamgreer i didnt know you had another account with the name bubbleblonde, we all have our own opinions


#631Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 12:38pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 12:38 PM

#632Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 12:45pm

I think it was a general reply to your comment... anyway I have no interest in seeing her live. I can't imagine recording devices hold a grudge against her and cause her to sound bland and appear rather boring so I don't really understand the logic. It's a very ad hominem argument.

#633Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 12:57pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 12:57 PM

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#634Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 3:34pm

And how f***ing dare ANYONE out there make fun of Dee, after alls she's been through. She lost her Aunt, she went through a divorce, she had two f***ing kids, her husband turned out to be a user, a cheater, and now she's going through a custidy battle. ALL YOU PEOPLE CARE ABOUT IS READERS AND MAKING MONEY OFF OF HER! SHE'S A HUMAN! What you don't realize is that Dee's making WICKED all this money and all you do is write this crap about her. She hasn't performed on stage in a year. Leave her alone! You're lucky she even performed for you B@$t@rds! LEAVE DEE ALONE! Please?

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

#635Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 4:11pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 04:11 PM

#636Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 4:27pm

Um, she isn't making Wicked ANY money..

#637Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 4:29pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 04:29 PM

#638Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 4:31pm

They could put a Candied Ham in green paint and a pink tutu and roll across the stage and bring in over a million a week. In fact, Wicked has done that before. We call them Menzel and Chenoweth.
Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread

#639Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 4:34pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 04:34 PM

#640Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 4:38pm

I know, right? Cuz the first thing Miss Size Of A House from Alabama think when bookin' her New Yahk City trip is spending $120 a pop for her, her husband, and all 35 of her squealing brats to see Dee Roscioli live in green person because they have been fans of hers for YEARS.

And really.. cuz you know, divorces and cheating men are such a rarity in this world.. Granted, I'm gay, so i haven't done the divorce thing myself, but a number of my close relatives have.. several times even, but cheating men? If I open that can of worms and talked about men cheating on me, it would be like the Shrek babies coming out of the woodwork in Shrek 3.

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#641Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 5:06pm

In the words of the amazing and bat s**t crazy Alice Ripley...."YOU DON'T KNOOOOOOOW!"
Replace "Britney" with "Dee" to understand the joke.

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

#642Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 5:11pm

ha ha ha ha ha.
I got the joke.. Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread Just having fun as well.

#643Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 6:24pm

nickchopper ur wrong
people go to see wicked because its wicked they dont care whos elphaba, its like i asked my uncle stephen schwartz who invented wicked for tickets but he said no because it sells out!! face it dee roscioli is boring and wishingonlywounds2 should be kissing whoever invented reverb and autotuner's ass

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#644Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 6:35pm

Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread

Go away Mel089.

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

#645Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 6:36pm

fu bwayboundc.un.....t

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#646Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 6:50pm

...I don't speak Chinese.

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#647Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 6:53pm

NickChopper you're an absolute idiot if you think that people going to see Wicked have any idea, or care who is playing a single role. 99% of the audience has no idea who the hell Dee Roscioli, Erin Mackey, or anyone else is, and they don't care. Frankly, that's one of the reasons those two women are here. They've never been on Broadway before, so they come cheaply. You're delusional if you think Roscioli is making anywhere the money that Menzel, Espinosa, Block, or Murney made.

#648Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:01pm

"Um, she isn't making Wicked ANY money.."

This is the funniest thing I read on here. The show is ALWAYS sold out and the cancellation line usually has anywhere between 20-30 people in it every time.

They could put a Candied Ham in green paint and a pink tutu and roll across the stage and bring in over a million a week. In fact, Wicked has done that before. We call them Menzel and Chenoweth."


"Frankly, that's one of the reasons those two women are here. They've never been on Broadway before, so they come cheaply. You're delusional if you think Roscioli is making anywhere the money that Menzel, Espinosa, Block, or Murney made."

And you know this how? Did you personally ask everyone how much they make?
Why don't you stop seeing Wicked for awhile and spend all of your money paying people to stand in the rush line for you to see Next to Normal for the 100th time.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!
Updated On: 8/12/09 at 07:01 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#649Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:08pm

And you know this how? Did you personally ask everyone how much they make?

Val, I'm going to try and explain this in as simple terms as possible, because I know you're not that bright.

People who've been on Broadway before, and have originated leading roles always get more than someone making their Broadway debut. You don't have to "personally ask" anyone that. That's the way the industry works.
