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Dee Roscioli Takes Over Elphaba on Broadway on July 21- Page 27

Dee Roscioli Takes Over Elphaba on Broadway on July 21

#650Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:14pm

"Val, I'm going to try and explain this in as simple terms as possible, because I know you're not that bright.

People who've been on Broadway before, and have originated leading roles always get more than someone making their Broadway debut. You don't have to "personally ask" anyone that. That's the way the industry works."

Taking personal shots at me again I see.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#651Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:20pm

Adam, there's really no reason to personally attack DefyingGravity777 like that. You two may have a past and issues in the past, but there's no reason to personally attack her to make a point.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#652Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:22pm

"Why don't you stop seeing Wicked for awhile and spend all of your money paying people to stand in the rush line for you to see Next to Normal for the 100th time. "

I know Adamgreer personally, and that is completely untrue. He has never paid anyone to rush N2N for him.
Updated On: 8/12/09 at 07:22 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#653Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:23pm

Why don't you stop seeing Wicked for awhile and spend all of your money paying people to stand in the rush line for you to see Next to Normal for the 100th time.

Thank you, Ljay. Val, I don't know where you get these cockamamie ideas from, but I've never done that. EVER.

#654Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:35pm

ljay I know him personally too unfortunately.

Nick let me rephase my original statement.
Why don't you stop seeing Wicked for awhile and spend all of your money to see Next to Normal for the 100th time.

That way everyone wouldn't have to read about how you think Dee is boring and Erin is whatever you said about her. Give us all a break PLEASE. Go into the N2N love thread and talk about how Alice is the greatest thing since sliced bread and about your crushes on Aaron and Kyle Dean.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

#655Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:36pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 07:36 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#656Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:37pm

Please. Can these children (NickChopper) go back to school??

#657Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:42pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 07:42 PM

#658Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:44pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 07:44 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#659Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:47pm

Yes, I am very old.
Enjoy 5th the grade!! You're almost ready for middle school!
Updated On: 8/12/09 at 07:47 PM

#660Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:48pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 07:48 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#661Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:55pm

Go into the N2N love thread and talk about how Alice is the greatest thing since sliced bread and about your crushes on Aaron and Kyle Dean

Do you REALLY want to go down that road, Val? Do you REALLY want to bring up the vibes, hugs, and backrubs you claim to get from a certain actress? Or how you claim this actress has informed you she is "bi"? Or how you followed her home? Honestly, do you really want to go down that road?

Kalimba Profile Photo
#662Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:58pm


#663Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 7:59pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 07:59 PM

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#664Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:03pm

I leave for an hour and this breaks out. (grabs popcorn) Ok, you may continue.

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

#665Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:04pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 08:04 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#666Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:06pm

im confused. . . who is val?

Val is DefyGravity777. Please try and keep up.

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#667Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:08pm

NO NickChoper, no. That won't solve your "not being able to win" dilema.

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

#668Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:08pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 08:08 PM

Luisasabh Profile Photo
#669Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:09pm

Just cutting in... I find these threads SO entertaining!

#670Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:09pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 08:09 PM

#671Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:11pm

NickChopper, I'm Val and Nick is delusional. I never followed anyone home and never would.

Nick, it's nice to know that you think I'm a tad crazy. By the way where is your lil buddy TS3/DG07? He would be more entertainment in this thread.

I agree with ljay about the children going back to school.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#672Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:11pm

Why must you throw jabs about her past? If the events you claim happened and she told you about them in confidence, you should respect those wishes and keep them to yourself. There's no need to throw around the events of the past to make a point.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#673Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:13pm

Updated On: 8/11/12 at 08:13 PM

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#674Dee as Elphaba/ Sexy Thread
Posted: 8/12/09 at 8:15pm

It's YOU! Y - O - U!!!! Not U, NOT Yu, It is spelled "YOU" dear GOD! Are you THAT lazy? Really? REALLY!? I don't care about your damn picture with Dee and Alli in front of the metal bubble, I don't care how much Dee has gotten better at the role. Everytime YOU type U a kitten gets AIDS. Happy? UHHhhhh

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!
