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Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25- Page 4

Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25

dream on
#75re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/30/07 at 11:06pm

This thread is getting disgusting.

Thanks HILLTOP for bringing great information to this otherwise hateful, rumor-filled, elitist discussion.


Eddie - I see you are a Mandy Moore, Lindsay Lohan fan. LOL. Lindsay's the drunk not Fantasia. You have such great taste in music - therefore your opinion means everything to me. LOL.

Updated On: 10/30/07 at 11:06 PM

craftymarley Profile Photo
#76re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/30/07 at 11:56pm

There is a big difference between seeing the role of Celie being performed on Broadway and actually performing it. Until who have performed the role or worked closely with the actresses who have, there is really no way you can judge. It is an incredibly demanding role, certainly as demanding as the other roles that have been mentioned.

Vocally the entire score is very heavy on belting, and contrary to what some misinformed and antagonistic posters would have you believe, Celie does A LOT of singing. While it's true that I'm Here is the only song that she performs the entirety of alone, songs like Our Prayer, Lily of the Field, What About Love?, Celie's Pants, and the reprise of The Color Purple, are sung largely by Celie.

Physically, the role is equally demanding. In the early part of the show, when Celie is young, she does quite a bit of running around. Our Prayer and then the Mister kicks out Nettie scene can drain much of the energy the actress has early in the show. Celie also spends probably less than 10 minutes of the entire show offstage, most of that changing costumes and wigs. Having to be "on" for that length of time is draining in and of itself. Combine that with the emotional journey of the role and then the Africa dancing, it is very difficult. When Darlesia is on for Celie, she has a difficult time maintaining the energy for it, and she is a seasoned theatrical performer. You cannot compare Fantasia to the trained professional theater actors that have been mentioned in this thread.

And for those who are wondering, yes, she was back tonight.

#77re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 11/9/07 at 4:00pm

First, let me say that I absolutely love Fantasia!

That being said, for my birthday last month, I spent hundreds on a trip to NY that was centered around seeing Fantasia perform on Broadway. Of course, she was out that night--Oct 28 (just my luck!).

I am going to try again (Nov 15). This time, more will be at stake: I'm actually combining my visit to NY with a trip to DC and I will be on a disgusting shuttle bus for 4 hours. I almost feel like I'll be risking my life just to get there (buses are not the safest form of transporation, you know). Please be there Fantasia! There is a thin line between love and hate!
Updated On: 11/9/07 at 04:00 PM

#78re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 11/9/07 at 4:48pm

People are lined up for years wanting to work with Fantasia.

Please. Her last album flopped. Who are these people lined up for years to work with her? These kind of comments from her delusional fans do more harm than good.

#79re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 11/9/07 at 8:14pm

"People are lined up for years wanting to work with Fantasia."

I believe your right, Hollywood here comes Tasia, especially after ready Variety today..

" What Broadway tuners did Fantasia absolutely love before she was approached to star in 'The Color Purple'?
She had never seen a Broadway show or a musical or any theater in her entire life until we invited her to see 'The Color Purple,'" says producer Scott Sanders. "We had her come in and sing and read, but it was a leap of faith for all of us."
Sanders along with fellow producer Oprah Winfrey, director Gary Griffin and casting director Bernard Telsey all thought Fantasia was conceptually right to play Alice Walker's Celie. "But oh my god, she was beyond my dreams."
Fantasia wowed. But in the beginning did the people behind "Purple" think she had the stamina to go the distance? "You hoped," says Telsey, looking back. "Sure, we all believed in her. But did we know? Did any of us really know from watching her do a live song or two? No. Of course we didn't know. You hoped."

They gave Fantasia double the rehearsal time that would have been given a trained Broadway actress. Sanders remembers them all attending the first night, all holding their breaths and wondering, "Will she bump into a door or something? And she was wonderful. We thought there's something really unique and special going on."

#80re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 11/9/07 at 11:47pm

Give her a break. She's young.

Consider where you were at 22. Doing eight shows a week, and leading the charge for a cast of 40 or so, after never even having seen a show before? I think she's doing pretty well.

A couple of weeks ago I revisted TCP and she was a little froggy in the first act. But her performance is stellar. And Elizabeth Withers continues as a divine presence on Broadway. Her Shug Avery is the secret ingredient in the recipe I think.

A lover of theater for decades. Teacher by day. Family man by night. See more theater than most, oftentimes a hesitant plus one.

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#81re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 11/9/07 at 11:49pm

Well at least now she has reason not to turn up!

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

#82re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 11/14/07 at 10:06pm

Consider the source(s) but this might explain some things: (scroll to the bottom of the page)


If true this won't be kept quiet much longer.

#83re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 11/15/07 at 3:39am

Knocked up huh? I'm sure if it isn't true we'll hear about it quickly. It would explain her poor attendance record lately.
