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Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25- Page 2

Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25

#25re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/27/07 at 2:56pm


I didn't hear too much of the audience talking back to the actors at the performance I was at. Just a bit here and there. All very brief. It was a VERY well-haved audience from my perspective.
Certainly NO cell phones going off.

I can tolerate the occasional "you go girl"; it doesn't bother me.

I would take the audience I had at The Color Purple on Sunday Oct 22 at 2pm any day.

dream on
#26re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/27/07 at 6:51pm

Paphilly - what makes you think that I am not a regular theatre goer? I have seen dozens and dozens of shows- and most of the time the audience is quiet. I just think for this particular show it is not disrespectful. There is so much heavy stuff going on in this show - that they even wrote in some comedic parts to break up the tension. The audience participation also helps those moments. Some people who go to Broadway shows have a stick up their butt and noses in the air. Not all shows should be judged based on "Broadway".

The actors in the CP were interviewed and they said that they enjoy the audience's reactions. I either heard an interview or read something about this in a magazine. I also know that the cast was thrilled when Fantasia took over the role - some said that her intensity made them up their game and they realized that they were getting too comfortable in their roles. I believe one of the people quoted was "Sophia". (I will see if I can dig up the interview)

This whole thread is ridiculous. What makes me laugh is someone can quote an Usher bad mouthing Fantasia and everyone jumps on the bandwagon and believes something third hand instead of giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Why not post the Usher/Box office persons names on this board. I guarantee you that they would be reprimanded by their employer for not being a team player.

And I dont know what Company you work for - but it is not OK to gossip and badmouth a co-worker to a customer. It only makes you and the Company look worse.

Also, the Ushers and Box office people should be Fantasia's biggest supporters because this show would have closed months ago if it wasn't for her being cast in the role.

If they don't like their jobs they can always work at another Theatre -and they will be bad mouthing other actors at that Theatre too for calling in sick. Understudies are there for a reason. They were there long before Fantasia starting working on Broadway and they will continue to be employed as long as the rigorous schedule continues.

(Edited for content and typos). Updated On: 10/27/07 at 06:51 PM

#27re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/27/07 at 7:24pm

Musicalsfan said:
""losing interest" is only in your mind and your explanation.
you don't know what is REALLY going on."

Neither do you, which means KellyW's opinion or concerns are just as valid as anybody elses.

If Fantasia has all these pre-arranged absences that are a secret only to the audience then TCP producers are doing her reputation a disservice by not clarifying the situation. I tend to think they aren't saying anything because they are making $ even if she doesn't show up. If they weren't, they'd likely be as frustrated and disgusted as that usher if indeed the usher speaks the truth.

dream on
#28re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/27/07 at 7:28pm

if indeed the usher speaks the truth.

Couldnt have said that any better. After all this is just an anonymous message board.

gilliane Profile Photo
#29re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/27/07 at 7:55pm

I don't know when her vacation started, but she was there when I went last Sunday. I wasn't a Fantasia fan, but I thought she was very good. I can imagine people are pissed she isn't there, most of the audience seemed to be fans.

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#30re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 12:11am

Im sure Fantasia is being courted by many people to do another Broadway show.

Really? I mean, I know you're a huge Fantasia fan because she was on TV, but you honestly believe "many" people are courting her to do another Broadway show? She's a bit young for Roxy or Velma, don't you think? Aside from a replacement gig in CHICAGO, I can't think of another show currently running with a role written for her type of voice. Perhaps you can enlighten me.

People are lined up for years wanting to work with Fantasia.

Again, are you for real? People are lined up for years? What kind of work? I mean, she's already signed to a label. So besides her record label, it's pretty impossible for anyone else to get an opportunity to work with her before her 15 minutes fades out.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

#31re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 12:15am

This really is unacceptable. How many performances does she do a week, 1 and a half?

craftymarley Profile Photo
#32re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 12:41am

Fantasia is not on vacation. She is evidently very sick and either still is or has recently been hospitalized, though for what I'm not entirely sure. I imagine some sort of fatigue/dehydration. The ushers and box office staff may have educated opinions regarding the show and it's performers, but they are not given the information that the cast and backstage crew are.

Is it her fault or the fault of the producers that she wasn't physically prepared to do a Broadway show 8 times a week when she was hired and tickets were sold? Possibly. Is it some silent agreement, conspiracy, or just laziness and disrespect? No. If you're looking for scandal, you won't find it here.

#33re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 3:09am

Funny how she's not too sick to stay out all night at industry events but she too sick to come to work.

#34re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 9:44am

"So besides her record label, it's pretty impossible for anyone else to get an opportunity to work with her before her 15 minutes fades out."

Her 15 minutes is about to be up according to you..Hmm been a star since 2004 and now its 2007 so its safe to say that she has a little more than 15 minutes..Won the World Theater Award and Audience award so me personally your little theory is null and

But don't worry January 6th will be here before you know it and Fantasia will no longer be with The Color Purple i'm sure some of you guys will have a big send off party for her until her next Broadway gig comes along. So until then Peaceout!

#35re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 9:57am

Seriously though, how many shows does she miss a week? I highly doubt I could see her if I went to the theatre 4 out of 8 shows a week. She should just leave now.

#36re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 10:17am

I agree she should leave now but also i wonder if she could get out of her contract.

dream on
#37re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 12:18pm

Fantasia is not on vacation. She is evidently very sick and either still is or has recently been hospitalized, though for what I'm not entirely sure. I imagine some sort of fatigue/dehydration. The ushers and box office staff may have educated opinions regarding the show and it's performers, but they are not given the information that the cast and backstage crew are.

Is it her fault or the fault of the producers that she wasn't physically prepared to do a Broadway show 8 times a week when she was hired and tickets were sold? Possibly. Is it some silent agreement, conspiracy, or just laziness and disrespect? No. If you're looking for scandal, you won't find it here.

Thanks CraftyMarley for the information-

And sorry to disappoint all of you naysayers-but like it or not- Fantasia - the performer - is here to stay for many years. Hopefully next time she does a broadway show- she will sign on for 6 shows a week like Chaka Khan just did.

Obviously some of you here live in a Broadway bubble if you think that Fantasia has had only 15 minutes of fame. She just recorded a song with Aretha Franklin - that Im sure will get her another Grammy nomination. All of the great singers want to work with her. And if you could see the look of glee on Allie's face that Fantasia was singing in the CP you would realize how uninformed you are about Fantasia and her career. Updated On: 10/28/07 at 12:18 PM

D2 Profile Photo
#38re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 12:32pm

I wouldn't talk about anyone living in a bubble if you think it is okay for any performer, especially one billed above the title, to continually miss performances for whatever reason. If she is sick, then she should gracefully withdraw and take the time to get well. If she is not sick and is indeed not up to the rigorous demands of the show, well then, ditto.

Cheyenne Jackson tickled me. AFTER ordering SoMMS a drink but NOT tickling him, and hanging out with Girly in his dressing room (where he DIDN'T tickle her) but BEFORE we got married. To others. And then he tweeted Boobs. He also tweeted he's good friends with some chick on "The Voice" who just happens to be good friends with Tink's ex. And I'm still married. Oh, and this just in: "Pettiness, spite, malice ....Such ugly emotions... So sad." - After Eight, talking about MEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so honored! :-)

dream on
#39re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 12:47pm

D2- I was referring to someone's comment about Fantasia having her 15 minutes of fame - and not being able to fathom Fantasia having many people lined up to work with her.

As for her absences- she is definitely hurting. If it wasnt for the upcoming holidays - I would say she should withdraw too. But I think they want her for the Thanksgiving and Christmas tourist season.

#40re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 2:05pm

Funny how she's never to sick to go to parties with Alicia Keys. Funny how she's never to sick to party with Lil Mo and Young Dro, her rapper boyfriend.

I wouldnt doubt she was in hospital. Girl is trying to party and do her job, partying is winning out and TCP loses.

#41re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 2:16pm

She couldn't even handle a 6 show a week contract.

#42re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 5:53pm

"Funny how she's never to sick to go to parties with Alicia Keys. Funny how she's never to sick to party with Lil Mo and Young Dro, her rapper boyfriend.

I wouldnt doubt she was in hospital. Girl is trying to party and do her job, partying is winning out and TCP loses."

Oh i see you have been on Fantasia's website!

dream on
#43re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 8:13pm

I guess people want to ignore what Craftymarley has posted. It seems she knows someone in the cast. And people still want to bash Fantasia and accuse her of not taking the CP seriously.

Again, this is ridiculous.

#44re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 8:27pm

So this is one of the most fascinating things about an "Anonymous message board." A person who's obsessed with a particular performer and will defend her no matter what can suddenly pass themselves off as an "authority" instead of a slightly creepy, overly involved fan.

And dream on, congrats on your "Grammy ESP" predicting Fantasia's next nominatin. May I make a prediction? Yes, her duet with Aretha Franklin WILL get nominated! Because there are HUNDREDS of Grammy categories and so many of the old, completely out of touch Grammy Nominators will select someone simply because they've heard that name before. Aretha Franklin will absolutely get nominated year after year after year no matter what she does. It has no connection to quality of work and the record buying public has figured this out.
Updated On: 10/28/07 at 08:27 PM

#45re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 9:00pm

dream on- this is getting ridiculous. i was one of fantasia's biggest supporters in the beginning. However, if she can't do the role, she needs to go. there's no way you can argue with that.

dream on
#46re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 9:19pm

Joe - what are you a creepy overly obsessed naysayer?

And the record buying public knows more than the Grammy committee right? Like Ciara - who can't sing, how about Britney Spears or Madonna - both stage performers but not singers. And what about Ashley Simpson, Hillary Duff - who have sold over 2 million records - I will take my chances with the Grammy committe - imperfect as it is.

You must be joking me.

And I agree if Fantasia is too ill to continue she should leave. But I don't think the producers will give in unless she really can't do the Holiday season.

Like I said before - this show would be gone if Fantasia didnt take over the role when she did.

This is not an obsessed fan talking - its the plain truth. Are you going to call the critics, producers, writers, Academy Award winners and Tony winners obsessed fans too? Because they are in full support of Fantasia with this role.

Do you want a list of these people? It would take a couple of pages up here. Or you can just google it and see all the stars who support her and her talent.


edited for grammar. Updated On: 10/28/07 at 09:19 PM

#47re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 9:26pm

If she ever does Broadway again I'll bet it's just a quick 13 week stint. She cant stay focused or interested much longer than that it seems.
I also think its strange when I see pictures of her online attending birthday parties or industry stuff and she looks just fine. She never seems to miss a party but she's out sick left and right from TCP. I think getting a good nights sleep and laying off the nightlife might help her get to work more often.

She's talented but she doesn't seem very mature or driven.

Updated On: 10/28/07 at 09:26 PM

#48re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/28/07 at 9:33pm

Anybody know if she performed on Saturday and Sunday?

And if she is sick shouldn't TCP release a statement?

Updated On: 10/28/07 at 09:33 PM

MarkCohen2 Profile Photo
#49re: Fantasia out again Thursday 10/25
Posted: 10/29/07 at 12:29am

She was out tonight, but the show was just as good without her. I say get rid of her.
