According to Reidel, Ferderline is against her doing Charity. Maybe he isn't as dumb as I thought.
I'm sure she'll still do it... She makes more money than him and I'm sure she wears the pants in that relationship.
Why does he have any say in what she does anyway?
She makes about 2000000000 times the amount of money that he does.
Mind you, I still think it's a bad idea, but that's besides the point right now.
After seeing that horrible reality thing they did, I'm convinced that he has a lot of mental control over her.
Updated On: 11/23/05 at 11:23 AM
my partner makes a zillion times the money i do, and we make decisions together.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/03
Anybody who appreciates good casting is against Britney doing Charity. She's too young for the role.
She's too terrible for the role! I love her to death but i don't want her to do it!!!!! I must agree with Bobbybubby, he totally has her brainwashed..... my personal oppion is she wanted her damn kid so bad she should stay at home with it! Lol yes i know that it is archaic to say that but please she needs to stay off of broadway....
Anything reported in the NY Post needs to be taken with a grain of salt...
I'm coming out of the closet.
I'm all for this.
I hope it happens.
I'll go every night.
It's going to be SOMETHING!
God forbid they should follow Light in the Piazza's lead and cast a fantastically talented unknown...or not even an unknown. How about casting someone who has paid their dues and worked their way up the Broadway ladder! I guess talent doesn't always sell tickets though.
Thanks, Garland!
That's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard, adamgreer! What are you, 12?
Updated On: 11/23/05 at 01:06 PM
A friend of mine is dating a guy who is involved with the music industry. In fact he just got back late last night from the AMA. He told that it is a HUGH rumor that Britney is doing CHARITY. She does not want to do it, so I have heard!!
Kevin Federline, Broadway Savior
Hugh Jackman started this rumor? Why, that old sh*t-stirrer.
Sorry guys....HUGE*** not HUGH!!! Rumor
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/03
Federline needs to shut up since it is his meal ticket he's turning down. His next career move might involve asking if we want to super-size it.
Other than that, what an atrocious idea! I may hurl.
There's so many places to begin and they all lead to one end. Which would you rather have: Bird Flu or Madame Federline as Charity?
The bog mindles.
I'm all for this. I hope it happens.
the weisslers probably invited her and are working it for all they can get before they cast one of the landers sisters.
It better be Audrey.
Maybe Kevin thought Brit wanted to donate to the Red Cross and he was against losing even a fraction of his meal ticket.
"Federline Against Britney Doing Charity"
Join the club my friend.
Okay in another post I said I don't want to see her in the role. But now that I think of might be interesting. Part of me thinks it'd be cool to see her do it, part of me thinks she could stay away cuz she's a bad actress.
I think it would be absolutely amazing to see the show fill a larger theatre, and become a huge hit, and making back its investment. I still wish they could do it with someone but Spears.
One think I realized. They would DEFINITELY need a new Oscar if Britney takes the role. Denis is old enough to be her father (AND he looks it.)
I'm not gonna pass judgement yet.
If she can do the role, and do it well, then more power to her!
I don't listen to her music at all, but if anyone heard her sing when she was younger they'll remeber her big belty Broadway voice. After some real vocal training with the part, who knows!
I bet she could dance the hell out of it to.