Joined: 12/31/69
StephieElise said: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum - undoubtedly my funniest moment in the theatre was having Geoffrey Rush dry hump my mother.
I just noticed this post. Do tell, Stephie. This sounds fascinating.
Something Rotten!
Book of Mormon
And on a somewhat different note of shows that frequently make me laugh even while the overall predominant emotion is more moving/sad/touching: Next to Normal, If/Then, Carousel
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/1/08
I have truly never laughed harder than I did at the Phil Silvers revival of A Funny Thing Happened on The Way To The Forum.
The Book of Mormon and Spamalot take second and third place.
Jeez, I waited a long time between laughs!
Leading Actor Joined: 7/6/14
Drowsy, Forum, Day in Hollywood/Night in the Ukraine (hilarious). Also, Godspell can be a laugh riot if you get a good director/cast dealing with the parables - the San Francisco cast in the early 70's was very funny. I'm sure the original group in Toronto was too..
Understudy Joined: 8/12/07
I have to buck the trend here and say I found Something Rotten shockingly unfunny. Except for a few moments that seemed liked Borle had improvised at some point, there wasn't a lot of funny. I was shocked at how lame the "Musical" number was. THIS was getting mid show standing ovations??
I agree with those who found Avenue Q a bundle of laughs, and would add the Off Broadway production of Bat Boy to the list -- very funny performances, material and choreography. Oh, and the OB production of Disaster! at St. Luke's was non-stop hilarity....which only made the unfunny Broadway version all the more frustrating!
I'll pile on.
Spelling Bee
Avenue Q
Drowsy Chaperone
I might have found Spamlot funnier if Eric hadn't recycled so many 30 yr old jokes. I just kept groaning and muttering "lazy"