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Member Name: Hariku
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What does Patti think about this season?
 Dec 16 2016, 12:30:51 AM

A 9/11 "truther" (sic) is a person who refutes all logic and believes 9/11 was not a terrorist attack, but a US government operation. There are nuts who also think the Sandy Hook shootings never happened, and that it was all actors, to force gun control on the country. (The fact that that didn;t happen makes no difference to them)

Ebersole is big into conspiracy theories -- vaccines cause autism, the Illuminati are a secret group controling every aspect of entertainment, the

 Oct 28 2016, 09:41:22 PM

To anyone who has done the onstage seating --

Can you bring your stuff (coats, bags, etc.) with you to your seats, or do they have lockers or require checking these items?

Broadway for Hillary Performance List
 Oct 18 2016, 12:32:54 AM

A high level political analyst who refers to the "Clinton's" instead of "Clintons" 

No way. Plus you sound unhinged and kinda dumb.

Will Chase to exit Something Rotten this weekend
 Oct 6 2016, 05:10:28 PM

I heard Adam Pascal is going to take over the role for the last month and do the tour. Strange casting. I don't find comedy to be his strong suit.

School of Rock's Mamie Parris to Succeed Leona Lewis as Grizabella in Cats
 Sep 22 2016, 02:07:12 PM

So...they're just giving up then?

Funniest Musical of All Time?
 Sep 3 2016, 06:39:32 PM

I have to buck the trend here and say I found Something Rotten shockingly unfunny. Except for a few moments that seemed liked Borle had improvised at some point, there wasn't a lot of funny. I was shocked at how lame the "Musical" number was. THIS was getting mid show standing ovations??

I agree with those who found Avenue Q a bundle of laughs, and would add the Off Broadway production of Bat Boy to the list -- very funny performances, material and choreography. Oh, a

Worst Reviews Ever
 Aug 27 2016, 09:55:22 PM

Here we go with a clickable link to the funniest Miss Saigon review ever...

Worst Reviews Ever
 Aug 27 2016, 05:42:24 PM

I have to say, I quite liked Aida. A lot more than I expected to. And Headley was fantastic. And Sherie Renee Scott.

But, as everyone knows, Miss Saigon is universally acknowledged as the worst show in the world. As this legendary review shows...

Sutton Foster to lead SWEET CHARITY Off-Broadway Revival!
 Aug 25 2016, 07:17:16 PM

It's called an opinion. (A correct, in this case, but still an opinion)

And being a two time Tony winner only means that you won a Tony twice. It means you won an award, it doesn't mean you're perfect for everything that comes down the pike.

Heather headley vs jennifer hudson
 Aug 25 2016, 07:02:28 PM

Not even close. Headley looked better, sang better and actually acted, She also is full of charisma and you can;t help but be drawn to her.

These are all ESSENTIAL elements for the role of Shug Avery. They way the other characters talk about her, and react to her REQUIRES this.

The show didn't make sense with Hudson, and it won;t with Holliday. It's sad, because Erivo is out of this world, and Brooks is great too, as well as all the supporting cast.

It doesnt make

Jennifer Holliday to join THE COLOR PURPLE
 Aug 25 2016, 06:59:49 PM

That's the thing. She can't act it. Hudson couldn't either. Especially for this character, which is supposed to drip with sex and charm and charisma.

The show is a million times better with Heather Headley as Shug than it was with Hudson. What the characters say about Shug and how they react to her made no sense with Jennifer Hudson being an uninteresting lump on stage, and won't with Holliday, either.

You'd think the producers would have noticed how much bet

Sutton Foster to lead SWEET CHARITY Off-Broadway Revival!
 Aug 25 2016, 06:56:38 PM

Yuck, Does she not know how bland she is? NOT a role for her. Just like Reno Sweeney, these "personality" roles were not made for cookie cutter generic BFA musical theater grads. They need individuals with original and charasmatic personalities, not a fine singer and dancer with average acting skills.

This is the worst casting news since, well, Jennifer Holliday coming into to ruin The Color Purple. Jennifer Hudson was the wrong way to go, so why go that way again with Hollid

 Aug 6 2016, 07:29:19 PM

I saw Bree Johnsonas well, and while she was great, Erivo is giving one of the greatest performances of the season.

But the addition of Heather Headley to the cast has made the show a must-see even without Erivo. And Brooks, and all the cast, actually, are first rate.


Broadway stars at DNC
 Jul 28 2016, 05:18:49 PM

I would disagree that any version of this song has been "amazing"

It's a pretty mediocre song, and this arrangement is nothing special or interesting. And no one has sounded all that great singing it. It can go away now.

And what movement? Has it raised a lot of money? The FUN HOME concert announced right away they raised over $100,000 with their concert in Orlando. That's amazing. I haven't seen any kind of announcement like that for Broadway for Orlando,

Broadway stars at DNC
 Jul 28 2016, 01:16:26 PM

Especially at a big event like this, when there were limited solos. Fine, have his family be there and sing along in the group parts, but giving a solo to someone who has never been on Broadway, and isn't a famous TV star seems weird.

Especially when as a result, Darren Criss gets to sing half a word and Len Cariou less than that.

Broadway stars at DNC
 Jul 28 2016, 12:40:54 PM

Right, but just because I came up with the idea for RENT, doesn't mean I should automatically be in the show.

Also, I don't buy the story of James coming up with the idea. Seth has that compulsive need to overly praise James and give him credit for anything and everything that ever happens. So I think the whole story is just to try to get James more attention. Weird dynamic.

Broadway stars at DNC
 Jul 28 2016, 12:32:21 PM

iluvtheatertrash said: "If you had the power to give your child and husband fulfill a dream and have all of 10 seconds in the spotlight, wouldn't you? 

But he's a bunch of times in a bunch of different events, concerts and benefits. We get it, you want your family to be famous.

But they AREN'T performers at all, much less BROADWAY performers, so why are they involved in something specifically labeled as BROADWAY?



Broadway stars at DNC
 Jul 28 2016, 02:37:09 AM

Why does Seth's husband, who has never been on Broadway, is not famous otherwise and can't really sing, always get a solo in these things? 

Daveed Diggs Set to Depart HAMILTON on Friday
 Jul 14 2016, 12:53:03 AM

GreasedLightning said: "It's pretty clear to me that this wasn't planned. It states right in the article that "while the role is being recast" the understudies listed will be performing it.  Clearly this wasn't planned as the replacement is not even cast. 

Or maybe that WAS the plan. Have the understudies do the role until they cast a new person and he learns the show. Pretty good plan, actually. Gives the understudies experience, and

 Jul 2 2016, 09:18:34 PM

Another vote for The Color Purple. It's a good thing you didn't go last year, because the show is a whole 'nother level with Heather Headley in for Jennifer Hudson. Turned a great show into something spectacular!

Just my ticket for a 3rd go around!

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