Legs Diamond
Golden Rainbow
Les Miserables (Look down into At the end of the day)
Fantod, a couple of weeks ago you were asking everyone how to best be introduced to the works of Stoppard. Maybe you should let your personal taste and experience evolve a few years before regaling us with stories from your remote couth.
Totally disagree Fantod. I do, however, respect your opinion even though I disagree with it.
C'mon Roxy, you know better than anyone that kids today have everything too easy. Respect is earned.
wait, what? My thread was on Terrence McNally. I have seen those three shows and that is what I think. And why on earth do I not deserve respect? Was the thread asking for everybody's opinions except mine?
And 13 words is hardly a story.
Updated On: 2/15/15 at 06:00 PM
To Go Smile
No idea what you are saying.
Could the film of MAME count? Sensational opening titles but the rest is awful.
The Lion King for sure.
Definitely the Lion King, but unless you are talking about the movie I also was unimpressed with the title song. The staging was really cluttered, though maybe it looked better at the New Amsterdam.
Definitely agree re Lion King.
Good evening theater lovers. I left this conversation just as I had jokingly responded to Roxy.
I drove uptown to a dinner party in my brand spanking new Lexus Hybrid SUV (yes I'm old enough to have a license) and had a wonderful dinner with people older than 18 and 21 who were therefore of age to drink, have sex, and if worse came to worse, fight for our country.
Believe it or not there was not a single conversation that had any relationship to the arts. The only passing glance was a momentary acknowledgment to 50 Shades making 240 million worldwide its first weekend.
So let's go back to my pre dinner post, and the only partially acceptable offensiveness it seems to have precipitated.
To Fantod:
1. My deep apologies for confusing your ignorance of Stoppard with McNally. As I don't use my personal assistant to do research on my personal pursuits I somehow misremembered which modern playwright of note for whom you had no knowledge.
2. If you don't know what my last sentence referred to, ask the board. It was a gentle little theatrical jest.
To Roxy:
Given the inexplicable nature of 99.9% of your posts, I take your lack of understanding as a compliment.
I do not like you either
You have a new Lexus. Now aren't we special
Well I'm glad you are doing your part to protect our environment. I have a beat up volkswagen if we are sharing what kind of cars we have all of a sudden. Though I am jealous that your dinner party consisted of drinking, sex, and fighting for your country, and yet you didn't invite me! And Mr Roxy always seems to be intelligible to me.
Thanks Fantod for the kind words
I feel the same about you even though we disagree at times. At least we can do is civilly unlike some here
A foolish 60 year old and 16 year old in agreement and in love with Broadway. The Great White Way is in worse shape than I thought.
This thread.
This was a bad day for BWW. So much nonsense and incoherent ramblings.
BWW's been in bad shape for a couple of years. Every possible topic has been beaten to death. Sly wit and humor have disappeared, and the boards are left with people who post 1000s of times a year about virtually the same things over and over and over.
And to top it off, our current experts are teenagers who don't know sh*t, and oldsters who openly admit they don't remember anything of shows they saw decades ago.
Don't blame me for BWW's bad days.
It can't be said often enough - "The Lion King".
Why are you so bitter? Are you saying that young and old aren't welcome to be fans of Broadway. I would much rather have posters like Mr Roxy, who kindly share with us memories of shows long closed, like Baker Street, so we can get a small glimpse at what it must have been like to be there. There are even older posters than him, like a woman named Miriam who's entire posting history I've read. She was born in 1922 and danced in shows like One Touch of Venus and Pal Joey. Those are the kind of wonderful stories that you get "oldsters". As for young people, are you saying that you don't want young people interested in Broadway? Where is Broadway's future if young people aren't interested in it?
Updated On: 2/16/15 at 01:10 PM
I'm with you Fantod.
The first hand accounts are priceless.
I don't get the reverse ageism going on here. Of course my opinion is going to differ from that of a teenager(on occasion). We all come to shows with our own frames of reference, but that give and take is what drives conversations.
And what in the heck does a owning a Lexus have to do with anything?
ETA: Fantod, Mr. Nowack started the Baker Street thread.
I, for one, love those "birthday" threads of forgotten shows.
Their ain't anyone older than me except maybe Dolly.
Some people here are prejudiced old folks.Funny thing is that one day they will be in the same boat.What goes around comes around. Watch out praising me as you will draw the ire of a few on this board.
Take care.