Just left “Is This a Room”. Powerful, powerful stuff. Not entirely happy with the price I paid for a one hour show but I still really enjoyed it. Why isn’t the other one “Dana H.” the act two for this…?
Just left “Is This a Room”. Powerful, powerful stuff. Not entirely happy with the price I paid for a one hour show but I still really enjoyed it. Why isn’t the other one “Dana H.” the act two for this…?
Dana H ran about 75 minutes when I saw it at the Vineyard, and yes, Is This a Room ran just about 60 minutes.
Someone on the 1st page of this thread mentioned doing it as a double-bill. I think it would've been a good idea, but it would've meant a 2.5 evening of pretty heavy material. Plus as Hogan mentioned earlier, it's a smart business model from a supply/demand standpoint.
I can understand being frustrated in this case that they didn't do it as a double-bill, when it would've been totally possible. But I've always been a little bit perplexed by the mentality of "short show = worse value." My feeling is, if I can see a great show AND be home by 9:00, all the better. It's storytelling art - it should be as long as it needs to be IMO. Surely we've all seen 2:45 minute shows that were interminable bores - is that better value?
Like I said, I can see how it feels more frustrating in this case because it could've been a double bill. But if you were already planning to see both shows because they both interested you, it seems like a shame to dismiss them based on their short runtimes, when those runtimes are utilized so well.
But anyway, just food for thought. Like I said, it perplexes me a bit, but to each their own - it's your time and money. And I'm not being snarky - we all consume media differently. I have no horse in this race, other than that I like these shows a lot, and hope people see them.
Well I had already purchased tickets for both plays quite a while ago, before learning the run times. And (to be fair), checking to see if a play that they’re charging $100+ for is under an hour long isn’t really something you do. If I had known, I definitely would have gone for a cheaper seat.
I said above that i really enjoyed it and for this show, it is the perfect length. But when you can see Hamilton for the same price (now), it just feels…off. I dunno. Just my late night two cents.