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Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly- Page 2

Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly

#25Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/4/19 at 7:06pm

WhoCouldBeBlue said: "You people are pathetic. You’re like a bunch of immature mean girls who don’t like who is in the audience, so let’s stomp our feet and refuse to perform!

You’re the exact reason why this country is so divided. May Karma visit you all and have you play to empty houses.

They're the exact reason why the county is so divided- really? If I'm not mistaken, they are not the ones responsible for trying to bring the nation together, especially in the times and conditions we're living in; rather, we have a person in office and his administration that refuse to condemn/denounce acts of racism or the way others treat different groups of people in the US. A lot of such comments you speak of on this board are are simply a cry of frustration, which you can't blame because those that have power to try to unite the county aren't doing so or refuse to acknowledge it as a problem. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#26Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/4/19 at 7:41pm

I am sure you could all care less but I saw Voight in a NYC airport a few years back. I couldn't help remember how he was a magnetic screen presence back in the day. Coming Home/The Champ.

AADA81 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/4/19 at 8:44pm

Updated On: 7/4/19 at 08:44 PM

AADA81 Profile Photo
#28Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/4/19 at 9:18pm

SmoothLover said: "I am sure you could all care less but I saw Voight in a NYC airport a few years back. I couldn't help remember how he was a magnetic screen presence back in the day. Coming Home/The Champ."

1979's "The Champ' is a cheesy, cornball flick without merit and I think Voight is completely over-the-top in that piece of junk;   but .... I think his performance in 1978's 'Coming Home' is one of the great Academy Award-winning performances; one of my all-time favorites.  He's also terrific in 1969's 'Midnight Cowboy' (better than Dustin Hoffman in that film), in 1972's 'Deliverance' and also in a little known film called 'Conrack' (1973).  He's really one of the great, undeservedly somewhat forgotten actors of the 1970s.

He's also a lunatic who thinks Donald Trump is the best president since Abraham Lincoln and is able to rationalize/normalize Trump's antisocial and racist points of view in an ultra-conservative, reactionary way that simply ignores or distorts specific facts.

And yet I still love his performance in 'Coming Home' without ever having seen him in an airport.  Go figure.

#29Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/4/19 at 9:59pm

 We love you Kelly Anne, you are by far the smartest girl on the Planet. Keep up your hard work, it is paying off big time. Your Boss is a Genius of all Geniuses. Please get rid of your Low Life Husband though, what a Creeper he is. Just Dump his sorry you know what

AADA81 Profile Photo
#30Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/4/19 at 10:21pm

stevie3 said: "We love you Kelly Anne, you are by far the smartest girl on the Planet. Keep up your hard work, it is paying off big time. Your Boss is a Genius of all Geniuses. Please get rid of your Low Life Husband though, what a Creeper he is. Just Dump his sorry you know what"

Now Kelly Anne .... I know you're shy and posting on BWW using your own name goes against your 'shrinking violet' nature .... BUT ....  if you think your boss is a genius I'd check again, starting with when he misspelled JON Voight's first name JOHN while thanking him for saying your boss was the best president since Abraham Lincoln .... or as your boss spelled it, Aberham Linkedin. 

Also, I realize you think your husband is a 'Creeper' but have you read the latest allegations on your 'Bosses' dating practices at Bergdorf Goodman's in the late 1990s?  Please redefine your definition of a 'Creeper' ASAP.  Thanks.

#31Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/5/19 at 8:26am

" She's Not My Type "

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#32Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/5/19 at 9:58am

Most exciting thing to happen since Strom Thurmond and the Perons caught a matinee of Pajama Game.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#33Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/5/19 at 9:58am

Most exciting thing to happen since Strom Thurmond and the Perons caught a matinee of Bloomer Girl.

Updated On: 7/5/19 at 09:58 AM

DAME Profile Photo
#34Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/8/19 at 11:09am

Betty did not know.

Updated On: 7/8/19 at 11:09 AM

AADA81 Profile Photo
#35Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/8/19 at 6:16pm

DAME said: "Betty did not know."

Are you sure?  I was told Betty was heard belting out "So Long, Dearie" from her dressing room window as Voight and Conway were leaving the theater.

Updated On: 7/8/19 at 06:16 PM

#36Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/8/19 at 8:55pm

Take a deep breath... relax. Sing a Broadway song and shuffle along....

AADA81 Profile Photo
#37Kelly Anne Conway and Jon Voight attend Hello Dolly
Posted: 7/8/19 at 11:06pm

Goodbye, Donny .... well, goodby, Donny .... it's so nice to see you back where you belong!"
