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Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS- Page 6


Matt_G Profile Photo
#125re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:10pm

Well, I can almost GUARANTEE that if they don't get OBC members for certain parts, they will get "Names" to be in them. They won't be looking to understudies or 4th or 5th replacements.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#126re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:15pm WHAT? you call that selling out? When was the last you've even heard of Heredia or Walker? Do you even know if they're still working as actors...for all you know, they could've made a career change or changed their minds. I'm sure at this point we all realize that the entire OBC will never be reunited for an actual run in the show or the movie itself. So, Menzel and Pascal have to stay away from ever doing rent again because other ex-castmembers will not do it?

As far as I'm concerned, they should get the best for each part...and though I think they shouldn't really have a hard time finding a better Roger than Pascal, he was better than any other Roger I've seen. As for Menzel, no question she should have that role. So I'm not complaining, nor am I calling what they're doing "selling out."

leomaxfrank Profile Photo
#127re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:21pm

mister matt,

kudos for the incredible addendum. and for making me pee!

how many posts will this thread endure? do i hear 500?

But I won't live alone in a house of regret.

jmaclover Profile Photo
#128re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:21pm

I'd like to clear soemthing up...

Idina and Adam aren't the only ones who said they wouldn't do Rent without the other originals. However, they ARE the few who's careers SKYROCKETED after Rent (Aida, Wicked, Cabaret, Wild Party) and movies. If you look on IMDb you'll see that under Jack Black's name is, well, Adam Pascal!

No doubt, Idina has been the best Maureen. Looking back, it's sad she didn't win the Tony for it. Although, who know how much more bashing there would be now!

Is it me or is Anthony Rapp a little too nasal for your ears? I prefer Matt Caplan - but w/e.

P.S. Does anyone know if Idina and Adam were in Rent together? Did Sherie and Idina just swtich roles?

(P.S. To make sure that this doesn;t turn into an Idina is God post - No one, and I mean no one, is a better Amneris than Sherie Renee Scott ~ I admit that!)

"I've often said I should put sweets in my chair - they'd spend less time on my a** that way....." ~F.W.B.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#129re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:24pm

"P.S. Does anyone know if Idina and Adam were in Rent together? Did Sherie and Idina just swtich roles?"

Do you mean did Adam and SHERIE do Rent together? If so, I don't think they did. Sherie did Rent before Aida, but after Adam was gone, I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong...

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 10/26/04 at 04:24 PM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#130re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:25pm

"No doubt, Idina has been the best Maureen. Looking back, it's sad she didn't win the Tony for it."

I could not agree more.

This post brought to you by a perfectly sane, mature Idina fan.

jmaclover Profile Photo
#131re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:26pm


I meant did Idina and Adam do Aida together?


I tried checking ibdb but the Aida replacement list wasn't working!

"I've often said I should put sweets in my chair - they'd spend less time on my a** that way....." ~F.W.B.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#132re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:27pm

I saw Sherie with Norbert as Roger.

I have to say I hated Matt Caplan as Mark. He was snide, smug and completely unsympathetic. The opposite of Anthony's Mark.

Isn't it nice to debate something other than Wicked or Brooklyn?

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#133re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:30pm

jma, yes. Sometime around Fall of 2001, Idina and Adam were in Aida together.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

leomaxfrank Profile Photo
#134re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:30pm

Anthony and Matt Caplan were the two best I have seen - and I have seen 7. They were two of the most honest performers I have seen in that show - period. Anthony's voice is nasal, but almost every Mark after him has imitated the nasalness. Strange, huh?

But I won't live alone in a house of regret.
Updated On: 10/26/04 at 04:30 PM

jmaclover Profile Photo
#135re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:30pm

"Isn't it nice to debate something other than Wicked or Brooklyn?"

Hehe - I've never debated BKLYN - but from what I've heard it wouldn't be difficult (unless you were taking the pro side)

Was Sherie a good Maureen?

It's funny because Idina played Sheries role, and Sherie played Idina's role. I liked (not better than sherie) the way Idina played the role (except whn she screamed the lines) but I couldn't see Sherie playing Maureen. - Note beacuse she's blonde - I've seen more blondes than brunettes as Maureens personally - it's just her voice

Norbert and Sherie together again being DIRTY --- I can't wait!

"I've often said I should put sweets in my chair - they'd spend less time on my a** that way....." ~F.W.B.

leomaxfrank Profile Photo
#136re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:33pm


Caplan may have been all of those things to you, but didn't you feel like his portrayal was real, unlike the others who "perform" the role.

and yes it is lovely that this thread can be virtually Wicked and Brooklyn-free.

But I won't live alone in a house of regret.
Updated On: 10/26/04 at 04:33 PM

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#137re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:34pm

I agree about Matt Caplan, Mister Matt. I do think he had the vocal chops and great stage presence, but his vision of the character was, to me, a complete disaster.

jmaclover Profile Photo
#138re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:36pm

Weird? No ~ lol

I think the role requires it in some unwritten way!

I think he gets TOO nasal sometimes - though I never saw HIM live.

But I'm still wanting Fredi Walker in the movie!

Take Me or Leave Me by Idina and Fredi is as priceless as Dick and Harvey in You're Timeless to Me

"I've often said I should put sweets in my chair - they'd spend less time on my a** that way....." ~F.W.B.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#139re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:36pm

I just saw Matt when he was in for Drew's vacation. After a LOT of anticipation leading up to finally seeing THE Matt Caplan, I have to say I was a little bit underwhelmed. He was good, and he has a great voice, but I felt like he was too goofy. It made it kind of hard, when the time came, to sympathize with Mark. He seemed almost more intent on making the audience laugh at his over-the-top physical gestures and antics than with really playing the part.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

leomaxfrank Profile Photo
#140re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:37pm

his "vision of the character"?

what do you mean by that?

But I won't live alone in a house of regret.

#141re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:38pm

matt Caplan is horrible at Mark. All he does is clown... and what's worse, the rentfans eat that up!

leomaxfrank Profile Photo
#142re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:39pm

that's a shame emcee. i'm certainly not a Matt Caplan know-it-all, and i did see him over a year ago, but he was wonderful then. it's sad to think that could have happened.
it is possible i saw him as roger? god, my brain is playing games on me...-looking for my playbill-

But I won't live alone in a house of regret.
Updated On: 10/26/04 at 04:39 PM

jmaclover Profile Photo
#143re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:41pm

I'm not a Renthead - i like rent, but i'd rather see other shows (esp now...::growls at the rent producers::)

However I thought Matt was good...

And he's so sweet (I met him after the show)

...Are you saying that he is overrated?
I think we are calling that the Menzel Complex!

Maybe he changed...

After reading Menzel Complez I realized it sounds more like an apartment building "complex" than a condition of being...

"I've often said I should put sweets in my chair - they'd spend less time on my a** that way....." ~F.W.B.
Updated On: 10/26/04 at 04:41 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#144re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:42pm

leomaxfrank - I didn't find Caplan's portrayal "real" at all. He barely registered emotional responses to anything going on and his attitude simply did not fit with the dialogue. All of his spoken lines were mumbled at lightning speed and could barely be understood. Being unlikeable does not make a character more or less realistic. Anthony Rapp and Gilles Chiasson both played Mark as a somewhat charming, yet slightly nerdy protagonist trying to find his way around the obstacles of being an artist in a very trying and unforgiving place and time. As the central character, to isolate the audience in such a way sets the tone for the entire show, which was negative when Caplan was on stage.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#145re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:43pm

leomaxfrank....what I mean is the way he interpreted (or neglected to interepret) the character. I don't think he saw what Mark is really supposed to be at all. He semmed to play it with an ego...I never got the impression he was a bit of an outsider, watching all these events. I never felt that insecurity or that charm that i saw in Anthony Rapp's portrayal.

Real?...sure, I guess you could say that, but completely wrong for Mark, IMO.

jmaclover Profile Photo
#146re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:46pm


"I've often said I should put sweets in my chair - they'd spend less time on my a** that way....." ~F.W.B.
Updated On: 10/26/04 at 04:46 PM

jmaclover Profile Photo
#147re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:46pm

leomaxfrank - i figured I'd start this way since the last two posts did. I agree with you obviously. My post is "Isn't your name supposed to be leomaxfranz?

"I've often said I should put sweets in my chair - they'd spend less time on my a** that way....." ~F.W.B.

leomaxfrank Profile Photo
#148re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:46pm

well that's probably because i'm apparently drunk -
i never saw Matt as Mark. i saw Trey Ellett as Mark in the same performance that i saw Matt Caplan as, scary that i forgot that. sorry for the mistake people - but at least i can admit when i f*ck up, unlike our prez. my bad.

But I won't live alone in a house of regret.

jmaclover Profile Photo
#149re: Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS
Posted: 10/26/04 at 4:47pm

Well, I still like Matt as Mark...

"I've often said I should put sweets in my chair - they'd spend less time on my a** that way....." ~F.W.B.
