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Les Miz gunshots

#1Les Miz gunshots
Posted: 10/7/18 at 1:56pm

Hey everyone! I'm so excited to see Les Miz but I'm also sensitive to loud sounds and gunshots. Does anyone know specifically what shots will be fired? I'd rather be prepared so I can enjoy the show :) Thanks!

#2Les Miz gunshots
Posted: 10/7/18 at 2:14pm

There’re lots of gunshots during the battles obviously but the one where Valjean shot the gun up to the sky after releasing Javert was really loud

#3Les Miz gunshots
Posted: 10/8/18 at 5:43pm

Thank you so much for the heads up! Are the battles during the 1st or 2nd act and how much of it is gone shots?

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#4Les Miz gunshots
Posted: 10/8/18 at 5:59pm

Where are you seeing it? Different productions do different things.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#5Les Miz gunshots
Posted: 10/8/18 at 7:23pm

I will be seeing it in Cleveland when the national tour arrives in November.

BalconyClub Profile Photo
#6Les Miz gunshots
Posted: 10/8/18 at 8:35pm

If I recall correctly, anytime a gun appears in the show, it WILL be fired.  EXCEPT in the Act 1 finale.  

The barricade battles can be intense, with many guns shooting off, bright flashes of stage light, and possible casualties.

There are at least two battles, both musically introduced with a brass fanfare.

"YOU at the barricade listen to THIS!" is also a scripted clue ... a heads up to take several deep breaths and cover your ears.

I understand your sensitivity. It is GREAT that you are aware of it and acknowledge it.

Enjoy this great, wonderful, classic show.

Updated On: 10/8/18 at 08:35 PM

#7Les Miz gunshots
Posted: 10/8/18 at 8:42pm

I just saw the national tour in Houston last week. I always get startled by loud noises in shows, but you'll know when the gunshots are coming during the barricade scenes because someone yells something like "READY! FIRE!" or you'll see know when the Valjean/Javert one is coming.

But what I specifically noticed was that the first few gunshots during the barricades were a lot more subdued than what I was bracing myself for. So I relaxed. But then the fifth or sixth gunshot was suddenly much louder, so I jumped a bit in my seat. Just be ready for that, and you'll have a great time! :)

Updated On: 10/8/18 at 08:42 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#8Les Miz gunshots
Posted: 10/8/18 at 9:18pm

All the gunshot scenes are fairly obvious (they're battles, so you'll know immediately what's coming) except for the scene where Valjean lets Javert go. When you see him using a knife to untie Javert, that's your cue that it's coming pretty soon. Even the one involving a certain character's death is fairly easy to see coming, even if you haven't seen the show before.

Marway44 Profile Photo
#9Les Miz gunshots
Posted: 10/9/18 at 6:51am

While the Valjean/Javert scene is the loudest shot of the show, there is another one you should be aware of.  During the first battle, (right after Valjean joins the barricades) pay attention to the upper left part of the set.  A sniper appears there and takes a shot.  While the music is loud during that part, it can still startle people especially if they don't see him.  The lady to my left jumped at that point and the one mentioned above.

On a side note, after seeing this tour a year ago and catching up with it again last week, it's still in remarkable shape.  The original cast members are still giving it their all and I am pleased to say no one is phoning it in.
