Here's an idea for you - how about raising your ticket prices $1 and getting rid of your concession stand and those damn Twizzlers, M&M's, Skittles and any other candies which have a krinkly wrapper and takes forever to eat? While you are at it, also get rid of those thin plastic water bottles that crunch when held.
While you are at it, get rid of rush too. Those little standing urchins will steal anything you leave at your seat during intermission.
Who pissed in your cornflakes today?
I've never had anything stolen while at a theater. Ever.
Your fashion sense must be unfortunate, then.
The SRO line in the back of the theather often resembles an Oliver tryout.
Could be time to pop some popcorn.
Personally, I'd like to flog whoever had the brilliant idea to serve drinks in those plastic cups and fill them with a pound of ice that people just love to shake during the entire show.
I seldom disrobe at the theater. (And of what show are you dissin' the SRO crowd? And I'm guessing we won't be too suprised.)
The little boy next to me at SPIDERMAN last week got his cup taken away when he didnt stop shaking his ice. He didn't believe I would do it, either.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/13/09
I am with you on that one Bettyboy, that is even more annoying then those wrappers, especially when the dope keeps shaking the cup and tries to suck the life out of it.
Jordan -- I believe I would enjoy going to the theater with you.
In the kids defense, Jordan, the kid probably found more entertainment factor in the shaking ice than in Spiderman.
You would. At 9 to 5, a woman in front of me pulled her cell phone out and I told her to put it away. She did but pulled it put again a few minutes later so I reached in front of her and covered it up and told her "NO!", like I do to my dog. I didn't see that phone again.
The kid and his mother fell asleep during Act Two. No joke.
Can't defend the cell phone, but the falling asleep in Act II of 9 to 5 is completely understandable.
Yes, I would have enjoyed that, too. Maybe I'll buy you a ticket just to enjoy the company of you.
I want to go to the theatre with taz, jordan and dramamama and just raise hell with rude people. Like we all just go in an keep upping the ante on them until they never want to return to a theatre.
THAT sounds devine! What show shall we descend upon?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/20/06
I try to be mean but older people don't listen to 19 year olds. I raised hell when some woman insisted on texting next to me at Hairspray for most of Act 2. But then she told the ushers I was being annoying and they told me not to talk to the woman even though she had been the one texting the entire time.
Or we just form a theatre etiquette vigilant group and follow people out of the theatre and be like, "we understand you were texting during 'Send in the Clowns. Lets just put it this way-if you text during a show again, you will see us again. Trust me, you don't want to see us again."
THAT could be fun. I have no fear of strangers. (Well, no fear of strangers in a theater, anyway.) I've been known to call kids out at the mall, at a town's outside xmas stroll -- I don't care much. Don't get in the way of my experience.
Will look for you to be in the news: