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Miami Herald on the RENT Movie

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#0Miami Herald on the RENT Movie
Posted: 6/4/04 at 1:08pm

Amazing that journalists no longer feel obligated to back up their information with quotations...>

"Meanwhile, contrary to rumors, Timberlake will not be part of the upcoming movie Rent, which was first to be directed by Spike Lee and now is helmed by Chris Columbus.

He has, however, just completed his first motion picture feature, Edison, costarring Kevin Spacey, Morgan Freeman and LL Cool J."

The author doesn't quote any sources, but there's a chance that this could be a step towards relief.

#1re: Miami Herald on the RENT Movie
Posted: 6/4/04 at 1:20pm

Oh, please. Listen- when it comes to movies that aren't in production yet, believe nothing. Don't believe quotes from "someone in the studio," don't even believe quotes from prospective directors. And especially don't believe aintitcool. :) Sites like comingsoon try to be as accurate as possible, but in the end all they have is rumors as well.

I also find it rather sad that an actual newspaper would run a story that's little more than rumor like that. But I guess expecting the fine folks at the Miami Herald to actually, you know, investigate is a bit too much to ask for.

#2re: Miami Herald on the RENT Movie
Posted: 6/4/04 at 2:57pm

Can we protest Columbus????

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#3re: Miami Herald on the RENT Movie
Posted: 6/4/04 at 5:44pm

I still want to see John Reznick of the Goo Goo dolls play Roger-- maybe it could still happen!

But I'm not believing anything until the movie comes out.

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

Layla Profile Photo
#4re: Miami Herald on the RENT Movie
Posted: 6/4/04 at 7:44pm

There are so many RENT movie rumors... how can we tell what's true and what's not. IMO, there shouldn't even BE a RENT movie, but whatever. Hollywood will do what they want.

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#5re: Miami Herald on the RENT Movie
Posted: 6/4/04 at 8:44pm

I know it's been expressed countless times before, but I'd like to add my voice to the legions who think Columbus is an awful director. Has anyone ever made so many mediocre movies? No. No one has.

I don't think it's the right time to make a movie of Rent. It should have been made a few years ago, or sometime in the far future, but right now, Rent is in that strange midpoint of no longer being fresh, but not yet a classic either. I love Rent, but it does feel somewhat dated now, with its end-of-the-Millenium reflection and heart-on-its-sleeve rage (times are much more cynical now).

Having said that, though, if I was producing a Rent movie I'd consider Darren Aronofsky as director. He directed 'Requiem For A Dream' and 'Pi', and has a really edgy, intense style with lots of snappy editing that I think would work for Rent.

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."

#6re: Miami Herald on the RENT Movie
Posted: 6/4/04 at 9:27pm

I assure you that many directors have made just as many mediocre movies as Chris Columbus, and some have made many terrible movies and yet mysteriously continue to find work. Columbus isn't an awful director; he's a competent one, if rather literal-minded and boring. He isn't a disastrous choice for a Rent movie. Just a disappointing one.

Darren Aronofsky is signed to direct at least 2 movies that I know of already- The Fountain, which is set to start filming pretty much as soon as they can get Hugh Jackman, Cate Blanchett, and Ellen Burstyn together, and Lone Wolf and Cub. Not that anything is definite, of course. :)

GovernorSlaton Profile Photo
#7re: Miami Herald on the RENT Movie
Posted: 6/4/04 at 10:50pm

BlueWizard, I totally agree. I am a huge RENT fan, and they are probably going to only get one shot to make the movie the right way. They should make it in the future, maybe when the revival is on Broadway (and their hopefully will be, but not for a while) It worked VERY well for Chicago, and now it has gained a new energy. They might also want to get a director who has a more creative mind, because for RENT to work as a movie, the direction must be excellent. I'm not bashing Columbus, I'm just saying there might be other people who could do a better job with it (just look at Harry Potter 3).

Slaton, OUT! re: Miami Herald on the RENT Movie

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#8re: Miami Herald on the RENT Movie
Posted: 6/4/04 at 11:15pm

To reiterate, when Spike Lee was supposed to helm this movie, he had *his* first picks and I've included those names in other threads, however, what I did not include was this, One of the reasons that Lee was ultimately passed on was because Harvey Weinstein was forcing the casting of Timberlake and Lee was having none of it. He was seen, more than once but only at the insistence of the powers that were, at the time. We should at least give Kudos to Lee for having a modicum of taste and integrity.

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#9re: Miami Herald on the RENT Movie
Posted: 6/5/04 at 2:00am

More legitimate article from the San Francisco Chronicle:

(on Chris Columbus and Harry Potter) But he won't be around for future installments. "I'm ready to move on," said Columbus, who can be found most days at his North Beach office (except for the hour he takes off for a run through Crissy Field "to clear my head'').

"Even though I work for Hollywood, I still want to maintain a sense of integrity. I don't want to just have my name on the fourth film if I'm not creatively involved. I can't be the kind of producer who just comes in, says hello and eats some free coffee cake.''

Harry's loss is San Francisco's gain. Columbus has put his prodigious energy into developing compelling arguments for film crews to work in his adopted city, where hardly any movies are shot anymore. "I think it's time to get into giving filmmakers incentives for coming here -- tax breaks on hotels, being able to use the facility at Treasure Island for a price that's not prohibitive. The single most important thing is to get access to stage space. I've had a couple of conversations with the mayor, and Gavin (Newsom) is very anxious about getting film production up and running.''

The director hopes to set an example by shooting the interiors of his next movie, "Rent," around here. The Broadway musical about disaffected young people was "one of the most moving experiences I've ever had in the theater," said Columbus, who was galvanized to fight for the screen rights after hearing that "Rent" was on the verge being sold to television.

"I couldn't see it homogenized and watered down for TV, particularly in this post-Janet Jackson age. It's such a timely piece about everything we are going through in San Francisco -- tolerance and acceptance of all people. But a lot of studio executives were scared by the dark subject matter dealing with junkies and drag queens and same-sex unions. Studios don't find that stuff commercial. But I think it is a commercial project with an important message.''

Columbus finally persuaded Warner Bros. and Miramax to back him and is working full tilt on the script. As for casting, "I've considered pop stars, but I'm more interested in finding either completely new people or actors you wouldn't expect to be able to sing."

You can read the rest of it at the following link:>

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#10re: Miami Herald on the RENT Movie
Posted: 6/5/04 at 4:21am

That all remains to be seen.
