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Michael McKean gets political!- Page 2

Michael McKean gets political!

umgeoboy Profile Photo
#25re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/9/04 at 7:45pm

Lou becareful what you say, I have said similar things on other threads and received hate email on here!

But I tend to agree with you, where do you draw the line between your job and showing support for the Bush administration.

"Judy Garland, Jimmy Dean, You tragedy Queen" ~ Taboo

"Watching a frat boy realize just what he put his d!ck in...ex's getting std's...schadenfruede" ~ Ave Q

"when dangers near, exploit their fear" ~ Reefer Madness the Musical

Princess MimiChica Profile Photo
Princess MimiChica
#26re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/9/04 at 7:50pm

oh come ON, don't you think brining Hitler up is taking this a BIT too far?! give me a break....

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#27re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/9/04 at 7:58pm

Lou, please keep talking about this. I'm not there ... yet ... but perhaps I can be convinced. I so admire your passion and investment, and I think this era is a critical one on so many fronts. I cannot dismiss anyone who cares as much as you. Please, continue to make your case. I'll listen.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling
Updated On: 9/9/04 at 07:58 PM

#28re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/9/04 at 8:15pm

I made my point and you can decide what you feel is the right thing to do. If any person cannot understand my historical references to Hitler or McCarthy in the 1950s, he/she needs to read more history. Bush and Co. do not understand the right to differ. Back to theatre issues for me-point made. Updated On: 9/9/04 at 08:15 PM

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#29re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/9/04 at 9:58pm

I ask you: If David Duke had attended Caroline, or Change, would you have blamed Tonya Pinkins and company for any choice they might have made?

I'm sorry, but we actors are not your puppets and minstrel shows. We are allowed to behave however we choose once that curtain comes down.

If it had been Harvey, and he had felt like telling H Dubya a thing or two--good for him. I think Michael and company behaved more than admirably--and I wouldn't have blamed them for not doing the visit after--they don't owe anyone that.

These are amazing times, and we do have the right to stand up to bigotry.

#30re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/9/04 at 10:26pm

You bring up Hitler in comparison with anything other than someone attempting racial cleansing, and you automatically lose the argument. Period. The comparison cheapens what that bastard did.

Everyone has to find their own line between protest and cooperation, between accepting different opinions and standing up for your own. There are much better ways to protest Bush than to refuse to perform for his parents. Try doing something that will actually affect the election- participate in voting drives, donate money to the Kerry campaign, whatever. Small eye-catching acts of protests are nice, but I'm not sure how many votes they actually sway. And votes are all that really matter in the end.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#31re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/9/04 at 10:32pm

Um--perhaps, it was actually protestation against H Dubya himself? I mean--there are more people to be angry at than just Dubya.

ckeaton Profile Photo
#32re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 11:18am

And everynight there is bound to be a couple of Republicans in the theatre
More than a couple, doll. Theatre, especially regionally... is generally supported by wealthy GOP'ers in the majority... look at the donor lists.

I have trouble with this, because H.W. is the father, but not the man. I don't believe that H.W. deserves to be branded as a "Hitler" type, which is offensive on many levels. His presidency was a much different animal. People are so angry and impassioned that they are becoming blind. And that is dangerous.

Hamlet's father.

#33re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 11:22am

The cast got up on tha stage and sang and danced their cute little asses off. Once they step off of that stage, their job is done and they have fulfilled their duty and purpose. End of story. End of line. If the moron shrub was in teh house, I would give my best perfromance for the patrons, but once I am done with teh show, that's it. I would not meet him, greet him, anything. I performed. After that, my job is finished and as a citizen, I would refuse to me someone who supports discimination and considers e as less than afull person.

#34re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 11:37am

The question of what to do in any given circumstance has to do always with perception: how will people perceive my actions.

I think two messages need to be, we don't approve of your politics, but two, we accept you as people -- even when you don't accept us. I don't think not talking with republican administration is like Hitler...yes, they are bad people with ignorant ideals, everyone...they are not sub-human...let's be good people, and turn the other cheek here. I think Michael sent both the above messages when he performed, talked with them after, but refused to take a picture with them. I think that was not only smart, but wise.

I cannot say strongly enough that refusing to entertain people is awful -- especially when your entertainment is subversive! Do your'll stick around in their minds. It may even be a seed planted for change. I understand they may view us as subhuman, but doing the same to them does not doesn't force them to see the humanity of the people they judge so harshly, and it does not open their eyes to the possibility that they have been misled.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

ckeaton Profile Photo
#35re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 11:48am

"They" don't view "you" as sub-human.
The people that would say that are the fraction of 1% that are the same morons that say they were anally probed by aliens.

Hamlet's father.

#36re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 11:52am

If they (meaning anti-gay marriage folks) didn't view me as sub-human, they wouldn't enact policies that seek not only to keep me from having the rights marriage is afforded, but also would not try and tell me that my "lifestyle" is an abomination to God. That seems pretty sub-human to be simultaneously hated by God and denied your rights as a human being.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

#37re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 11:55am


#38re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 12:03pm

Does Bush Sr. even hold the same views on gays as his son?

#39re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 12:07pm

Yes. Like father, like son. I have read in a few places about daddy bush and the gays.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

#40re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 12:11pm

ain't THAT the truth.

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#41re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 12:14pm

Oh please...

#42re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 12:28pm

Well, nice to have that clarified. re: Michael McKean gets political! Still, I like father a whole lot better than son in this case. And he isn't one of the people going out there and making speeches about how gays are living a selfish, hedonistic lifestyle (Alan Keyes) or compare their getting married to marrying animals (Rick Santorum). Small reassurance, I know. But returning hate with hate never works.

#43re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 12:29pm

Alan Keyes makes me happy. He is so crazy, I can hardly stand the pain from giggling at him.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

thebigkrakowski Profile Photo
#44re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 1:40pm

What I love about Michael McKean is that he did what he felt was right (performed as usual, greeted the former first couple, refused photos), and he ALSO wrote and explained why he chose to do that.

Classy guy.

#45re: Michael McKean gets political!
Posted: 9/10/04 at 3:07pm

exactly Krakow.
