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More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?- Page 4

More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?

greensgreens Profile Photo
#75More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 10:25am

Personally, I so wish Cher had a chance to do this in Toronto as planned and they had filmed that. I would say they could still do it (isn't her face only about 50 years old?) - she looked pretty darn young in Burlesque. But, the suspension of disbelief might be too much for some audiences.

#76More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 10:29am

She looked young, but in no way did she look real.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#77More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 10:33am

I guess I see the difference Jane, in that what you are describing is a sort of 'pity' for Norma being completely delusional because of her age, as opposed to what I feel, is that the audience should be sympathetic to Norma because her desires are just out of reach.

I personally think the story resonates a lot more powerfully if the audience feels there is 'some' possible hope that Norma's fantasies about her career and her relationship with Joe could somehow actually happen. Otherwise, you just feel like Norma is crazy from the get-go and there really isn't anywhere to go emotionally from there, except towards sadness or disgust of her being pathetic --I think that is the main trap with the character.

Broadwayhunk Profile Photo
#78More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 11:16am

This is one of those parts for what used to be called "a woman of a certain age". She has been sheltered for years in a protective womb, not punctured by the outside world, until one day that world intrudes on her manufactured reality much like Blanche DuBois in Streetcar. This combination of vulnerability and madness is what makes these roles so hard to cast, not the actual age of the actress. My problem with Close in the role, is that her strong handsome features don't really mesh with the role of a once-great beauty.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#79More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 12:07pm

Michael, I'm basing my opinion on the film, which was my first experience with this story. I really thought Swanson looked very old, and felt that kind of pity for her.

I'm curious, how old do you think she looked in the film?


Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#80More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 12:18pm

To be honest, I think Swanson looks her age which (was 50) -- I know people like to say that women in their 50s looked older back then, but honestly I think that had more to do with the hairstyles and makeup and clothing -- and I think if you take a woman like Michelle Pfeiffer or Sharon Stone who are of the same age ages now and dress her in the same things - they would look comparable today to Swanson age wise then.

William Holden also looks at least his age (35), and one thing that doesn't really seem that far fetched in the film is the possible romance between Joe and Norma.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#81More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 12:22pm

I agree about the romance, MB. The grotesque aspect about the romance did not have to do with the age difference, but with her behavior and (recent) actions. THAT was what made the New Year's Eve scene so creepy. If anything, Betty looked WAY too young for Joe.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jane2 Profile Photo
#82More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 12:26pm

Michael, as an aside-regarding Michelle Pfeiffer and Sharon Stone- no one nowadays looks their age. It's hard to compare these women to those back then since almost every woman in show biz has at least one facelift before they're 50. (and other things are lifted too, lol).

As for the romance, the discrepancy for me WAS the age difference.

Anyway, these are only our opinions, and it's good to have a civil discussion. thanks!


Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#83More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 12:32pm

Now Jane I think that is a good point - its so hard to find a woman in Hollywood today who is 50 that hasn't had work done (Ms. Close it should be noted has had a LOT of work done). To what end anyone actually believes that makes these woman look any younger, I'm not really sure, but I digress.

Someone like Annette Bening (who hasn't had work done)and who is in early 50s probably looks closet to what that age looked like in 1950. I'd say Swanson looks about comparable age wise.

greensgreens Profile Photo
#84More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 1:42pm

Ha! I was just going to ask people's thoughts about Annette Bening. Obviously, she could act the hell out of it. How's her singing voice?

Here's another spin I am curious to hear responses to:

What if you could cast any actress, living or dead, at any point in history (e.g., Sarah Bernhardt in her late 40s) who would you cast? Who would be her Joe?

My choice is Chita Rivera in her early/mid-50s. I would love to see her tackle this great acting and singing challenge.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#85More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 1:54pm

I would be surprised if Bening has the kind of singing voice to really pull off Norma; there actually was a totally fascinating list that was published in Theatreweek Magazine around the time the musical premiered in London listing all the women the casting office had notated as possible/future Norma Desmonds. I wish someone could find that and post it.

I think Chita would have been sensational as would have Angela Lansbury.

madbrian Profile Photo
#86More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?
Posted: 12/12/11 at 2:10pm

More SUNSET Film Rumors - Glenn Close To Play Norma Now?

If I had a time machine, I would love to see an age-appropriate Tyne Daly as Norma.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson
