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My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th

My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th

#0My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 8:55pm

This is not a review: My opinion of the actors and their performance.

It was on July 24th...I got free seats sort of. The house manager let us sit in the aisle in the mezz.

There were 3 understudies in: Saycon for Elphaba, Jerad for Fiyero and Stacie for Nessa.

Maybe it was just the understudies, but it seems like the show has really gotten a lot worse. It's not in good shape.

First off-the worst: Rue as Madame Morrible: She takes the cake for the worst voice I've ever heard on stage. This includes middle school productions of shows. Even when she was just talking, her voice sounded terrible. I try to be as open-minded as I can with shows-and seeing how much I love Wicked...she has to be pretty awful for me to give a bad review. I was laughing my arse off at Megan's impression of Rue in the line "My personal opinion is you do not have what it takes..."

Jerad as Fiyero-He had an OK voice. Better than Joey McIntyre...but I would have preferred David to him. Jerad made Fiyero come off as being kind of gay. It was hard to believe he was in a relationship with Glinda. Other than that, he was alright. He just wasn't convincing in the role. (Please note: the last thing I am is against gays. haha)

Stacie as Nessarose-I caught Stacie in March as Glinda. I thought she did very well in her first performance. She was great in this performance as well. She wasn't as strong as Michelle, but she hasn't had as much experience in the role, so it's understandable. She was still amazing. I'd love to see her as the next Glinda or Nessa. My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th

Saycon as Elphaba-She seemed kind of reserved...not as a character-as an actress. Not what you want. Her voice was weak when she wasn't belting. When she did belt though, she was amazing. I've heard some terrible things about her, and some of them are true, but she still did well.

Megan as Glinda: It was a tough crowd...NO entrance applause for her. Even though she hasn't had any other Broadway credits, I think the leads should always get entrance applause anyway. As I said, I never got to see JLT in the part live... I saw Stacie in the part. Everyone has been right when they said that Megan is a very "bubbly" Glinda. She does well with the part. Her 'Popular' was hilarious, as it always is. It's hard to go wrong with that song. I wish she was just a little bit snobbier...other than that, I loved her in the part. If this is her Broadway debut, she'll be on to bigger and better things. My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th...hopefully.

Ben as The Wizard-his voice wasn't as good as Joel Grey's, but he definitely brought life to the role of the Wizard. Not a whole lot more to say...he did well. My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th

Jeffrey as Boq-He has improved so much since March. I could not STAND him in the role when I saw it last. He just bothered me. The things he tried to do to seperate Glinda and Fiyero weren't funny. Everything else he did was just annoying, but he has improved a lot. I actually enjoyed his performance.

This was William Youman's final performance in Wicked (for a while, atleast). He has such a small part, but he still did well with it. I hope he goes on to bigger and better things.

I think that's all. The show isn't as strong as the OBC (obviously). I hope they get some new leads in. Especially for Rue. Anyone know how long her contract is for? Carole just made that part. I wish she'd come back.

How do you feel about the current cast?

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

Calvin Profile Photo
#1re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 8:59pm

No matter how gay Jerad may have seemed, there's no way he could have topped Randy Harrison when he was playing Boq. re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th

Denny30 Profile Photo
#2re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 9:00pm

"Jerad as Fiyero-He had an OK voice. Better than Joey McIntyre...but I would have preferred David to him. Jerad made Fiyero come off as being kind of gay."

So Joey McIntyre didn't make Fiyero look gay? :)

"I had intended not to intrude myself upon your notice in this effective but alarming costume"

#3re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 9:01pm

I saw Wicked at the end of June.
Megan Hilty as Glinda was very bubbly I agree, she did a wonderful job for her broadway debut. I thought going into the show and not seeing the OBC members would make me hate it but I actually loved it! Best show I have ever seen on broadway and I've seen 30+ shows! Shoshanna as Elphaba was awesome. Her voice was great, acting was great,...just wonderful. I really didn't care for Michelle who played Nessarose...she just didn't amaze me, kind of blah acting and her voice in my opinion wasn't that great either. Rue was alright, nothing to really go on and on about...she was just ok. David Ayers was great as Fiyero...the rest of the cast was awesome too. I love fav...except for Aspects of Love too (though I've never seen it!)

"It's telling me to hold you tight and dance like it's the last night of the world."-Miss Saigon

Denny30 Profile Photo
#4re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 9:03pm

I had almost forgotten about Randy playing Boq. That was...interesting.

"I had intended not to intrude myself upon your notice in this effective but alarming costume"

#5re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 9:05pm

Leads should always get entrance applause? Why?? I only give entrance applause if the actor truly deserves it. Megan Hilty does not qualify for entrance applause in my book... yet.

Calvin Profile Photo
#6re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 9:05pm

That was the only time I ever saw the show. I thought Boq was supposed to be gay, at first.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#7re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 9:06pm

I only want to see the show again for RUE. I don't care what people think about her. I want to this legend live. I grew up watching her on TV, and I would just be honored to see her live.

#8re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 9:08pm

ljay, as much as I love you....

Rue is the worst thing to hit the Broadway stage since...since...


"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

ljay889 Profile Photo
#9re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 9:12pm

You know I love ya too Parks - but I also love Rue. I just want to see her live lol. And if she came out of the stage door, I would be so glad to just say HI too her.

Wicked was enough for me twice - I have no interest in seeing Shoshana, I hear Megan's comedic timing is a little off - I hear David Ayer's is a TERRIBLE Fiyero. I'd like to treasure my nice images of Idina and JLT. I don't know if I can sit through some of these amature performances now. But I do want too see Rue. lol

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#10re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 10:04pm

Shoshana is......not 100 dollars worthy, to say the least.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#11re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 10:14pm

"I would have preferred David to him. Jerad made Fiyero come off as being kind of gay."
that part made me laugh a little, davids definately a weaker link than rue

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#12re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/30/05 at 10:42pm

I think that Sho was a good Elphaba, and noone will top JLT as Glinda. BTW, what did they do for William Youman last performance?

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#13re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:08am

Believe it or not, NOTHING. He came out with a poster that said "Goodbye Wicked. I'll be back --Bill". How ironic, it was green. (heh..*cricket chirping*)

I was hoping they'd do more-he was one of the only original cast members left..

So I guess he's coming back to the show when he gets done with this Off-Broadway production he's fixing to go into..

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#14re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:26am

They should have done more for him. He was an OBC member.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

jczelyph Profile Photo
#15re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:45am

Kinda a nobody part though. The majority of the audience couldn't care less he is leaving. And the audience is who the cast are paid to entertain, not themselves. If it was Idina's last night, that would be different, since she was a huge part of the show.

"Jane, I've been dealt a blow - I've been dealt a blow, Jane."

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#16re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:51am

Yes, and he was very kind at the stage door when I saw it in May. There should have been some recognition. That leaves only Michelle as the

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#17re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/31/05 at 12:54am

I agree with what you said about Saycon, her voice was weak when she wasn't belting (which is actually MOST of the show!) and her acting was....let's just say she wasn't into it!

fantastic review btw!

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#18re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/31/05 at 1:48am

Entrance applause? For everybody?


"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Radioactiveduck Profile Photo
#19re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/31/05 at 2:08am

"No matter how gay Jerad may have seemed, there's no way he could have topped Randy Harrison when he was playing Boq."

There are very few things that can top the gayness of Randy Harrison anywhere

Updated On: 7/31/05 at 02:08 AM

#20re: My opinion of the current Wicked cast-3 understudies-July 24th
Posted: 7/31/05 at 2:14am

How did you get to sit in the asle on the mezz!?

"I've always secretly longed for an actress to get to the top of the cherry picker and projectile vomit all over the guards below."- Wonderwaiter in the "Defy Gravity?" thread. ~~~~~~~~My dream? Sutton Foster as Cassie in A Chorus Line
