"How would the stage door experience be stopped? Most stage doors on Broadway open out onto the public sidewalk. Actors who don't want to deal with the stage door can exit through a different door."
No formal setup for stage door with barricades and security person. Very few actors I believe would just randomly stop and sign something without organized setup. If it is known that this is no longer being done than I doubt as many people would be hanging out waiting for actors. Like you said. they can also use another entrance. The really famous people (exp. Better Midler) will probably have their own security to help them out of theater and into a private car without being bothered. Like I said in another post, I doubt it will ever be eliminated but just wondering what benefit does it give a show.
"On the rare occasion when I have found myself near a celebrity--in line at a bank, say, which used to be a thing--and acknowledged his or her presence, the celebrity proceeded to graciously ask questions about ME! I can't imagine anything more boring (though I appreciated the graciousness)!
They responded to you in that manner because you did not act like some fan boy/girl and treated them with respect and like a normal human being. You need to remember they are regular people also and it may not be as boring to them as you might believe -lol.
Easy to get rid of it, you'd just follow the lead of Vegas and YouTubers. Once you have a ticket, you pay extra for a ticket to a meet and greet, where you would spell out what they would get, who would appear (without guarantees), and then that extra $$$ either goes to BC/EFA or as overtime to the actors, divided up by their meet and greet attendance. You could also pre-order a cast-signed Playbill, window card, etc., in advance, and just pick it up at the merch booth.
Once it is formal, the cast would feel no obligation to stagedoor, since they just met audience members before coming out onto the sidewalk.
Swing Joined: 5/9/19
Regardless of whether or not it's possible to enforce, a lot of actors genuinely enjoy the stagedoor experience. People like Laurel Harris, Christy Altomare, etc. really like getting a chance to meet and talk to their fans and really value the experience.
"I really don't understand why the OP feels he needs to advocate for the abolishment of something others particpate in willingly. Should we bar actors from signing and returning fan mail? I'm sure an actor in his or her dressing room would rather not spend 20 or 30 minutes every few days or even more frequently responding to fan letters and requests to sign a playbill and mail back. Should we end that practice? How about at CD releases of cast albums? Should we bar cast members from performing a few numbers and then signing CDs? Should that be stopped? Are the last two examples really that different than the stage door? Where would you draw the line of where actor/fan interaction is too much?"
1. Per Jordan C post earlier in this thread, it is in certain actors contract that they have to do the stage door thing. That means it is not totally the actors choice in some cases. Granted, that is not the majority but I am willing to bet it is implied to actors that the show would really like them to do it. Those that willing to do it, that is very nice of them.
2. In regards to responding to fan mail, this can be done by an actor at any time or place they please, not after they finished performing like signing at the stage door. Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think a show really cares if actor responds to fan requests by regular mail or email. For all we know, they may discard anything they get in the trash or delete email without reading them. I know that probably does not happen just stating that if it did nobody would really know. There also is no time limit on their response to fan requests. If actor is busy and it takes a month or two to respond, no big deal. Stage door signing is immediate thing after actor has just performed. I am not an actor and only know one who has appeared on Broadway so I will let others tell me whether they would rather do the stagedooring signings or respond to individual fan requests.
3. As for singing a few songs and signing CD's at release of show cast recording CD, I will ask you because I don't know and that is do they get paid extra to do that or is it part of their contract. If it is not part of their contract agreement and they do it without compensation then I would say heck no.