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Official Norbert Leo Butz Love Thread- Page 92

Official Norbert Leo Butz Love Thread

movieinmymind Profile Photo
#2275Norbert Leo Butz Love Thread
Posted: 8/8/05 at 11:40pm

yeah, the some of the greg threadders are kinda...crazy. but, i learn to live with it, lol! (i dont know HOW i do, but, somehow, i can! haha)

anyways, i'm one of the more saner ones, i think. but, yeah, anyways, DRS was the first bdway show i'd ever seen without my school, so, let's just say that i didn't know that you could refund/exchange tickets. i also didn't know that you could also find out when the actors would be out. but, good thing is that i was still able to see it! and, anyways, my dad drove my mom and i to the city already, and i couldn't just ask him to come back and bring us all home. ah, live and let learn, right? :)

and, yes, my name IS jamie, lol. i put that there b/c nobody remembered my name, and just called me movie. which, i don't mind, but it's nice to be called by ur name, too, ya know?

My name is Jamie. NYU class of 2011!!!
Updated On: 8/8/05 at 11:40 PM

movieinmymind Profile Photo
#2281Norbert Leo Butz Love Thread
Posted: 8/9/05 at 12:50am

firstly, smartpenguin, your avatar is SO CUTE!!!

and, secondly, i think that you'd like his understudy, joe! i mean, even though i was upset that norb wasn't there, joe was still REALLY good, especially as the show was progessing. (and, he also has the belly for the ruprecht number! hahahaha!)

however, i kinda forgot what his voice sounded like, cuz the DRS soundtrack has been playing over and over and over and over (put in a million more "over's" and you've got it! haha) so, norb's voice is glued to my brain! lol. it kinda sucks, though, cuz i remember loving joe's voice, especially in "love is my legs!"

and, yeah, i figured that he'd be shy. i think that maybe john rubbed off on him, because HE'S really shy, (or, humble might be the right word) too!

anyways, i was looking at norb's old cabaret pictures, and, oh my goodness, he had a niiiiiccce body! (but i still love his present state! i always love a little belly on a guy! haha)

My name is Jamie. NYU class of 2011!!!

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#2291Norbert Leo Butz Love Thread
Posted: 8/9/05 at 11:01pm

Okay, so I just got back from seeing DRS.

OHMYNORBERT. I love that man in such ridiculous amounts it's not even funny.

Today was my birthday, so seeing DRS and Norbert was my gift to myself, but I don't think it could have gotten any better. Well, actually, it could have but I won't be selfish.

Not only did I meet him; oh no, it doesn't stop there. I got his autograph (again), talked with him briefly about a couple of things, GOT MY PICTURE WITH HIM (which you all know I was so upset wouldn't happen since he's not supposed to), aaaannnnddd...

I got a hug.


This is Caitlin dying happy right now.

PS - Hi, SP! It was nice meeting you today. Norbert Leo Butz Love Thread
PPS - Norbert's daughters went backstage about 5 minutes before he got there. Let me tell you, they may just be the cutest damn things on Earth.
Updated On: 8/9/05 at 11:01 PM

#2313Norbert pics
Posted: 8/11/05 at 2:43pm

umm i love norbert? lol
is that weird?
if it is...too bad :)
aaaaaand hes really really nice :) so there



#2315Norbert pics
Posted: 8/11/05 at 8:20pm

WOW this thread is dead!!!
wheres the norbert love??
I STILL LOVE HIM one else? thats fine. more norbert for me Norbert pics



thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#2329Norbert pics
Posted: 8/11/05 at 11:57pm

Saw Norbert walking Michelle to work today. Almost had a heartattack because it was so damn random.

Went and saw Light in the Piazza tonight, though. I might just be a little bit in love with Matt Morrison now. Guh. But yeah, that show is AMAZING. I had front row next to a set of stairs the actors used a lot. It was just... I have no words.

No wait! I do!

Screw you, Dan Fogler, for taking Matt's Tony. :P And Sara Ramirez for taking Kelli's. Hmph.

#2330Norbert pics
Posted: 8/12/05 at 12:49am

who was norbert walking to work? michelle? whos that..?



thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/12/05 at 11:17am

Okay, so completely off-topic of Norbert, but today has been CRAZY so far in regards to Broadway people.

Just within the last 2 hours I've met/run into Aaron Lohr, Andy Karl, Cary Shields, and Mayumi Ando. I also found out my friend Tony, whom I graduated high school with, was Michael Arden's u/s in BARE.

movieinmymind Profile Photo
Posted: 8/12/05 at 7:27pm

ali doesn't know who michelle is? *BIG HUMONGO GASP FROM THE WORLD*


when i get married, i want to hold a bouquet of nessaroses!

My name is Jamie. NYU class of 2011!!!

Posted: 8/12/05 at 11:28pm

haha theres a reason i don't know who michelle is..
see, i want norb to myself lol. i don't wanna know when he has a g/f. Federer i'd rather just assume hes single



movieinmymind Profile Photo
Posted: 8/12/05 at 11:38pm

lol. but he and michelle are very cute together. and they're both from wicked!

it's cute. kinda like when taye and idina met and fell in love during RENT!


there they are ^ :)

My name is Jamie. NYU class of 2011!!!

Posted: 8/12/05 at 11:55pm

awww but someone photoshop my head into there!!! i have a pic of me under my fan photos.
PLEASE?! lol someone make an awesome and norb!!! lol i'd love you forever!!



Posted: 8/14/05 at 3:00pm

YEAH omg i totally know what you mean..
i've seen the show twice, and i can't WAIT to see it again.
i listen to it all the time and it just kinda depresses me cuz i wanna see it again and be around those people so bad.



thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:53am

Your best bet would be to probably rent the disc the episode is on from Netflix. They don't re-air episodes all that often. So it'll probably be another few months at least until Norbert's ep is on again..

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:53pm

I got standing seats for Bee last Wednesday and I loved it. I thought it was adorable and I laughed a lot. My favorites were Jesse (Leaf) and the girl who plays Logan.. I can't remember her name.

Posted: 8/15/05 at 1:19pm

ok so how long is the DRS lotto going on? for front row? cuz i looked online and i can buy front row center for october. so how can they give them away for the lotto?



thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/16/05 at 1:26am

Didn't care for Dan Folger at all. Matt was ROBBED!

I saw Spelling Bee last Wednesday and Piazza on Thursday and have to 100% agree with you. Dan was good, but I don't understand the buzz around the character. Whereas Matt had me hooked from the second he stepped out on stage. I could NOT look away from him or Kelly the entire show.. God. They have amazing chemistry.

does anybody remember what happend when norbert was out?

People still went and saw it as far as I'm aware. People don't realize the show is more Norbert's than it is John's, but John is the name. :-/

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/17/05 at 12:37pm

Don't get me wrong, Dan was good, but I saw Light in the Piazza the next day and handsdown - my opinion is that Matt was completely robbed of the Tony. As was Kelli, though I have yet to see Spamalot.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/17/05 at 1:44pm

Piazza is FANTASTIC. It's honestly one of the best shows I've ever seen. Of course, if you're not a romantic, it probably won't appeal to you.. but still. Matt & Kelli have some of the best on-stage chemistry I've seen between anyone.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/17/05 at 5:29pm

But just think, unless they change Norbert's staging, a few of those lucky lotto winners will be even luckier in the fact that Norbert will be chillin' up in their box for a minute or two with them.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/17/05 at 9:00pm

I'm sorry, but that pic of you and Matt needs to go in the fanphotos hall of fame.

LMAO Why? *Amused*

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/17/05 at 10:46pm

Oh, I wasn't referring to the apology, I was referring to the fact that you said it needed to go into the Hall of Fame. Lottery

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/18/05 at 1:38am

I love my picture with Matt. Totally makes me squee. But I'm surprised! No one's said anything about my picture with NORBERT. :P Lmao.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/19/05 at 12:52am

Honestly, I doubt she is. If she is, she'd probably start showing by the time she leaves Wicked in January and that just wouldn't really work out.. But if they ever do have kids, good for them. You can see how Norbert gets when he talks about his daughters. They're the loves of his life.

There's my word on the topic and it won't go beyond that.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
Posted: 8/20/05 at 2:43am

Thanks, Hedwig. Lottery

Good luck with that, SP. Hope you win and get the box Norbert climbs through. Hehe.
